Dear Mr. Teague...

^^^ I agree Monty. I think he would be a good coach and I could get on board with the hire...he would have to hire some really good assistants including a great recruiter IMO

Flip could not survive in the's kind of hard to get excited about him running or ruining a college team...and of course trying to recruit.

I'm not sure why everyone is so concerned with his NBA résumé. Pitino didn't have a very good run in the NBA and most would say he's a great college coach. I didn't see it as an apples to apples comparison. And I think the previous NBA experience could be a fantastic help in recruiting. He loves the U and has Booster support. Not to mention is a good offensive minded coach. I think he would be a great hire.

I was standing at the fridge tonight and asked my wife "where is the milk?" She says "it's right in front of your face!!!"

Flip = Milk

Speaking as a bachelor, I need to remind you to check the expiration date on that milk. Nothing worse than milk that has sat in the fridge too long.

I'm not sure why everyone is so concerned with his NBA résumé. Pitino didn't have a very good run in the NBA and most would say he's a great college coach. I didn't see it as an apples to apples comparison. And I think the previous NBA experience could be a fantastic help in recruiting. He loves the U and has Booster support. Not to mention is a good offensive minded coach. I think he would be a great hire.

Because Pitino was a great college baskeball coach first.

Are there any examples of a primarily pro coach who made a successful transition to college coaching (at least more successful than Tubby was here)? The only one that comes to mind is Larry Brown at UCLA and Kansas.

Last edited by vcurams; Yesterday at 10:38 PM

John Kundla won a BUNCH of championships coaching the Minneapolis and then went on to coach our very own University of Minnesota Golden Gophers in the 1960's. He brought us Hudson, Clark and Yates and did fairly well in Big Ten play against the likes of Cazzie Russel and the corn blues from Michigan, et al.,. John Kundla was a pretty fair coach in both the pros and in the Big Ten Conference. He is also the grandfather of all the Dahlman Kids who tore up the courts in high school ball...

; 0 )

He also finished his Gopher coaching career with a 67-59 .532 B1G record.

Flip could not survive in the's kind of hard to get excited about him running or ruining a college team...and of course trying to recruit.

Parski trying to hold down Gopher basketball; obvious Tubby disinformation agent

Hiring a non V7 coach would circumvent a conflict of interest.

It appears that Teague has pulled a boner. must be something in the minny water where people come here and lose their marbles. 'Yer fired.......wait for it...wait for it...wait for it...

The cold will do that to people. The strong survive, then go fishing.

This is a thought that has been on my mind lately.

This is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME opportunity.

We all dreamed of Dungy coming home to coach the Gophers, but knew it would NEVER happen.

Well, there is a reason Dungy didn't want to come and coach the Gophers. He had BETTER options.

But now here we are, with ONE LAST OPTION, to bring in a big time Gopher alum.

If we pass on this chance, we'll probably never get another chance. Not for a VERY long time.

First off, Shaka is not the second coming. Second, Tubby needed to go, no matter what. Thirdly, there are a number of us who would have gladly taken Flip over Shaka, so that should answer your question.

"Dear Mr. Teague... "

You have my support, because you know what you are doing.

this. as the large majority of you have no clue on how this stuff works. teague and ellis do.

Flip could not survive in the's kind of hard to get excited about him running or ruining a college team...and of course trying to recruit.

he survived 16 years. I would love to know what percentage of nba coaches last in the nba 16 years. What would constitute as surviving to you?

he survived 16 years. I would love to know what percentage of nba coaches last in the nba 16 years. What would constitute as surviving to you?

Exactly! Let's not forget this inluded being handcuffed by Taylor and McHale for the Joe Smith super secrect under the table fiasco.

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