Does the passage of the Vikings stadium bill...


Elite Poster
Nov 24, 2008
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...mean we get to be subjected to another ≥ 30 years of nonsense about how it's the Vikings' fault that the Gophers suck?

If the Vikings had left, it wouldn't be long before the major topic of conversation was that it was the Minnesota Jaguars' fault.

I am so very glad that the Gophers got their stadium when they did, because if we were still in the Dome, it is likely that the Gophers would become tenants in the Vikings new stadium.

How long is the B1G championship game at Lucas Oil? I wonder if we'd get thrown in the mix for that?

I could see a rotation between Lucas Oil, Ford Field, and the Vikings Stadium. Based on the assumption that the game will be indoors.

I could see a rotation between Lucas Oil, Ford Field, and the Vikings Stadium. Based on the assumption that the game will be indoors.

If the Wilfs add a retractable roof the really cool thing is that they could open it up if its a nice day and play it outdoors.

I wonder if they could try to get a bowl game, too? Detroit hosts one, don't they? IIRC its a pretty minor one but it would still be nice.

...mean we get to be subjected to another ≥ 30 years of nonsense about how it's the Vikings' fault that the Gophers suck?


You know it's the truth, sir.. No need to ask! Heh

I am so very glad that the Gophers got their stadium when they did, because if we were still in the Dome, it is likely that the Gophers would become tenants in the Vikings new stadium.

The high demand home games (Wisky, Nebraska, Iowa) may end up there to sell more tickets.

...mean we get to be subjected to another ≥ 30 years of nonsense about how it's the Vikings' fault that the Gophers suck?

Absolutely not, dpodoll. We would place all of the blame on Cleveland State basketball.

They could have a bowl game at the Vikings Stadium if there was a local group interested in putting one on. Then again, they could have put a bowl game at the Metrodome.

They could have a bowl game at the Vikings Stadium if there was a local group interested in putting one on. Then again, they could have put a bowl game at the Metrodome.

The General Mills Cereal Bowl, featuring #8 in the ACC and #9 in the practically writes itself. HA!

I could see a rotation between Lucas Oil, Ford Field, and the Vikings Stadium. Based on the assumption that the game will be indoors.

i really can't see this happening. the big ten is in love with lucas oil and considering it now pulls the game out of the central midwest location and puts more of a burden on travel (which i think is a stupid justification to use in todays sports but it is one that will be used in every argument regarding bowls and championship games anyways) so i really can only see them leaving it at lucas oil. i would love for it to come up here so as a college student i could maybe actually attend one of them but that seems like only wishful thinking.

GopherVotary said:
The high demand home games (Wisky, Nebraska, Iowa) may end up there to sell more tickets.

Lol. No.

They could have a bowl game at the Vikings Stadium if there was a local group interested in putting one on. Then again, they could have put a bowl game at the Metrodome.

The dome blows and everyone knew it. There is a reason why the Final 4, Super Bowl, etc would not go there. No one was going to pay to put a game on there when they could do it at a much nicer stadium in a warmer climate. If its state of the art people may ignore the cold weather, at least for a low/mid level bowl.

Minnesota finally got things right.

The Gophers are back on campus where they belong and no longer on the bottom of the pecking order at the damn dome. The Twins no longer play in a phony baseball stadium and the Vikings finally remain in Minnesota. All good stuff for the local sports fans.

We boycotted going to Twins game at the damn dome back in 1980 something. What a joke for a major league baseball venue. Mrs Bayfield and i will be making our first trip to Target field Saturday night to watch a MLB game at an real major league stadium.

Like I said, if this had vote implications with the general public it would have failed. I hope the little darlings stadium turns into a on going flea market after 5 years. The House and Senate blows big time. What a bunch of chicken sh-t dickwads

Minnesota finally got things right.

The Gophers are back on campus where they belong and no longer on the bottom of the pecking order at the damn dome. The Twins no longer play in a phony baseball stadium and the Vikings finally remain in Minnesota. All good stuff for the local sports fans.

We boycotted going to Twins game at the damn dome back in 1980 something. What a joke for a major league baseball venue. Mrs Bayfield and i will be making our first trip to Target field Saturday night to watch a MLB game at an real major league stadium.

Yep. Too bad you won't get a chance to see a real Major League team in the new Major League stadium.. =P

Like I said, if this had vote implications with the general public it would have failed. I hope the little darlings stadium turns into a on going flea market after 5 years. The House and Senate blows big time. What a bunch of chicken sh-t dickwads

Way to compromise. Only as long as YOU are pleased, right oh great Ruppie?

Yep. Too bad you won't get a chance to see a real Major League team in the new Major League stadium.. =P

perhaps the blue jays are considered a major league team??? lol

ruppertflywheel said:
Like I said, if this had vote implications with the general public it would have failed. I hope the little darlings stadium turns into a on going flea market after 5 years. The House and Senate blows big time. What a bunch of chicken sh-t dickwads

Ummm, sorry would not have failed with the general public.

The new Viking stadium will have 150 suites. More competition for TCF Stadium.

Like I said, if this had vote implications with the general public it would have failed. I hope the little darlings stadium turns into a on going flea market after 5 years. The House and Senate blows big time. What a bunch of chicken sh-t dickwads

Wow, what an embarassment you are. At least pay some 3rd grader to write your drivel so you don't look completely moronic. Fans like you are what has held us back the last 50 years! We had a chance to be part of this stadium and moronturi blew it.

Wow, what an embarassment you are. At least pay some 3rd grader to write your drivel so you don't look completely moronic. Fans like you are what has held us back the last 50 years! We had a chance to be part of this stadium and moronturi blew it.

Wait, what? Am I reading this incorrectly? Are you saying you'd prefer to be in the Vikings stadium than in TCF?

Wow, what an embarassment you are. At least pay some 3rd grader to write your drivel so you don't look completely moronic. Fans like you are what has held us back the last 50 years! We had a chance to be part of this stadium and moronturi blew it.

How did we have a chance to be part of this stadium when we have been playing in a new stadium since 2009? Hmmmm?

The dome blows and everyone knew it. There is a reason why the Final 4, Super Bowl, etc would not go there. No one was going to pay to put a game on there when they could do it at a much nicer stadium in a warmer climate. If its state of the art people may ignore the cold weather, at least for a low/mid level bowl.

The 1992 Superbowl was at the Metrodome. But it doesn't matter how good a venue the Metrodome is. All that matters is whether not there is a group of business people who want to put up the cash for a bowl game. We didn't have such a group, so there was no bowl at the dome. I doubt such a group will emerge with the new Vikings stadium, but it is possible.

The 1992 Superbowl was at the Metrodome. But it doesn't matter how good a venue the Metrodome is. All that matters is whether not there is a group of business people who want to put up the cash for a bowl game. We didn't have such a group, so there was no bowl at the dome. I doubt such a group will emerge with the new Vikings stadium, but it is possible.

The dome wasn't that old in 92 and it wasn't THAT bad compared to the alternatives. It is horrible compared to the other options now. No one would legitimately do that now because there are much better facilities.

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