Defending the Goal Post


Dec 17, 2012
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Apparently, Wisconsin, after chopping down one goal post, tried to head to the other side of the field near the student section, and the Gopher football team was there waiting for them. After a few seconds of a stand-off, both teams left the field.

Bad sportsmanship or admirable new tradition? I vote the latter.

Apparently you did not see the whole deal.

The Gophers' players, band, spirit squad all gatherered around the student section goal post to sing "Hail Minnesota" (our alma mater) when the Wisconsin players came down to that goal post thinking that their presence would somehow be tolerated there. The Gopher players stood their ground and would not let them "chop" our home goal post down. It was about a 90 -120 second standoff after which time the Badgers players walked away and went to their locker room - not "both teams left the field" as stated. Once the wisconsin players were past midfield, then the Gopher players exited the stadium. I am glad that the Gophers simply stood their ground and that it did not become a fight (which I feared would be the outcome).

The Gophers handled the situation in the classiest way possible while still maintaining the dignity of our tradition and our field.

Wisconsin = classless.

It is antagonist and instigates problems every time. Until someone in that classless athletic dept tells them to wait until the end of the school song is played it will continue to happen.
Of course, I fully expect to win in two years, so it is irrelevant.

It is antagonist and instigates problems every time. Until someone in that classless athletic dept tells them to wait until the end of the school song is played it will continue to happen.
Of course, I fully expect to win in two years, so it is irrelevant.

I don't know. This feels kind of like sour grapes to me. I thought that historically, the winning team chops down both goal posts with the axe. If I'm wrong about that, then I guess it is kind of obnoxious, but I am not going to fault a team if they are just doing what the winner of the game always does.

Every single year the winning team does a lap and chops down both goalposts. Nothing new or 'classless' there. First time its ever been a problem.

I've been a Gopher fan forever and I see nothing wrong with the winning team pretending to chop both goal posts down. They should just be directed to wait until the losing team gets done singing the song with the band. I just hope we get an opportunity to do it one of these years.

They should just be directed to wait until the losing team gets done singing the song with the band. I just hope we get an opportunity to do it one of these years.

Just do this and the problem is solved.
This has happened at all three games at TCF.

I've been a Gopher fan forever and I see nothing wrong with the winning team pretending to chop both goal posts down. They should just be directed to wait until the losing team gets done singing the song with the band. I just hope we get an opportunity to do it one of these years.

As much as I wanted to win and hate Wisconsin, the winning team shouldn't have to wait for the losers to leave the field.

Every single year the winning team does a lap and chops down both goalposts. Nothing new or 'classless' there. First time its ever been a problem.

well then you haven't watched???? it has been the problem every year as the Bucking Fadgers decide to try to come down while our team is in the area of the goal post.

as others have stated it would not be that much of a problem if they extended their celebration down on the other side until the gophers are finished. simple but kind of hard to teach Badger students the meaning of sportsmanship- they get it from their fans

We have lost ten in a row to these f#cks and we have people complaining about a whether the opposition pretended to chop down a goal post. Pathetic.

Read this thread as an outsider and tell me Minnesota fans don't look like, pussies.

We lost to a better team today, but we did so with dignity and there's no doubt in my mind that we will be ending the streak soon. The tide is turning.

I agree with the wait until each teams tradition is over. In our case wait until after Hail Minnesota. In their case wait until players leave and then get it done before their 5th quarter show. Keep in mind some of their guys were recruited by a jackass and that may have rubbed off.

Just win the game and you do not have to worry about another team wanting to interrupt your singing of the alma mater to chop down your gold post. Stop the whining and win the game.

I'd be just fine if every axe game ended in a brawl. It has before, it will again.

I watched this specifically because I knew it would be the biggest issue on Gopherhole. The Badgers waited until the team was done singing and they were all walking into the tunnel. They then went down to chop the goal post, as per tradition. As the Badgers went down there, the last Gophers were just entering the tunnel and they came back to defend the honor of their goal post. It was quite touching.

If the Gophers ever win the Axe again in Madison and I am there, I will personally escort them to the goal post closest to where the Badgers leave the field so they can chop it down. To the victor goes the spoils. I also guarantee nobody will care. Everyone will be far too pissed off that the axe was just lost to be worried about some college kids celebrating on the field. It is the beauty of college football. If they did not care that they won the game, they would just walk off the field. I suppose after ten in a row you could argue it is old hat, but I think the rivalry means more than that.

Every single year the winning team does a lap and chops down both goalposts. Nothing new or 'classless' there. First time its ever been a problem.

Not a problem. Call it a new tradition at TCF. Oh yeah, and what Ole said.

Honest question...does the current group of Gopher players know the post-game Axe etiquette?

I watched this specifically because I knew it would be the biggest issue on Gopherhole.

Looks like you're wrong GVBadger. There's one thread on this and a few posts, with half saying it was fine and half not. So not sure if your hyperbole helps you feel better, but this is hardly the "biggest issue on GopherHole."

