Doogie: Blowout at Purdue puts Gophers among top laughingstocks

I'm not really happy about the results of the last few games either, but honestly how many of the games this year would we have won if denard robinson was our QB? 4? 5? Hokes impeccible coaching job looks a lot better when he has possibly the most dynamic offensive player in the country on his team.

So here's a theoretical question. What if Brady Hoke had accepted the Minnesota job, and Michigan would have hired Kill? What would the score have been against Michigan? I'd say pretty close to 58-0...

If you want to compare Michigan and Minnesota, Michigan won 7 games last year, Minnesota just 3. So which was the bigger rebuild?

imthewalrus: when can I move past being a "media wannabe" in your mind? When I reach 20 years in the business? 25? When I work for a 10th outlet?

Emann's got solid credentials too.

I get, and even welcome, you going at me on my analysis. I love the back-and-forth with passionate fans. Glad there are still enough. But just leave it at dissecting what I write or what I say on 1500/Ch. 5, not who I am, or apparently aspire to be.

see, this is what you and a lot of other "journalists" who are like you (i.e. souhan, reusse, chad hartman, powers, barreiro) don't get. feeling an incessant, almost constant need to always throw in a cheap shot, a jab, a lame joke, a put-down, a shot, a smart-ass comment, a dig, etc. (no matter how big or small) with just about anything you say or write. what a lot "journalists" of your mentality don't seem to get, and never will, is that most folks who are even willing to take the time to read, let alone pay for, media opinion anymore don't really care for that style of journalism. most with any intelligence find it to be cheap, easy to do, lame, underhanded and realize that it comes with no consequences because all that many of the media whores will ever do is hide behind their pen or blog or column. while you take your stupid cheap shots and make your cheap jokes and lame puns. not a single one of you has ever attempted to do what so many of you constantly try to put down or take cheap shots at. and none of you are willing to say it to anyone face-to-face for fear that you know you would be absolutely pummeled.

imo, it is a pathetically lame profession (and reflection of that reporter) for those who attack with this style of reporting. and who often don't have any personal experience to back up their vile. what is that old saying? "those who can, do. those who can't, write/talk about it".

writers with the style that you, chad hartman, souhan, reusse, powers and barreiro often exhibit remind me of "the bloder brothers" characters that jimmy fallon and chris parnell played on saturday night live.

"The Bloder Brothers are recurring characters from the American late night sketch comedy television series Saturday Night Live played by Jimmy Fallon and Chris Parnell. The two brothers, Kip (Fallon) and Wayne (Parnell), make obnoxious jokes, no matter what situation, and laughing incessantly at themselves. Their laughter is characteristically low-key and sounds extremely forced. They usually go back and forth, taking turns making jokes, which are generally little more than puns or comic references based on whatever situation they are in, much to the chagrin of whoever happens to be listening to them. They often try to pick up women, but they appear to be uncomfortable and their constant joking usually gets in the way. The more uneasy they appear to be, the more they joke and laugh. When thoroughly defeated, they occasionally go back and forth between crying and laughing (apparently at nothing)."

just listen to a segment with souhan and reusse. or souhan and hartman. or doogie and souhan. or barreiro and just about anyone. the way they talk, what they say, how they say it, how they laugh at all their own jokes even when they are not funny. how they can't get through more than two sentences without taking a cheap-shot at someone or making a lame pun. they all quite literally come off like the the pathetic "bloder brothers" duo of SNL fame.

yeah, "the bloder brothers". that about sums it up.

imthewalrus: you should've told me who you were. Now this makes sense.

imthewalrus: you should've told me who you were. Now this makes sense.

Yeah, Wren's running roughshod on this board. I was a a little perpelexed why you were debating with him until I realized that you didn't know/forgot who you were dealing with. In your defense, his rant wasn't filled with Prexy B's, MACturis, Big 10 wins or any of his usual indicators.

I look at Wren like I look at Common Man. I kind of tune out to having real sports talk and just read his posts for sheer entertainment value. I don't know or care if he's serious, but he's funny.

