Did Brewster leave the cupboard completely bare?

I don't know why it's important to put these rigid numbers into your guesses on how good a team is going to be because that is largely speculative. Last year's Gopher team was a few plays away from being a zero win team or a 5 win team. It's hard to put a precise quantitative number on how many wins we will get next season.

As far as the cupboards being bare, well, that all depends...

If you are asking if we are left with a team that has a good chance to compete immedietly (next year), it's a thin team. However, if you are asking about the cupboards being bare in relation to not being in crisis (2007 team) where we will have to lose the RS on every incoming FR and field a team with where 15 FR get a ton of PT, no we are certainly not at that point.

I have gone back and read lots and lots of posts by people here and I don't think the tenor is any different today than it's been for many, many months--and, probably years.

If you read my original threads, you'll note that I came on this message board as a long-time Gopher fan (over 50 years with 37 of them in Iowa--try being a Gopher fan in Iowa for one week some time). I posted very, very positive comments about Jerry Kill and got snarked repeatedly.

I was told to get "tougher" and treat this board like an verbal fight in a bar. Negativity still reigned and I reacted against it. This board doesn't need trolls, because so many of the posters are quite negative and cynical about Gopher football.

Take the poster, Highwayman. One-third of his comments are negative, one-third accuse people who disagree with him of being trolls and one-third are mildly, mildly positive. Yet on 1-29-11 he said, "Some day, rather soon, a ticket to a Gopher football game will be hard to come by."

Why did Highwayman say that? He's never backed that statement up with anything positive to say about the Gophers. I have. I think Minnesota will improve tremendously next year and be in a position to sneak up on teams--especially Nebraska, Iowa and Wisconsin at home.

But where are posters like Highwayman coming from? Why will Gopher football tickets be hard to come by soon when--according to many here--there's no talent on the squad and the coaching staff is totally unproven? I merely looking for substance here. Anyone can snark repeatedly and call everybody who disagrees with them a troll.

You need to stop being so emo. Your postings are fine but these lengthy cryfests are what annoys some posters.

Now as far as what I bolded, that is what I said a few days ago. Treat this board like if you were out with some friends talking sports, having a few drinks and giving eachother sh#t and you warped that to me saying "treat this board like a bar fight"?

Jesus, dude - settle down. You've been posting here for about two weeks. Don't pretend like you know the tenor of the board or the nature of the posters therein from your meager posting experience. You're like a Wisconsin fan who likes to pretend that Wisconsin football didn't exist before 1993.

Well done LOL

I have gone back and read lots and lots of posts by people here and I don't think the tenor is any different today than it's been for many, many months--and, probably years.

It was all sunshine after they beat Purdue at Purdue in 2008.

Minnesota's win over Purdue in 2008 was at least twenty-four months ago. That's a long time for a board of loyal fans to be negative.

If you read my original threads, you'll note that I came on this message board as a long-time Gopher fan....

The combined powers of IBM, Cray and the Chinese robot gymnasts couldn't possibly keep up with and read all of your original threads.

Minnesota's win over Purdue in 2008 was at least twenty-four months ago. That's a long time for a board of loyal fans to be negative.

Still being fans despite the 28 months since that Purdue win is a testament to being true fans much more than if they are negative or positive.

If you'll look at my thread, "Why can't Minnesota win six games next year?" you'll see that I was way ahead of you in furnishing analysis. But to repeat myself, for your sake:

1. Much better coaching will result in Minnesota playing their best football in November, as all good team do. That should give the Gophers wins at Northwestern and at home against Illinois.

2. Minnesota is deep but inexperienced at quarterback. Kill's system (patterned after the one at Boise State) should maximize the effectiveness of any of the quarterbacks. Gray can even be rotated in and out and cause huge problems for most defenses.

3. What Minnesota lacks in top tier talent at running back is made up for by experience and depth. They have two very reliable veterans returning and, apparently, a tremendous RS freshman in Edwards.

4. Minnesota has one great wide receiver and at least one very good tight end. The rest of their receiving corps is obviously pretty thin.

5. The offensive line is inexperienced but, from all I've heard, quite talented. It also could be relatively deep which will give players breathers and help when the inevitable injuries come.

6. The Gophers have more raw talent on defense than at any time since Mason came to Minnesota, that's for sure. They were bad last year because they were so young. The defense secondary is the area most suspect and thin but very, very few college teams have good defensive secondaries. Minnesota's front seven will be tough. They sure were against Iowa.

