Defending the Goal Post

The Gophers players sing a song after the game, in front of their band. The UW players waited near midfield for it to end, before trying to move in. They never got there.

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You have an absolute pussy for a coach. The security guard was pointing to the other end of the field, not in his face.

When he got pushed in the back, he must have thought it was Chadima trying to join the party again.

"UW coach Gary Andersen arrived late, but ended up in the middle of the scrum and was extremely agitated on the field. He said he got shoved and also had a security guard point a finger in Andersen’s face.
“I just don’t think myself, you turn around and deserve to get pushed out of the way,” Andersen said. “I don’t think that’s right. … The kids, in my opinion, were not out of control. ... You’re supposed to carry yourself like an adult in those scenarios. I don’t need someone pointing a finger in my face when supposedly their job is to protect the kids and be the security for the stadium. Yeah, it makes me mad, I think it’s just not right.”

Can Beau Allen be barred from the Twin Cities now, what a Judas.

Can Beau Allen be barred from the Twin Cities now, what a Judas.

The same Beau Allen that said this?

"“The way it’s worked for 123 (meetings) is the winners of the Axe get to go chop down the goal posts,” claimed UW nose guard Beau Allen"

He's probably too stupid to find his way home.

I wish our guys would have done this the year Iowa stormed the field and took down our goal posts. Mason could have cared less. At least this team has some pride.

The same Beau Allen that said this?

"“The way it’s worked for 123 (meetings) is the winners of the Axe get to go chop down the goal posts,” claimed UW nose guard Beau Allen"

He's probably too stupid to find his way home.

Yep, that quote stuck out to me too. If the tradition is so damn important to you then you should probably do a little research on it before you make a fool out of yourself.

Sid will make sure he never works in this town.

Doesn't wisky have a 5th quarter or something like that? Assuming the gopher did win in Madison, how would the response to us barging through that to continue chopping things down go?
They earned the win, and the right to do what they want, but let's not pretend they'd be so accommodating to us if the tables were turned. Also their fans have been so spoiled by Barry's run, when the time does come that they face a smidge of adversity, they'll be freaking out in pathetic ways that will far exceed this type of incident.

I wish our guys would have done this the year Iowa stormed the field and took down our goal posts. Mason could have cared less. At least this team has some pride.

I think that was Brewster's Gophers (could be wrong) and I'm not saying that because I'm any kind of Mason lover.

To me, the key thing regarding the game yesterday was how tough both squads played it, and how clean (for the most part). I'm glad it didn't get real chippy, and I have to credit both coaching staffs for it. Kill and Andersen are classy guys, and do great jobs. Now, if the little set-to at the end involving the east goal post adds a bit of motivation for us next year, then so much the better. Ten in a row, vs. WI, is tough to swallow. I remember a time when we held such a commanding lead over them all-time that it was scarcely worth discussing or considering them. It's time for that pendulum to swing back our way, and hard.

This is what makes college sports special, embrace the rivalry and petty fun that comes with it. When our Gophers win it will be fun to do the same thing.

I have to say this.
I have a hard time listening to Becky fans call us sore losers when Beckyville still has Wisconsin 33 Arizona State 32 on their home page.

I have to say this.
I have a hard time listening to Becky fans call us sore losers when Beckyville still has Wisconsin 33 Arizona State 32 on their home page.

This is absolutely correct. I am not a fan of complaining about Wisconsin chopping down the posts, but the 33-32 thing is still pretty petty. Especially when Wisco's kicker yesterday reminded us that field goals aren't a sure thing for them.

Lol. "We've"

Care to guess who made the following posts?

"The great thing is we won despite a weakness being exposed, and got some great film to work on. "
"UW is by far the best team we have played this year."
"We are 1 point underdogs, so it definitely wouldn't be a surprise."

This is absolutely correct. I am not a fan of complaining about Wisconsin chopping down the posts, but the 33-32 thing is still pretty petty. Especially when Wisco's kicker yesterday reminded us that field goals aren't a sure thing for them.

I think the guy who would have kicked the game winner against Arizona State is no longer with the team for some reason or another, but I don't think he was a spectacular kicker either.

You have an absolute pussy for a coach. The security guard was pointing to the other end of the field, not in his face.

When he got pushed in the back, he must have thought it was Chadima trying to join the party again.