This might sound simplistic, but even just the fact that they have Denard Robinson. Lets just avoid the debate about how much more talent they have on their entire roster and look at simply Denard Robinson.

If the Gophers have Denard Robinson....they beat NMSU, Miami, and NDSU right? We can all agree that? They might have even pulled out the game in USC.

So lets say that a simple switch of 1 player Robinson for Gray....we'd be 3-3 today, at worst right? Michigan would probably have lost to NWestern, they would have lost to Notre they'd be 4-2.

Just having Denard Robinson in your first year makes Michigan an easier job.

Well, excuse me, doogieman. You too emann. I am so sorry I referred to you as media wanna be's. How would you like me to refer to you? I thought I read in a piece you wrote emann that you were hoping to enter the writing game after an absence.

It is kind of an ironic twist of fate that you make so many comments about who Coach Kill is and apparently aspires to be. I just assumed that since you were very comfortable making comments about who/how a coach is and what he may be trying to accomplish within the privacy of his own football program... and describing his efforts using such negative phrases that you would NEVER resent an honest and honorably descriptive term and badge of ambition:" wanna be..." used in reference to you and your work. I guess that I don't quite understand why you should do that to other people's efforts and work when you don't like it used to describe your work? A fair and honest point to ponder, I would think.

" unto others as you would have others do unto you..."

Please feel free to refer to me as a "poster wannabe..." or any other way you would wish doogieman (you too emann!) I'd wish you good luck with your career, but you don't want me to mention anything about what you may apparently aspire to be, doogieman. Good luck to you too emann!

; 0 )

imthewalrus, it's all good. When and why did you change your moniker?

All the best to you and yours.

I've had the good fortune...or the bad karma to have been blessed with a number of names as the years and now decades have passed doogieman. I've been wren, renegade rambler, wrenagain, casual observer, and now, imthewalrus. I don't choose when I change my moniker. That is totally out of my hands. There have been a few moderators of this board and the boards that preceeded this board who succumbed to some pressure from some folks with severely challenged senses of humor and a few group efforts to "vote me off the island..." Sometimes you win...sometimes you lose...but one must be resourceful and have the ability to bounce back from minor setbacks... ; 0 )

So, perfectly good monikers have been lost forever. You can't seem to recycle monikers once you have been banned, but, as the old song goes: "...and the banned played on..." But, doogieman, not everyone on this board agrees with everyone else about anything. Just as some may despise me, some may tolerate me and some may even find what I write to have some merit. So, when the time is right, like the phoenix, complete with a new moniker, I return to provide contrast and what ever may be needed around here to liven things up a bit.

I suppose that I just have too much fun sometimes. And, if something needs to be said: I will say it. That doesn't always win friends and influence people. And at times, a company line needs to be challenged. Or, if there is too much piling on, sometimes a coach may need someone to provide "the other side" of the issue.

I know that I catch a lot of guff for my stand on prexy b and badger joel macturi. And, from day one, I was totally turned off by brewball. Before that, I strongly defended Coach Mason and yes, even Coach Monson. I was very much against the trash that was talked about Weber.

I suppose I have felt the strongest about what prexy b and bjm have done to the Gopher Football Program. I don't know if we will EVER recover from the past 5 years. I really don't know IF it is possible. This Football Program has been destroyed. TCF BANK STADIUM's arrival on the scene has been totally wasted. This is so sad.

I do know that Coach Kill has the odds stacked against him. Whether Coach Kill knows it, or not, I believe he is the LAST chance of regaining any kind of relevence for the Gopher Foootball Program in the next 10 years, at least. IF he fails and is driven out of here in 4 years, it would mean starting all over again...only even further back from where we are today. If he was replaced in the year 2015 and we had to start all over again, there is no way this program would regain competetivness until 2020. And, what if the "fire your way to success..." mentality continued after that?