7. New elements added by Kill's systems include taking more chances on defense to put pressure on opposing quarterbacks. Kill also has a great track record in terms of developing special teams. Northern Illinois blocked over twenty punts, for example, in the years Kill was there. I think the Gophers have the overall talent levels to field very good special teams. They have done a great job of returning kicks in recent years.

8. I strongly believe Minnesota will win at least six games next year.

As already stated by others, I think these are good points and I agree with most of it. But aren't a few of these points you made here pretty much the same as what you wrote in the original post? For example, "Minnesota's quarterbacks are totally unproven." How is that any different than 2. above?

I don't understand how you can make statements about those things, then call out others as "relentlessly negative, pessimistic and cynical" when they're saying a lot of the same things you just said here.

FrothyGopher, I've started twenty threads. I'm sorry if they've overwhelmed you.

16.6% of your posts have been new threads. That's got to be a record. And it really can't even be close.

And it's not overwhelming; it's just annoying. You can make your points without constantly starting new threads. But that's not information 20 other posters haven't already shared with you.

An average of over 800 readers have followed my threads. If you are annoyed by them, don't read them.

I don't understand how you can make statements about those things, then call out others as "relentlessly negative, pessimistic and cynical" when they're saying a lot of the same things you just said here.

This is what has been puzzling me. Because sometimes it's "being negative" but then Wolf said them and he got complimented. I'm not looking for kudos from someone I don't know. I'm just trying to figure out the crazy mood swings in posting style.

An average of over 800 readers have followed my threads. If you are annoyed by them, don't read them.

It's kinda hard not to follow them when they take up almost half of the first page. For some reason you don't understand how many see that as annoying. A bunch of the threads you make end up talking about the same things (can the Gophers win 6 games, for instance).

You've made some very good posts, one I just pointed out earlier in this thread. Nothing wrong with your opinion on things. But when others decide to be a little cautious and don't know or think we can win 6 games next year, you get your panties in a bunch. If you can't accept others opinions, then why should anyone consider yours?

What's wrong with being a pessimist?

Maybe nothing

What's wrong with being a pessimist?

Misery loves company. But if you are an optimist, a pessimist is tiring, annoying, frustrating
and just plain wears a person out. So you tune them out and don't hear when they actually say something useful.

I can tell your a newby at best and a troll at worst. Other than my criticism of posters like you, you will not find a more postive poster on this board.

I support every kid on this team while others slice and dice them like ham salad. I support our coaching staff because that is what you should do. You, nor just about anyone on this board, has a clue what it takes to run a major college football program--especially me. No one on this board has any, any input on how this program should be run.

You can believe that starting a new thread every 15 seconds will give you the appearance of authority and legitamacy, but your content is predictable and redundant. You may start out positive in each thread, but your true jaded and negative tone comes through in the end.

I am member of the Goal Line Club. Are you?
I own six season tickets? Do you?
I donate over $2,000 a year to the stadium fund and the football program. Do you?
I contributed to the construction of the weight room. Did you?
I go to every Victory Walk at every home game. Do you know what that is?
I attend at least one road game a year and have been to bowl games. Have you left Iowa in the last 5 years?
I have built strong relationships with players and their families. Have you met a player? Their parents?
I have personally spoken to Coach Kill on a couple of occasions. I am on a first name basis with support staff. Would you even recognize them if they walked up and bit you?

I am not a famous person, nor a wealthy man. I am a supporter of University of Minnesota Football. There is a huge difference between being a supporter and someone who watches the games on TV and starts ridiculous, tedious threads that have nothing to say.

I love Minnesota Football. Sure, we get disappointed, but my support never waivers. Your support seems to waiver mid-post.

This is my last public response to you. I have ignore-listed you and will never, never read one of your posts or threads. Look me up at some Gopher event sometime, if you ever attend one.

Highwayman should read his own comments and find out how few of them are positives. You'd never know he's as close to the players and their families as he says he is based on how little information he supplies here about them.

Highwayman should read his own comments and find out how few of them are positives. You'd never know he's as close to the players and their families as he says he is based on how little information he supplies here about them.

So, he should spy on them and report back to you?

I am member of the Goal Line Club. Are you?
I own six season tickets? Do you?
I donate over $2,000 a year to the stadium fund and the football program. Do you?
I contributed to the construction of the weight room. Did you?
I go to every Victory Walk at every home game. Do you know what that is?
I attend at least one road game a year and have been to bowl games. Have you left Iowa in the last 5 years?
I have built strong relationships with players and their families. Have you met a player? Their parents?
I have personally spoken to Coach Kill on a couple of occasions. I am on a first name basis with support staff. Would you even recognize them if they walked up and bit you?
FWIW, many very good Gopher fans would never be able to do many of those things simply b/c they live too far away or don't make enough money (among other reasons). Heck, not making enough money would likely mean that many Gophers fans from the Twin Cities wouldn't be able to do several of the things you list. I get what you're going after here, but it's worth pointing out that not doing what you do doesn't make anyone less of a fan.