"UW coach Gary Andersen arrived late, but ended up in the middle of the scrum and was extremely agitated on the field. He said he got shoved and also had a security guard point a finger in Andersen’s face.
“I just don’t think myself, you turn around and deserve to get pushed out of the way,” Andersen said. “I don’t think that’s right. … The kids, in my opinion, were not out of control. ... You’re supposed to carry yourself like an adult in those scenarios. I don’t need someone pointing a finger in my face when supposedly their job is to protect the kids and be the security for the stadium. Yeah, it makes me mad, I think it’s just not right.”

Kinda how I felt about some 30-something idiot badger fan getting in Gopher fan faces calling them losers after the game last night. Then someone reacted and the guy acted all surprised like he didn't do anything. It wasn't a "just having fun" kinda thing. The guy was trying to get someone to react.

You'd think an "adult" wouldn't act like a junior high kid in those scenarios too.

In the video of the altercation, were those coaches who were cussing at the end? Aren't they supposed to be the role models for the student athletes? They didn't show much in terms of sportsmanship or maturity as they were cussing everyone out and in the middle of it.

The same Beau Allen that said this?

"“The way it’s worked for 123 (meetings) is the winners of the Axe get to go chop down the goal posts,” claimed UW nose guard Beau Allen"

He's probably too stupid to find his way home.
I didn't now the big puss could count to 123.

Doesn't wisky have a 5th quarter or something like that? Assuming the gopher did win in Madison, how would the response to us barging through that to continue chopping things down go?
They earned the win, and the right to do what they want, but let's not pretend they'd be so accommodating to us if the tables were turned. Also their fans have been so spoiled by Barry's run, when the time does come that they face a smidge of adversity, they'll be freaking out in pathetic ways that will far exceed this type of incident.

Well, having watched every Gopher-Badger game since 1971 and apparently being one of the few people on this board who remember the Gophers winning the axe - multiple times, I might add - I can tell you that:

1) Whoever wins chops at both goal posts, sometimes even if it is in their own stadium (which I've never understood); and
2) When the Gophers won in Madison, the Fifth Quarter didn't start until the Gophers had their celebration and left the field. I can see why the Gopher players don't wait, because they need to get to their locker room and the band doesn't, but chopping both posts is what the winning team does.

No problem with defending our home goal post. We're inching closer. Get them f'ing badgers off the field!

In the video of the altercation, were those coaches who were cussing at the end? Aren't they supposed to be the role models for the student athletes? They didn't show much in terms of sportsmanship or maturity as they were cussing everyone out and in the middle of it.

This. I was wondering about this as well. That little 4'9" coach or grad assistant or whatever he was sure looked tough standing next to the Wisconsin head coach when he was running his mouth.

Kinda how I felt about some 30-something idiot badger fan getting in Gopher fan faces calling them losers after the game last night. Then someone reacted and the guy acted all surprised like he didn't do anything. It wasn't a "just having fun" kinda thing. The guy was trying to get someone to react.

You'd think an "adult" wouldn't act like a junior high kid in those scenarios too.

I posted earlier in the week about how Wisconsin football fans are under the pathetic impression that if their football teams win, it makes them automatically better at life than others. If this story is true, it points that out beautifully. The height of being a "loser" is thinking and acting in such a way. And trust me, that covers the vast majority of their fan base.

Not as bad as Iowa fans actually tearing down our goalposts, which happened a few years ago.

Beau calls the Gophers "yellow"

Quote from Beau Allen " I didn't know the axe had a yellow side"
So now the Badgers have come full circle. The players have taken on the personality of the fans and coaches. They really are the low life's of college football. Sad to say the least.

Badger fans (and a lot of their coaches certainly) have always been that way and always will be. Not sure whether Beau is calling the team yellow or is simply referring to the coloration on one side of a rivalry trophy that his team has won a whole bunch. Guess it depends upon which side of the aisle you want to view it from.

Quote from Beau Allen " I didn't know the axe had a yellow side"
So now the Badgers have come full circle. The players have taken on the personality of the fans and coaches. They really are the low life's of college football. Sad to say the least.

Well, you may not know this either ruppert, but the axe has a red side, for Wisconsin wins, and a yellow side, for Minnesota wins. But keep trying to find offense where none exists.

The great thing about some of our GopherHolers is that no one ever over analyzes things people say. :banghead:

So what? It wouldn't be a rivalry if there wasn't some trash talking going on. I hope the players remember what it felt like. Bring it on bucky. We're getting better.

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