So, doogieman: I am standing firmly and strongly in Coach Kill's corner. I believe he is a good person, a good man, a good coach who has surrounded himself with like individuals as his coordinators and assistant coaches. He IS a "ball coach..." and he will run an honest and clean program. He will recruit student athletes. He will provide an environment that will foster his student athletes' educations. He will be tough. He will be demanding. He will run a disciplined program. He will give the University of Minnesota all that he has. He will be true to what he knows and has been successful with.

He is NOT a magician. He achieves results by working hard, being honest and sticking to his plan.

So, this is possibly my last stand at deciding to stand up and be counted for a coach who is taking over a program that is in a world of hurt. I'm almost 65 years old. This is going to be a BIG job for coach Kill and his staff, his players, other boosters and supporters and me. But, just as I sense Coach Kill is dedicated to making this work at the University of Minnesota, I am dedicated to finding ways to support the coach and this program. I REALLY want to see this work.

I never thought I would live to see the Gophers return to the campus. It is a real joy to get to the Stadium on Game Day Saturday. Maybe the older you get...the MORE you appreciate what a wonderful thing it IS to have Gopher Football back on the campus. Win...or...lose.

The deal is: we NEED to get this program back to the competetive level...and then, anything MAY be possible. Coach Kill is carrying the whole load for this old Gopher Fan. So, he has my full support. A return to Big Ten Respectability! That is my goal. I want to start going to Big Ten Road games again having a feeling that: " might be the day we can come home with a road win!" I want to see the Gophers play some teams like Arkansas, Oregon, Alabama, Virginia, North Carolina State or some other place in late December or maybe even January some day. Those were some very fun times.

So, doogieman I wish all the best to you and yours as well. I guess the two monikers I associate the most with are wren or renegade rambler. But, since I can't recycle the monikers, imthewalrus will do. But, people around here even still refer to me as wren and that moniker hasn't been available for a long time.

I have a lot of fun with all this stuff...but I have needed to "pound the message about throwing badger joel macturi under the bus, just to remind people that the last 5 years that have driven this program into the sad shape it is today has a villian. prexy b and his fall guy bjm. When bjm is driven from the stadium for the last time, the healing can begin.

And, I'm going to have to back and support Coach Kill. So, I will need to contrast anyone and everyone who would not be fair to Coach Kill, his staff and his players. So, you do your job and I'll do what I do and we can let the chips fall where they may.

This is going to be one big, at times tough program BUILDING job that Coach Kill and his staff have taken on. I'm going to back them any...and every way that I can. Just call this one "wren's last stand...", even though the moniker of the moment is "imthewalrus..."

; 0 )

Actually, I've been mising some of the old-timers - Wren, Kelly Leeks, Art V., etc. I'd even welcome back Loon. The more voices and points of view, the better. And you don't have to read anything you don't want to, after all.

Were Loon and Wren banned from Gopherhole? I think I started posting after their glory days and don't know the whole story. I don't think they were well liked around here, correct? Not sure why because Walrus sees the main problem with the program clearly.

Screw you Doogie.

And screw Reusse too. You guys just perpetuate the problem. Ripping this team serves no purpose except for you to sell more face time. The more you stupid sports pundits pound the negativity the more self-fulfilling it becomes. I dare say that you guys are a BIG part of the problem. Gopher Holers, take a pledge...don't read Doogie or Reusse any more. Just turn away. Do every thing you can to put these useless idiots out of business. You can predict what they are going to have to say so don't waste your time reading it. These guys are poison and they make their livings by making sure the likes of the Gophers have no success.

Go Coach K and Go Gophers! We will succeed despite anything fat ass and butt head have to say.

Were Loon and Wren banned from Gopherhole? I think I started posting after their glory days and don't know the whole story. I don't think they were well liked around here, correct? Not sure why because Walrus sees the main problem with the program clearly.

It's a long story (maybe Wren could elucidate), but both were "controversial." Again, you didn't have to read all or anything they contributed, but without doubt, they both were dedicated Gopher fans and often had interesting things to say - but they hit nerves, too, which upset some.

