Don't quit Royce

Especially the short term interests. If the U chooses they can demand repayment of their scholarship money if he quits.

That's ridiculous. Like that would ever happen. The Gophers aren't that stupid. If they did that, every future recruit would be wary of signing with the Gophers and every other school recruiting against the U would bring up the student who had to repay his scholarship after being held out to dry.

All the press from RW has been bad for the U of MN. All of it. And it is his own fault.

He is not the victim here. Even though some are making him out to be just that right here.

We all have choices to make. RW made the choices he has made - take the consequences young man. And he is not helping himself with his technological antics. It doesnt appear he can use simple logice to help himself out, even in the situation he is now in.

Royce has been a much better ambassador for the Gophers than you will ever be. He could have played anywhere yet he chose the U, helped bring in Rodney Williams and has only kind words for the city, the team, his teammates and Tubby. Your posts shows you to be a despicable individual who gets off trashing an 18 year old and people like you are far worse for the Univ of MN.

Please wait it out Royce! You are a huge missing piece to our puzzle...

Please wait it out Royce! You are a huge missing piece to our puzzle...

Couldn't agree more. Sadly, I think Royce is used to having all the attention on him, whether it's self-created or from external sources. He just needs to sit back and let this play out.

Never seen the guy play. No connections to him or his high school. Therefore limited excitement when he signed and no allegiance to him now. Looks like a real head job and a needless distraction to the team to me from this distance.

I have seen him play quite a few times, during Pulley practices, summer league, with De La Salle, and Hopkins, and he is very rare talent. Out of all the kids I've ever seen in high school, he, along with Seantrel, are the only ones I ever said "they are going pro" without a doubt in my mind. A lot of other kids are great, and have so much potential, but we all know the liklikhood of a kid in HS making it the NBA or NFL is one in a million...Royce was one I thought was the real deal. He's obviously already physically developed into a Big 10 player, and he was still so good, and a men amongst boys, even though he still had areas to develop.

That's why this is such a disapointment - if he stuck around until next year (instead of one and done), I really thought we'd be an Elite 8/Final 4 team. Don't get me wrong, we still can be - but I just had such high hopes for him. That's why this whole situation is difficult - because he's not one of those kids that's a dime a dozen and you can say "see you later to." I just hope he figures things out.

I have seen him play quite a few times, during Pulley practices, summer league, with De La Salle, and Hopkins, and he is very rare talent. Out of all the kids I've ever seen in high school, he, along with Seantrel, are the only ones I ever said "they are going pro" without a doubt in my mind. A lot of other kids are great, and have so much potential, but we all know the liklikhood of a kid in HS making it the NBA or NFL is one in a million...Royce was one I thought was the real deal. He's obviously already physically developed into a Big 10 player, and he was still so good, and a men amongst boys, even though he still had areas to develop.

That's why this is such a disapointment - if he stuck around until next year (instead of one and done), I really thought we'd be an Elite 8/Final 4 team. Don't get me wrong, we still can be - but I just had such high hopes for him. That's why this whole situation is difficult - because he's not one of those kids that's a dime a dozen and you can say "see you later to." I just hope he figures things out.

Very nice words. You have to wonder if there is a person close to Royce that can motivate him like this or tells him what he needs to hear, not what he wants to hear. I could be mistaken, but I thought he came from a broken home, so you have to wonder if it's only his friends that are influencing him. I thought Tubby would be that person in his life, but it probably isn't to be.

Very nice words. You have to wonder if there is a person close to Royce that can motivate him like this or tells him what he needs to hear, not what he wants to hear. I could be mistaken, but I thought he came from a broken home, so you have to wonder if it's only his friends that are influencing him. I thought Tubby would be that person in his life, but it probably isn't to be.

Great point - get him some tough love. His parents are not together, but I know his Dad is still involved in his life, at least he was during Royce's recruitment, as he was in contact with me.

As far as someone motivating him - he is surrounded by great male role models (although, I have no idea how close he is to them, vs. his friends, and won't pretend to know) - starting with his Grandfather, who is one of the most respected men in the state, and I have nothing but good things to say about. Then there's, of course, Tubby, and all of the assistants. And he whole Howard Pulley family and all of those coaches seem to take a genuine interest in these young men....and these are only the ones I can think of.

I have seen him play quite a few times, during Pulley practices, summer league, with De La Salle, and Hopkins, and he is very rare talent. Out of all the kids I've ever seen in high school, he, along with Seantrel, are the only ones I ever said "they are going pro" without a doubt in my mind. A lot of other kids are great, and have so much potential, but we all know the liklikhood of a kid in HS making it the NBA or NFL is one in a million...Royce was one I thought was the real deal. He's obviously already physically developed into a Big 10 player, and he was still so good, and a men amongst boys, even though he still had areas to develop.

That's why this is such a disapointment - if he stuck around until next year (instead of one and done), I really thought we'd be an Elite 8/Final 4 team. Don't get me wrong, we still can be - but I just had such high hopes for him. That's why this whole situation is difficult - because he's not one of those kids that's a dime a dozen and you can say "see you later to." I just hope he figures things out.

Which is why he needs to go play professionally overseas and rehab his rep so he can get to the NBA!

What worries me (for Royce) is that it kind of seemed like he was essentially saying "i'm walking away from basketball". If he needs to leave the Gopher basketball team, I really hope this kid goes to Europe and gets things in line. The reason why I started wondering if basketball is in his future, is that he keeps talking about how much he loves the U and loves the city. I think of that and how he seems REALLY into his music label, I just wouldn't be shocked if Royce walked away from basketball alltogether. Even if he goes to Europe, I hope the kid is mature enough to handle himself over there.

Royce seems like a relatively intelligent kid (don't get me wrong, he has made moronic choices and acted like a fool), but he needs to realize that he was blessed with something that could open up doors for him in whatever he wants to do. Because he was blessed with his unique skillset, we all know what Brown and White Ent. is. I just hope that Royce doesn't walk away from basketball (even if he does leave the U), and he can use basketball as a vehicle to accomplish whatever he wants.

Great point - get him some tough love. His parents are not together, but I know his Dad is still involved in his life, at least he was during Royce's recruitment, as he was in contact with me.

Who knows how grounded his parents/grandfather are. They could be in his ear and have those stars in their eyes as much as anyone else. I really think Royce probably saw himself as a one and done talent and everything has been feeding him to that end for a while now.

Royce, if you want to develop your skills for the NBA, then you should transfer to a school that doesn't care whether or not their athletes have pleaded guilty to theft and assault. Many people who live in Minnesota and who love the U of M DO CARE about the moral standards of the student athletes who represent them. We just don't want you here anymore. Please quit - the sooner the better.

WOW-you need a reality check

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