Do we have a shot at Game Day if we enter the Northwestern came at 10-0?

It's good to be positive. I prefer to be realistic.

If the Gophers do any of the following, I'll likely be as happy as a Gopher football fan as I've been since 7-1 in '08.
1. Beat wisconsin
2. Beat wisconsin
3. Beat wisconsin

I don't ask for much...

It's good to be positive. I prefer to be realistic.

If the Gophers do any of the following, I'll likely be as happy as a Gopher football fan as I've been since 7-1 in '08.
1. Beat wisconsin
2. Beat wisconsin
3. Beat wisconsin

I don't ask for much...

Again, realism and positivity aren't mutually exclusive. Stop trying to pretend that they are.

It's good to be positive. I prefer to be realistic.

If the Gophers do any of the following, I'll likely be as happy as a Gopher football fan as I've been since 7-1 in '08.
1. Beat wisconsin
2. Beat wisconsin
3. Beat wisconsin

I don't ask for much...

Having followed Gophers v. Badgers for 50+ years, I feel comfortable saying that losing that game feels worse than winning that game feels good. To me, that defines a rivalry.

Who cares where Game Day is? That is THE GAME of the weekend, in my mind.

Having followed Gophers v. Badgers for 50+ years, I feel comfortable saying that losing that game feels worse than winning that game feels good.
Agreed... I'm so thankful badger hockey has been a laughing stock lately. Unfortunately that era is over now.

Having followed Gophers v. Badgers for 50+ years, I feel comfortable saying that losing that game feels worse than winning that game feels good. To me, that defines a rivalry.

Who cares where Game Day is? That is THE GAME of the weekend, in my mind.

The Gopher/NW game? Game Day was the topic, so...

Agreed... I'm so thankful badger hockey has been a laughing stock lately. Unfortunately that era is over now.

Here's the thing. Say it came down to a Game Day in Madison,or Minnesota. You know what the crew would want..Minneapolis, and it wouldn't even be close.

Here's the thing. Say it came down to a Game Day in Madison,or Minnesota. You know what the crew would want..Minneapolis, and it wouldn't even be close.

And what game day would that be this year where they would have to choose?

Here's the thing. Say it came down to a Game Day in Madison,or Minnesota. You know what the crew would want..Minneapolis, and it wouldn't even be close.

Almost no one would agree with this, including the producers of Gameday

Here's the thing. Say it came down to a Game Day in Madison,or Minnesota. You know what the crew would want..Minneapolis, and it wouldn't even be close.

Considering they have been to Fargo more times I highly doubt this is true.

Agreed... I'm so thankful badger hockey has been a laughing stock lately. Unfortunately that era is over now.

We probably have a couple of years left to enjoy it before they get the recruits needed. Long term I can see Us, Wisconsin, Michigan and Notre Dame being the first tier in hockey. Penn State seems pretty invested as well, I could see them sneaking into the conversation here and there. Sparty and Ohio State don't seem to care about hockey, which is too bad for Sparty, they use to be a good program. Anyways back to football, were not getting gameday this year, if were good, I could see us getting it next year early in the season

Do you guys have any sense of " what if"? Say the Gophers and Badgers are both 10-0 and tied for the West. They both have home field for the next game and say the visiting teams are both equal in their records. "Game Day" has decided it will be either at Minnesota,or Wisconsin. They've been to Wisconsin and done that sh-t run. Minnie hasn't been in the limelight for umpteen years. No brainier, and I would bet both houses on it.
Everyone love's a " Cinderella Story" C'mon boys, think out of the box for a change. Lee Corso
loves the Twin Cities. When he was coaching at Indiana he brought the team in a day early. He spoke at the GLC.lucheon at Jax Resturant and spoke of his love for the Twin City area. His Hoosiers showed up the next day in a double decker bus.

Do you guys have any sense of " what if"? Say the Gophers and Badgers are both 10-0 and tied for the West. They both have home field for the next game and say the visiting teams are both equal in their records. "Game Day" has decided it will be either at Minnesota,or Wisconsin. They've been to Wisconsin and done that sh-t run. Minnie hasn't been in the limelight for umpteen years. No brainier, and I would bet both houses on it.
Everyone love's a " Cinderella Story" C'mon boys, think out of the box for a change. Lee Corso
loves the Twin Cities. When he was coaching at Indiana he brought the team in a day early. He spoke at the GLC.lucheon at Jax Resturant and spoke of his love for the Twin City area. His Hoosiers showed up the next day in a double decker bus.

Assuming GD hasn't been to Madison that year, I would say they would pick Wisconsin. Better mystique, better atmosphere, team with more recognition/national appeal.

So you're saying they had already been to Wisconsin in this hypothetical season? Well obviously then they wouldn't go back, has nothing to do w/ Minnesota vs Wisconsin in that case.

So you're saying they had already been to Wisconsin in this hypothetical season? Well obviously then they wouldn't go back, has nothing to do w/ Minnesota vs Wisconsin in that case.

There is nothing in the text that said in this mythical season Wisconsin already had a game day.
It's"apples to apples" I'm amazed at the people on this site that do selective reading.

I have read that the WI/LSU game at Lambeau Field will be on game day.
Even though game day is not in Madison it does feature WI making it unlikely that WI would be on game day twice in the same year no matter the drama that might surround the game.

There is nothing in the text that said in this mythical season Wisconsin already had a game day.
It's"apples to apples" I'm amazed at the people on this site that do selective reading.
I was reading the line where you wrote: "They've been to Wisconsin and done that sh-t run."

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