After the haskin's scandal hit: all hell broke loose within the athletic department. Mac Boston was the overall head of the Athletic Dept. There was a women's ad and a men's ad. Mark Dienhart had brought Mason to Minnesota. Suddenly, Tonya Moten-Brown was in charge of the athletic department while prexy y assessed all the damage that had been done. Mark Dienhard moved out of the picture. The rumors were swirling. Mason was achieving some success with the football program and it was being noticed all around the nation. Mason's agent, Neil Cornrich represented a number of the top coaches in America. No one knew what was going on within the athletic department at the U of M. At that point in time, LSU had a coaching vacancy. Mason was contacted about the job. Ironically, Cornrich also represented Nick Saban, the football coach at Michigan State. Both Mason and Saban supposedly talked with LSU. They hired Saban. That, of course, created an opening at MSU. They contacted Mason. At that point in time, prexy Y, the last decent president that the University of Minnesota had stepped up to the plate. Rather than to lose Mason to MSU, he offered Mason a contract extension and a raise. He ALSO brought M-Man, Tom Moe in to be the Men's Athletic Director at the U of M. Mason felt comfortable working with Moe. Mason was secured at the U of M during that crazy and turbulant time.

However, on Dave C. and Jason's GopherHole Site, the Mason detractors, bashers and mobbers started attacking the coach and the program, big time. Sides were taken. Lines were drawn. War pretty much broke out between the mobbers and the bashers and the "Masonites..." It would get pretty intense. There actually were some pretty nasty bouts...but...also a lot of great creativity.

Loon was magnificant in his ability to put situations and events into words. And, my, how he could get under the mobbers and basher's collective skins. It really is a shame he isn't here today to help keep things in perspective re: the reality of the situation. I kept chipping away and learned how to make a point or two and irritate those mobbers and bashers. I guess you could say that Loon and I became somewhat "targeted" by some of those in the anti-Mason...mobbing and bashing types. And, Neither Loon, or I backed off. I was not afraid to take the battle to 'em and, of course, I always reminded the worst of them that: "..I never let the ba$tards get me down..."

I really don't recall the first time I was voted off the island. But, at that point in time my wren moniker took a direct hit and I was officially banned. The basic mobbing and bashing crowd still had plenty of people opposing them.

Over the next years the basic epic battle between the "masonites" and the mobbers and bashers raged on. It was intense. It was totally out of control at times. It was SO much fun! I had a blast. As Casual Observer for a while. Then it was off to the strib or some other site when some moderator around here called mnsnowman started joining in the posting battles and started virtually stalking me. Most of the time he would just post some stupid little post right after any and every post I would make. I asked for a "restraining order" but, since he was a moderator, I didn't get him restrained.

One of my personal favorite monikers: renegade rambler had a really nice run. Finally, the renegade succumbed to the stalking and baiting of the double agent, mnsnowman who not only joined in the posting fun, but also had banning priviliges. The renegade had a good run, but, all good things come to an end in this GOPHERHOLE frontier battle ground.

In the process, Kelly Leeks somehow went over to the dark side. But, that was all part of the fun. Personalities reigned supreme back in those days. Banning and voting off the island were events to be celebrated. Returns of formerly banned people happened.

It has been a "long...strange...trip..." on GOPHERHOLE, but also a LOT of fun. I never take anything too seriously...myself included.

But, I take the beginning of the haskin's scandal as the start of my personal "banned tour experiences..."

And, of course, after prexy b and badger joel macturi fired Mason...went through their inept and incredibly bungled hiring process that netted that brewster character, the whole brewball era of the destruction of the football program commenced. There were times when the former mobbers and bashers (who now were brewcrew advocates were scattered with GLC members.

Those of us who KNEW this was going to end badly, voiced our opinions very strongly. People didn't like that at all. However, I had to be true to what I was certain would end badly. And, it was obvious to me that prexy b and badger joel macturi were not only over their heads, but were driving the revenue programs into the ground.

Yes, I was outspoken. I was critical. I spoke my mind. Once again I had LOTS of fun with my contrasting of the brewball advocates and the bjm apologists. And, of course, I was voted off the island again. I was guilty sometimes. Usually, I was nicer than the people who voted me off...but...then GOPHERHOLE was stuck with those people. I always figured that I was GOPHERHOLE'S loss whenever they would tell me I was banned for a while.

