Do players or parents post/read Gopherhole?


Feb 17, 2009
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Do we have any players, current or past, that read or post on Gopherhole? It would be cool to get their perspective on what's going on. Maybe a past game moment to share with us who are immaturely addicted to Gopher football.

How about any players parents out there? Make your voices heard!

If I were a player I wouldn't post, at least admitting I was a player. There are still too many trolls here and if a particular player/poster had a bad game, I could see certain people calling them out and/or looking for answers. Nevertheless, it would be interesting. My worry would just be that those people become targets of unnecessary aggression when a missed pick/fumble/dropped pass occurs.

Plus, there are probably specified team rules that encourage players to avoid public forums for these types of reasons. It's all discretion, I guess.

Yeah, there are at least a few parents that check in from time to time. As frozen says, probably not a great place for players to hang out (perfect example right now is the "no running backs to carry the mail" thread).

A member of Jay Thomas' family used to post (I believe) under the name of ThomasTown, but I heven't seen anything from them in a while.

They do a big tailgate at which they give away a child's sized jersey and usually post a reminder before game day. Seem like REALLY nice people.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be surprised if players and coaches don't sometimes glance ath the Hole to see what people are saying. For this reason, I try to never single out any player in a negative way.

Yes, coaches, players and their families to read the boards. Very few will post or respond and even fewer will identify themselves.

While we might like the "inside scoop" that players and their families could provide, this would present serious problems. There is information that shouldn't get out whether for legal reasons or just because opposing coaches would love to hear some of it.

Does anyone else here remember the Lydon Murtha fiasco? That was classic!

I have witnessed football players looking at blogs. On signing day. Only problem?

They were sitting in class at the time.

Do we have any players, current or past, that read or post on Gopherhole? It would be cool to get their perspective on what's going on. Maybe a past game moment to share with us who are immaturely addicted to Gopher football.

How about any players parents out there? Make your voices heard!

Good question - and yes, TONS of parents read our board. I know of some players (I actually discourage them from reading - simply because it's hard enough being in the spotlight, no one needs to read about themselves getting ripped by posters), but a lot of the parents do read. A number of them post as well, but would obviously never identify themselves. If you look really closely though, they are typically the posters with the inside scoop, or the voice of reason.

I operate under the assumption that they do, and post accordingly.

Does anyone else here remember the Lydon Murtha fiasco? That was classic!

I'd be interested in this story, I got the inside scoop from a former player that hosted Murtha at the U for his visit, It would be interesting to hear how this played out here.

Good question - and yes, TONS of parents read our board. I know of some players (I actually discourage them from reading - simply because it's hard enough being in the spotlight, no one needs to read about themselves getting ripped by posters), but a lot of the parents do read. A number of them post as well, but would obviously never identify themselves. If you look really closely though, they are typically the posters with the inside scoop, or the voice of reason.


When talking about the parents you forgot to add extremely intelligent and extraordinarily good looking.:D

Yes, coaches, players and their families to read the boards. Very few will post or respond and even fewer will identify themselves.

As they should. Particularly for coaches - posting and/or identifying themselves would be about the worst thing one could do. I'm pretty sure any coaches who would happen to visit Gopher Hole - and I don't personally think the the number is very high - are doing it out of a "look what these bozos write" mentality, not for any thoughts of engaging in serious Gopher talk.

There was a former player who posted and identified himself. I believe it was Mark Jundt. This was after he quit/transferred after his Junior year. If memory serves, he blasted the coaches at the time, saying he should have played and was better than those who saw time, etc.

Personally, i found him saying some stuff that came off as some sour grapes, but overall i appreciated his insight. Some others blasted him and it got somewhat ugly.

Anyone else remember this?

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