Defend the Coach, please...


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2009
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I will start this thread by stating that I think Tubby is a very good coach.

However, you have to admit he has to be held somewhat responsible for this poor showing tonight. A game you have to have, and they might lose by 30+ points. IMO, prep has a big part in the result tonight, and this reflects poorly on him and the program.

Yes, he has to take a large percentage of the blame. Anything less, and people have their heads way too far up Tubby's a**

IMO, prep has a big part in the result tonight, and this reflects poorly on him and the program.

Please describe the things you saw in practice that lead you to believe that the coaches prepared the players poorly. Sounds like speculation to me.

Please describe the things you saw in practice that lead you to believe that the coaches prepared the players poorly. Sounds like speculation to me.

Do you think the lads looked ready to play tonight? It sure looked like they did not.

If not on the coach, then our players are not good and have no heart. Which one is it?

Please describe the things you saw in practice that lead you to believe that the coaches prepared the players poorly. Sounds like speculation to me.
There's a little more to game prep than practice. Thanks for playing.

Please describe the things you saw in practice that lead you to believe that the coaches prepared the players poorly. Sounds like speculation to me.

Well since you asked - their walkthrough this morning had no intensity and they players were joking around the whole time, and yesterday they had the day off and did not prepare phyiscally for Michigan, just watched film.

Do you think the lads looked ready to play tonight? It sure looked like they did not.

If not on the coach, then our players are not good and have no heart. Which one is it?

No, they did not look ready to play. They stood around and watched Michigan outhustle them all night.

All I'm saying is that maybe the coaches did a fantastic job in practice and had 2 great practices and everything seemed peachy. Then, for whatever reason, the players didn't bring it to the game. The players have shown no heart in other games. I sure didn't expect it tonight.

Disgusting defense, that's for sure.

It seems that Tubby only gets credit when the Gophers win.

Then its all about his great coaching.

Lose, and its due to some other reason.

Tubby will still get his 20 wins.

Iowa = #18
6/11 BTT game = #19
NIT 1st round = #20

Congrats to Tubby!!!!

He is playing with Monson's players that went 9 -22 before Tubby.
Just wait until Tubby gets his own players.

Well since you asked - their walkthrough this morning had no intensity and they players were joking around the whole time, and yesterday they had the day off and did not prepare phyiscally for Michigan, just watched film.

I did ask and if what you say is true (is it?), then there is some strong evidence that type of preparation didn't work. Were you really at walkthrough?

Overall I will say this - Tubby probably got about as much as he could from the squad this year. There is not a ton of talent on the floor. A bunch of role players who would be 5th-10th options on top tier teams.

It's obvious, we should fire the coach after every loss.

Do you think the lads looked ready to play tonight? It sure looked like they did not.

If not on the coach, then our players are not good and have no heart. Which one is it?

I would say it's a combination of the two. Tubby could have probably gotten them to play harder at least. But there's the rub for me; when a team is as blatantly lazy as our guys were tonight, there isn't a scheme in the world that will help. Therefore, it's tough to even know what the coach's game-plan was because the players' game-plan was to stand around and watch Michigan play basketball all night long.

Overall I will say this - Tubby probably got about as much as he could from the squad this year. There is not a ton of talent on the floor. A bunch of role players who would be 5th-10th options on top tier teams.

Then why did they have a better year last year?

Seems they should at least be as good as last year if not better

He is playing with Monson's players that went 9 -22 before Tubby.
Just wait until Tubby gets his own players.

Nuggett...please tell me this is sarcasm, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that it is.


The Gophers just completed a stretch of 4 games where they beat their arch-rival, a top-20 team, then came within 1 point of the #3 team in the country, then crushed Indiana at home, then went on the road and beat Illinois at Assembly Hall.

And now Tubby sucks because he lost a road game at Michigan?

Lets get this thread back on track with the thread title. Tonight, who do you think could have defended the coach? High Point Tubby, not coach Tubby. I'd say we play a box and 1.

Someone please blame the coach for not going out on the floor and staying in front of harris,being more physical on the blocks with sims, and not recovering on michigans shooters so these guys can blow their load and get a good nights sleep..........GEESH!

The Gophers just completed a stretch of 4 games where they beat their arch-rival, a top-20 team, then came within 1 point of the #3 team in the country, then crushed Indiana at home, then went on the road and beat Illinois at Assembly Hall.

And now Tubby sucks because he lost a road game at Michigan?

I never said he sucks and I do think he is a very good coach, just that I dont feel he did a good job getting the boys ready to play tonight.

I will say this that during year 3 of Tubby's tenure a 30 point loss regardless if it is on the road to a 6-10 conference team with a NCAA tourney bid in the balance and to play with this type of effort is embarassing and should never happen.

This year has been a complete disaster from the start and Tubby just said on his post game chat that "maybe this team lacks courage and heart". I don't think "maybe" is correct it should be "this team doesn't have any courage and heart".

I guess you can say Tubby getting this bunch to a probable 9-9 record in B10 play is a good job by him considering everything?


Losing at home by one to a Hummel-less Purdue team isn't an accomplishment. Not even close.

(1) Hummel played in the game and played well.

(2) Purdue is a very good team with or without Hummel and has proven it when Hummel has been injured in the past. Seriously, you think Johnson and Moore are only good when Hummel is on the floor?

Someone please blame the coach for not going out on the floor and staying in front of harris,being more physical on the blocks with sims, and not recovering on michigans shooters so these guys can blow their load and get a good nights sleep..........GEESH!

I understand your point and it is valid.
Tubby doesn't make the shots, block the shots, defend the 3s, etc. when they win

If he is going to get credit for turning this program around and credit
for the good things that happen, then he must also share the blame
when things go bad.

The rest of us don't have jobs that give us credit for the good things and ignore the bad.

It would be one thing if Michigan had won the game by a basket or two and the
Gophers played a competitive game, but they just got handed their rear ends
by 28 points from one of the worst teams in the Big 10 and this team is worse than last years team with the same players.
Those same players have 1 more year of experience yet they have regressed.

The man who runs the program cannot be totally absolved from those things mentioned above.

This year has been a complete disaster from the start and Tubby just said on his post game chat that "maybe this team lacks courage and heart"

There is the answer
Of course that's it

It's the teams fault

Did Tubby take any blame himself ?

Tubby is a good coach. He just does not have the best players. This team has to keep focused. They need to make up for the marginal talent with positive attitudes, good grades, and extra effort. Until he makes up for the two lost recruits we will continue to be marginal. Coaching only takes you so far. We can control our attitude and they need to be positive, even after a disappointing loss.

nuggett we get it you have an agenda to get Tubby Smith fired. You/none of us that post on this message board have the ability to hire/fire anyone. So you might as well drop it because your complaining won't get you anywhere.

He is playing with Monson's players that went 9 -22 before Tubby.
Just wait until Tubby gets his own players.

I am so *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ing sick of hearing "wait for his player." That's so tired. Half this team are HIS players and they still peak at mediocre. By the way, HIS recruiting class coming in next season is dead last in the Big Ten according to some rankings. HIS best players are all in street clothes.

I am so *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ing sick of hearing "wait for his player." That's so tired. Half this team are HIS players and they still peak at mediocre. By the way, HIS recruiting class coming in next season is dead last in the Big Ten according to some rankings. HIS best players are all in street clothes.

LOL, this night keeps getting better. Comic Gold.

There is the answer
Of course that's it

It's the teams fault

Did Tubby take any blame himself ?

Seriously. Go back to your Kentucky messageboard.

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