There were always places to post. But, when the time was right, I always would return to GOPHERHOLE to provide contrasting opinions and to help generate traffic and hits here. In July of 2010 I returned here with the imthewalrus moniker. I still have lots of fun. Some people here still don't like me. I can live with that.

Every story has a number of tales...sides...perspectives. That's "kind of' how some of this all has happened. Granted, it's somewhat from my perspective. I didn't put a lot of time or thought into recreating all that history. Somewhere, I wonder if there is a log of some of those epic and classic threads that would develop. Quite frankly, it is spaced out over so many years...a very long time. I will only say that I have no regrets. I have had fun...lots of fun on GOPHERHOLE.

And now I begin: wren's last stand! I predict this will be a good, long struggle to support Coach Kill, his staff and his players. To those who blindly bash Coach Kill: I can promise compassionate contrast, impassioned contrast and dedicated contrast. The road to competetivness in Big Ten Play has begun!

; 0 )

And screw Reusse too. You guys just perpetuate the problem. Ripping this team serves no purpose except for you to sell more face time. The more you stupid sports pundits pound the negativity the more self-fulfilling it becomes. I dare say that you guys are a BIG part of the problem. Gopher Holers, take a pledge...don't read Doogie or Reusse any more. Just turn away. Do every thing you can to put these useless idiots out of business. You can predict what they are going to have to say so don't waste your time reading it. These guys are poison and they make their livings by making sure the likes of the Gophers have no success.

Go Coach K and Go Gophers! We will succeed despite anything fat ass and butt head have to say.

The truth hurts. This is a bad team with bad players. I'm sorry you don't like people reporting on the obvious. Perhaps you and Sid should hang out wearing your rose colored glasses.

The truth hurts. This is a bad team with bad players. I'm sorry you don't like people reporting on the obvious. Perhaps you and Sid should hang out wearing your rose colored glasses.

The truth hurts? What did you read? I read an article created with the intent of embarassing and humiliating Kill and his staff. Calling them incompetent, stating that Kill talks in circles, his decisions are baffling, sure that's all the truth. Truth is one thing, the sports writers (not all) covering the gophers feeding on failure is another. Would Doogie say any of those things to Kill's face?

The truth hurts. This is a bad team with bad players. I'm sorry you don't like people reporting on the obvious. Perhaps you and Sid should hang out wearing your rose colored glasses.

This is a bad team, but everybody knows that already. And Kill has not done or said anything to create false optimism. My point is that the negativity has become just another obstacle to success. There is no upside to it and I believe it affects recruiting, morale...everything. If you want the Gophers to be bad forever just keep paying attention to these guys.

And screw Reusse too. You guys just perpetuate the problem. Ripping this team serves no purpose except for you to sell more face time. The more you stupid sports pundits pound the negativity the more self-fulfilling it becomes. I dare say that you guys are a BIG part of the problem. Gopher Holers, take a pledge...don't read Doogie or Reusse any more. Just turn away. Do every thing you can to put these useless idiots out of business. You can predict what they are going to have to say so don't waste your time reading it. These guys are poison and they make their livings by making sure the likes of the Gophers have no success.

Go Coach K and Go Gophers! We will succeed despite anything fat ass and butt head have to say.

Doogie, shame on you. It's your fault the players cannot tackle, cannot get a pass rush and generally stumble over their own feet. If you just ignored the obvious and only wrote about the positive, then all would be well.

The truth hurts? What did you read? I read an article created with the intent of embarassing and humiliating Kill and his staff. Calling them incompetent, stating that Kill talks in circles, his decisions are baffling, sure that's all the truth. Truth is one thing, the sports writers (not all) covering the gophers feeding on failure is another. Would Doogie say any of those things to Kill's face?

Say what exactly to Jerry? Question why, even fully knowing the challenges he's facing, they are regressing big-time... why they were down 45-3 to lowly Purdue? Sure. He is very stand-up most of the time. He'd be the first person to tell you how mad he is.