I think Horton's last 2 wins at the end of the season show the problem with the Gophers was coaching and what was Roof's problem, the "culture" of the club and not talent. They have the talent and simply need coaching. Not hanging the cupboard bare on Brew. He got some talent, as best as he was able anyway to MN and was trying to develop them, once again as best as he was able...it sounds like now the Gophers have the seasoned coaching staff with the opportunity to prove themselves and the team.

I look for the team to be solid and at times explosive next year as the players get coached up AND disciplined.

Holy Jesus Martha...I love reading pi$$ing contest arguments.

I guess I just wonder if it ever gets old or tiring hating everyone lonely?

FWIW, many very good Gopher fans would never be able to do many of those things simply b/c they live too far away or don't make enough money (among other reasons). Heck, not making enough money would likely mean that many Gophers fans from the Twin Cities wouldn't be able to do several of the things you list. I get what you're going after here, but it's worth pointing out that not doing what you do doesn't make anyone less of a fan.

Well taken.

We are not rich. We treat Gopher football as "a vacation". We spend on it what you would spend on one nice trip, but we get 12 (or 13) separate days out of it. I do not donate money to many other things. This is my thing. As Coach Kill said Sunday, sometimes football saves a kid's life. Hyperbole? Maybe, maybe not.

Do I get something out of it? Sure. Do I expect it? No? Gopher Football is what YOU make of it. My point is--do more than just post on a board. Give a couple of bucks to the stadium fund or the Minnesota Fund. You can give $50 a month over 2 years an get your name on the stadium. That's kind of neat. That doesn't happen at other schools. Joint the GLC--$50 for a membership up to $375. Go to a luncheon for $20. Wear a jersey or cap. You don't have to do all the things we do--but do ONE. Make an effort.

Most of all, preach the Gospel of Gopher Football.

All the criticism of "where we are at" gains nothing. We have no idea where we are at and will not until the Big Ten season starts in the Fall. It's fun to discuss these things, and I think guys like you who have been on here for a while do a good job. I come here to read that and to find out stuff that you can't find elsewhere. Other come here to stir the pot, with no real desire to "start discussion".

LIG has another agenda. I'm not sure what it is.

16.6% of your posts have been new threads. That's got to be a record. And it really can't even be close.

And it's not overwhelming; it's just annoying. You can make your points without constantly starting new threads. But that's not information 20 other posters haven't already shared with you.

Lets find out,

Exactly 4% of my posts have been new threads. And I think that is pretty high.

It's kinda hard not to follow them when they take up almost half of the first page. For some reason you don't understand how many see that as annoying. A bunch of the threads you make end up talking about the same things (can the Gophers win 6 games, for instance).

You've made some very good posts, one I just pointed out earlier in this thread. Nothing wrong with your opinion on things. But when others decide to be a little cautious and don't know or think we can win 6 games next year, you get your panties in a bunch. If you can't accept others opinions, then why should anyone consider yours?

Misery loves company. But if you are an optimist, a pessimist is tiring, annoying, frustrating
and just plain wears a person out. So you tune them out and don't hear when they actually say something useful.

I guess I just wonder if it ever gets old or tiring hating everyone lonely?

Lets find out,

Exactly 4% of my posts have been new threads. And I think that is pretty high.

And I though it was just me...

Oops, I'm at 5.4%. I need to slow down.

FYI, I have never posted personal information about a player or family because YOU SHOULDN'T DO THAT. Other than that, I would do it.

I have 3,534 posts (counting this one) and have started 57 threads. That is a rate of 0.16%.

I find it hilarious that his thread-to-post ratio is over 100 times higher than mine. And further, that he thinks that is normal. He has started roughly half as many threads as I have, and I have been here for several years.

Never bothered to check until now. 2% Pathetic. I've gone a long way to go if I want to supplant Bleed as the go-to poster for all newsworthy Gopher links. :)

I thought Highwayman wasn't following my comments anymore.

Also, please note that in addition to having a 0.16% thread to post ratio, dpodoll68 chooses to place a comma outside a parathesis and believes that it is only proper (British?) English to refer to the Superbowl as the Super Bowl. Bully for him.

Who cares how many threads I start? No one complaining here has to read them, let alone comment upon them.

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