Go Gophers!!

What Ole said.
It is outstanding that our team did that. F the Badgers.

I watched this specifically because I knew it would be the biggest issue on Gopherhole. The Badgers waited until the team was done singing and they were all walking into the tunnel. They then went down to chop the goal post, as per tradition. As the Badgers went down there, the last Gophers were just entering the tunnel and they came back to defend the honor of their goal post. It was quite touching.

If the Gophers ever win the Axe again in Madison and I am there, I will personally escort them to the goal post closest to where the Badgers leave the field so they can chop it down. To the victor goes the spoils. I also guarantee nobody will care. Everyone will be far too pissed off that the axe was just lost to be worried about some college kids celebrating on the field. It is the beauty of college football. If they did not care that they won the game, they would just walk off the field. I suppose after ten in a row you could argue it is old hat, but I think the rivalry means more than that.

Safe travels back to your fine state...........oh wait, I forgot that anyone who can leaves Wisconsin ASAP.

I watched this specifically because I knew it would be the biggest issue on Gopherhole. The Badgers waited until the team was done singing and they were all walking into the tunnel. They then went down to chop the goal post, as per tradition. As the Badgers went down there, the last Gophers were just entering the tunnel and they came back to defend the honor of their goal post. It was quite touching. If the Gophers ever win the Axe again in Madison and I am there, I will personally escort them to the goal post closest to where the Badgers leave the field so they can chop it down. To the victor goes the spoils. I also guarantee nobody will care. Everyone will be far too pissed off that the axe was just lost to be worried about some college kids celebrating on the field. It is the beauty of college football. If they did not care that they won the game, they would just walk off the field. I suppose after ten in a row you could argue it is old hat, but I think the rivalry means more than that.
. The problem was the majority of the team was still in front on the band. I would guess less than 10% of the team was off the field if that many. The field goal post is 10 feet from the band who was all there. Even my Badger wife thought it was classless.

I say when we win in Madison and somehow get blocked from the goal posts we stab the frickin ax right in the middle of that ugly w in the middle of the field and sing the rouser around it.

I watched this specifically because I knew it would be the biggest issue on Gopherhole. The Badgers waited until the team was done singing and they were all walking into the tunnel. They then went down to chop the goal post, as per tradition. As the Badgers went down there, the last Gophers were just entering the tunnel and they came back to defend the honor of their goal post. It was quite touching.

If the Gophers ever win the Axe again in Madison and I am there, I will personally escort them to the goal post closest to where the Badgers leave the field so they can chop it down. To the victor goes the spoils. I also guarantee nobody will care. Everyone will be far too pissed off that the axe was just lost to be worried about some college kids celebrating on the field. It is the beauty of college football. If they did not care that they won the game, they would just walk off the field. I suppose after ten in a row you could argue it is old hat, but I think the rivalry means more than that.

I'm sure, then, you'll personally call Barry Alvarez and demand he overnight the Slab of Bacon to Minneapolis for safe keeping, right? To the victor go the spoils?

I thought this was settled two years ago when the skunks tried the same thing. Bielema said he understood why it was wrong to try that with the players and the band still down there, and he said it wouldn't happen again. At least that's my recollection. I thought things would be different under the new coach, but I guess a skunk can't change its stripes. A-holes all around.

While I am disappointed in the loss, I am happy that the Gophers could give Badger fans the boost in self esteem that they so desperately need. Whether Mommy didn't love you enough or that sneaky uncle loved you a little too much, all your problems can go away for a short while. You can skirt the issue all you want, but you and I both know that the only reason you're posting here is to boast about the results of an athletic contest that you played absolutely no role in. Good for you.

While I am disappointed in the loss, I am happy that the Gophers could give Badger fans the boost in self esteem that they so desperately need. Whether Mommy didn't love you enough or that sneaky uncle loved you a little too much, all your problems can go away for a short while. You can skirt the issue all you want, but you and I both know that the only reason you're posting here is to boast about the results of an athletic contest that you played absolutely no role in. Good for you.

Thanks for pointing that out. I am going to do a lot of soul searching tonight. Here is an idea for you. It's football, relax. It's supposed to be fun. If you are getting upset over kids chopping down a goal post, I would suggest a new hobby.

Fish on the line. You and I both know why you post here. Helpful tip, there is no statute of limitations on what eats at your soul.

Thanks for pointing that out. I am going to do a lot of soul searching tonight. Here is an idea for you. It's football, relax. It's supposed to be fun. If you are getting upset over kids chopping down a goal post, I would suggest a new hobby.

Honest question - would this compare to the Brewster Gopher squad doing jump around in Madison several years back? Obviously, that worked out well for the Badgers and emotionally got them going again (I believe the Gophs were winning heading into the 4th qtr), but I remember seeing the Badger sideline (coaches and all) react as though someone was going to the bathroom on their face.

And the bottom line is, lets just win, and when we do, lets do it with class and respect. Despite all of their success in the last 20 years, WI somehow still has not been able to figure it out.

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