Doogie, I agree with you on a lot of the article. But I can't see how you can describe a team who lost to NMSU at home in week 2 (while fully healthy) as regressing "big time" because they are getting blown out on the road in the Big 10.

They performed about the same against Purdue as they did against NMSU, it's just that NMSU is a much, much worse team (and we were more banged up).

I have no problem with calling this team embarrasingly bad but I don't think it's accurate to say we've regressed. We've been awful all year.

doogieman: you have NO stones to go to the heart of the matter here: the administration at the University of Minnesota. Kill has only been here long enough to start discovering just how BAD the situation had grown. You need to be the first to lay out just how incompetent the administrators have been in letting the football situation get SO bad. You need to TRASH brewster for being so incompetent. You need call for a Grand Jury Investigation to look into the lack of institutional leadership from prexy b and his fall man, badger joel macturi. THEY brought brewster in and OBVIOUSLY didn't supervise or TRAIN brewster in even the most basic skill sets for dealing with STUDENT ATHLETES.

bjm claims he was surprised things were so bad at the Michigan game. What the hell has badger joel macturi been doing for the past 4 years?

You want the REAL story doogieman? You need to go to the heart of the matter. Kill has only coached 6 football games. badger joel macturi has been in charge of THOSE 6 games PLUS all 5 of the Horton games plus ALL of the brewball games, plus all the Mason games from 2002 until he and prexy b fired Mason. There was a steady progression of regression especially starting with the 2007 1-11 season (0-8 Big Ten) through out the brewball era. Just look at the way that 2008 season tanked during the 2nd half of the season. Same thing in the 2009 season. And, of course the 2010 season speaks for itself. The darn little ranger had to fire brewster mid-season and then had to go out and hire a new football coach and neither he or Dave Mona had done enough homework to KNOW just how bad the situation in the football program was????? He didn't even do enough homework to KNOW what kind of shape the football program was in and HE was hiring another coach????? Who the hell was in charge at the University of Minnesota wen that was going on? Oh yes, it was prexy b...

And bjm STILL claims to be totally surprised????????? What does he do over there all day long?

That incompetent bjm is already selling Coach Kill down the river. And you are tyring to help him doogieman. It's time for you to wake up. It's time for YOU to expose badger joel macturi to the public. It is time to hold macturi RESPONSIBLE for his crimes of omission, neglect, incompetence and he really needs to have his butt kicked for being a wishey-washey "yes-man" for that bumbling prexy b control freak.

You are blowing the mission. bjm is holding the smoking gun on this one doogieman. Nail that little ranger!

; 0 )

Doogie, I agree with you on a lot of the article. But I can't see how you can describe a team who lost to NMSU at home in week 2 (while fully healthy) as regressing "big time" because they are getting blown out on the road in the Big 10.

They performed about the same against Purdue as they did against NMSU, it's just that NMSU is a much, much worse team (and we were more banged up).

I have no problem with calling this team embarrasingly bad but I don't think it's accurate to say we've regressed. We've been awful all year.

We hear the players all the time reference the coaches telling them to "make a play." Well, after the NMSU loss, Royston + others did vs. Miami (Ohio). Also maybe stupidly, but holding USC scoreless in a half was very encouraging, so I can't agree with the premise that they've been "awful all year."

Now I suppose some did make plays vs. NDSU and Purdue (Jones), but not nearly as much. That's what is baffling.

We hear the players all the time reference the coaches telling them to "make a play." Well, after the NMSU loss, Royston + others did vs. Miami (Ohio). Also maybe stupidly, but holding USC scoreless in a half was very encouraging, so I can't agree with the premise that they've been "awful all year."

Now I suppose some did make plays vs. NDSU and Purdue (Jones), but not nearly as much. That's what is baffling.

I guess I just don't see how losing to NMSU at home and then hanging on to beat Miami of Ohio at the last second is really a standard that any time could possibly regress from.

