I've had the good fortune...or the bad karma to have been blessed with a number of names as the years and now decades have passed doogieman. I've been wren, renegade rambler, wrenagain, casual observer, and now, imthewalrus. I don't choose when I change my moniker. That is totally out of my hands. There have been a few moderators of this board and the boards that preceeded this board who succumbed to some pressure from some folks with severely challenged senses of humor and a few group efforts to "vote me off the island..." Sometimes you win...sometimes you lose...but one must be resourceful and have the ability to bounce back from minor setbacks... ; 0 )
So, perfectly good monikers have been lost forever. You can't seem to recycle monikers once you have been banned, but, as the old song goes: "...and the banned played on..." But, doogieman, not everyone on this board agrees with everyone else about anything. Just as some may despise me, some may tolerate me and some may even find what I write to have some merit. So, when the time is right, like the phoenix, complete with a new moniker, I return to provide contrast and what ever may be needed around here to liven things up a bit.
I suppose that I just have too much fun sometimes. And, if something needs to be said: I will say it. That doesn't always win friends and influence people. And at times, a company line needs to be challenged. Or, if there is too much piling on, sometimes a coach may need someone to provide "the other side" of the issue.
I know that I catch a lot of guff for my stand on prexy b and badger joel macturi. And, from day one, I was totally turned off by brewball. Before that, I strongly defended Coach Mason and yes, even Coach Monson. I was very much against the trash that was talked about Weber.
I suppose I have felt the strongest about what prexy b and bjm have done to the Gopher Football Program. I don't know if we will EVER recover from the past 5 years. I really don't know IF it is possible. This Football Program has been destroyed. TCF BANK STADIUM's arrival on the scene has been totally wasted. This is so sad.
I do know that Coach Kill has the odds stacked against him. Whether Coach Kill knows it, or not, I believe he is the LAST chance of regaining any kind of relevence for the Gopher Foootball Program in the next 10 years, at least. IF he fails and is driven out of here in 4 years, it would mean starting all over again...only even further back from where we are today. If he was replaced in the year 2015 and we had to start all over again, there is no way this program would regain competetivness until 2020. And, what if the "fire your way to success..." mentality continued after that?
So, doogieman: I am standing firmly and strongly in Coach Kill's corner. I believe he is a good person, a good man, a good coach who has surrounded himself with like individuals as his coordinators and assistant coaches. He IS a "ball coach..." and he will run an honest and clean program. He will recruit student athletes. He will provide an environment that will foster his student athletes' educations. He will be tough. He will be demanding. He will run a disciplined program. He will give the University of Minnesota all that he has. He will be true to what he knows and has been successful with.
He is NOT a magician. He achieves results by working hard, being honest and sticking to his plan.
So, this is possibly my last stand at deciding to stand up and be counted for a coach who is taking over a program that is in a world of hurt. I'm almost 65 years old. This is going to be a BIG job for coach Kill and his staff, his players, other boosters and supporters and me. But, just as I sense Coach Kill is dedicated to making this work at the University of Minnesota, I am dedicated to finding ways to support the coach and this program. I REALLY want to see this work.
I never thought I would live to see the Gophers return to the campus. It is a real joy to get to the Stadium on Game Day Saturday. Maybe the older you get...the MORE you appreciate what a wonderful thing it IS to have Gopher Football back on the campus. Win...or...lose.
The deal is: we NEED to get this program back to the competetive level...and then, anything MAY be possible. Coach Kill is carrying the whole load for this old Gopher Fan. So, he has my full support. A return to Big Ten Respectability! That is my goal. I want to start going to Big Ten Road games again having a feeling that: "...today might be the day we can come home with a road win!" I want to see the Gophers play some teams like Arkansas, Oregon, Alabama, Virginia, North Carolina State or some other place in late December or maybe even January some day. Those were some very fun times.
So, doogieman I wish all the best to you and yours as well. I guess the two monikers I associate the most with are wren or renegade rambler. But, since I can't recycle the monikers, imthewalrus will do. But, people around here even still refer to me as wren and that moniker hasn't been available for a long time.
I have a lot of fun with all this stuff...but I have needed to "pound the message about throwing badger joel macturi under the bus, just to remind people that the last 5 years that have driven this program into the sad shape it is today has a villian. prexy b and his fall guy bjm. When bjm is driven from the stadium for the last time, the healing can begin.
And, I'm going to have to back and support Coach Kill. So, I will need to contrast anyone and everyone who would not be fair to Coach Kill, his staff and his players. So, you do your job and I'll do what I do and we can let the chips fall where they may.
This is going to be one big, at times tough program BUILDING job that Coach Kill and his staff have taken on. I'm going to back them any...and every way that I can. Just call this one "wren's last stand...", even though the moniker of the moment is "imthewalrus..."
; 0 )