I spoke to another guy at work who has hoops season tickets a minute ago and asked if he was ready for the black out. He's in his 50s. He said he wanted to buy some of the official black t-shirts online through Goldy's Locker Room, but ran into some issue or another and couldn't complete his purchase. In his own words, "If the U of M can't make it easy enough to do, I'm not interested. I'm wearing white." He wasn't bitter or angry despite how the tone might read and laughed when he mentioned wearing white. He's actually a very calm and level headed guy who's been a huge fan going back to the Musselman days. Shopping online is not an issue for him. However, he just felt that if he can't get out of the online store in about a minute with a black t-shirt he doesn't really have to have in his life, he's skipping it.