Furthermore, if you think that the team looked more promising against USC, then terrible against NMSU, then made plays again against Miami of Ohio and are now struggling again....I think you are describing a very inconsistant team, not really one that is regressing.

I guess I just can't see how anyone could possibly be baffled that a team that lost to NMSU at home would get blown out on the road in the Big 10. That should have been absolutely expected. I was baffled that we lost to NMSU, but after that game I knew we would struggle horribly.

Furthermore, if you think that the team looked more promising against USC, then terrible against NMSU, then made plays again against Miami of Ohio and are now struggling again....I think you are describing a very inconsistant team, not really one that is regressing.

I guess I just can't see how anyone could possibly be baffled that a team that lost to NMSU at home would get blown out on the road in the Big 10. That should have been absolutely expected. I was baffled that we lost to NMSU, but after that game I knew we would struggle horribly.

I think this is a good point.

And I'd add the coaching to the lack of consistency theme.

Is the plan to win now? (Seemed like it was when the season started but maybe not as much now) Do you think Gray is going to develop into a consistent starter? If so (injury game not included), then he needs reps at QB--even when he stares down a receiver and throws a pick-6. That's part of the growing pains. If Gray isn't going to develop, then why not go with Shortell--even when he looks like a true freshman? Or game plan a few series for both. Or just rely on Gray's natural athleticism (Miami (OH)). Or something.

But there doesn't seem to be a consistent plan other than to keep reminding the fans and media, "Well, dad gummit we're just not very good right now."

Doogie, shame on you. It's your fault the players cannot tackle, cannot get a pass rush and generally stumble over their own feet. If you just ignored the obvious and only wrote about the positive, then all would be well.

It may be partially Doogies fault that the existing players don't have the athleticism to compete at the Big 10 level. You don't think recruits read his negativism? It will certainly be partially his fault if we fail to recruit players who do, however. People read his rantings because they are entertaining, he gets paid and goes to dinner, the Gophers recruiting situation is made more difficult and they stay bad forever. I'm not saying it has to be all roses, but maybe a little more supportive? The only person the negativism helps is Doogie and no one else.

Say what exactly to Jerry? Question why, even fully knowing the challenges he's facing, they are regressing big-time... why they were down 45-3 to lowly Purdue? Sure. He is very stand-up most of the time. He'd be the first person to tell you how mad he is.

Say what to Jerry? Here's what you say to Jerry:

Tell him he and his staff are incompetent, as you did in the article. Tell him he talks in circles, as you did in the article. Tell him his decisions are baffling, as you did in the article. These aren't cheap shots for publicity aimed at a guy you say you respect, are they?

More than glad to inquire about playing Cedric Thompson... more than glad to inquire about going for it on 4th-and-9 from the 34 vs. NDSU.

More than glad to ask him about the mental toughness hints he and Miller have dropped, but in the same news gathering sessions, he'll talk about a lot of the good things the players are doing. (trust me: parents are wondering on this same thing).

Confused when I called his staff "incompetent"... those are your words, not mine. In fact, having spent time around him and his coordinators, I thoroughly enjoy them, fully believe they know what they're doing, and there's a track record there. But yes, curious why their knowledge is not translating onto the field.

I apologize to the board for stringing this out. I can only post during non-working hours. Last post, I'll give you the last word if you like.


"Since the start of the 2008 season, the Wolverines and Gophers have both gone through multiple systems and coaches and share the same number of conference wins (eight). But with a competent coaching staff that fully utilized the many weeks of workouts, the spring practices, training camp and the first six weeks of the season, Michigan will finish the season with nine wins or more."

You compared the gophers to the wolverines than made the point of stating the Michigan "competent" (by comparison) staff made the difference.

I do think it's big of you to come on the board and defend your stuff.

I enjoy the back-and-forth more than anything else, and am forever indebted to Mr. Litt and Ms. Babu, so will always post on here.

When pumping up the Michigan staff, certainly wasn't implying what you're referencing about the "U" staff... would be foolish of me after writing all offseason about how much I like this staff.

Just very curious how they can go 95 straight points without an answer.

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