Dear Mr. Teague...

I think Teague "knew" what he was doing until Shaka declined. Now he is in panic mode. Freddy was his first reach (a guy not even linked to Villa 7). There are other good candidates but the chances of them coming to MN are remote. Flip is the best choice now that Shaka declined.

Listen, NT has made one great hire in Shaka. It's not exactly a ton of historic hiring success. This is a giant hire for him moving forward.

You're out of your mind. You're literally unraveling at the seams in your blind hope for Flipnosis.

Shaka was a reach, everyone knew we had close to zero chance of landing him.

Freddie. . .you believed Doogie. That's cute.

We get it, you want Flip.

I think Teague "knew" what he was doing until Shaka declined. Now he is in panic mode. Freddy was his first reach (a guy not even linked to Villa 7). There are other good candidates but the chances of them coming to MN are remote. Flip is the best choice now that Shaka declined.

Listen, NT has made one great hire in Shaka. It's not exactly a ton of historic hiring success. This is a giant hire for him moving forward.

I said on a different forum it was major league risky. Especially in year one of your tenure. I would have let Tubby go another year and wait for the carnage next year. Almost a certainty given who was coming back and the lack of recruits (we were not and are not getting the proverbial big three). Then he could have blamed it all on the prior AD and the extension meanwhile really work the field for a replacement.

He didn't do that did he?

Dr. GopherLady,

I know trolls get pageviews for GH but can we have a reputation system please? Thanks.


I think Teague "knew" what he was doing until Shaka declined. Now he is in panic mode. Freddy was his first reach (a guy not even linked to Villa 7). There are other good candidates but the chances of them coming to MN are remote. Flip is the best choice now that Shaka declined.

Listen, NT has made one great hire in Shaka. It's not exactly a ton of historic hiring success. This is a giant hire for him moving forward.

And you know for a fact they reached for Hoiberg how?

I think Teague "knew" what he was doing until Shaka declined. Now he is in panic mode. Freddy was his first reach (a guy not even linked to Villa 7). There are other good candidates but the chances of them coming to MN are remote. Flip is the best choice now that Shaka declined.

Listen, NT has made one great hire in Shaka. It's not exactly a ton of historic hiring success. This is a giant hire for him moving forward.

And for the record, NT didn't even hire Grant at VCU. His predecessor who was about to retire really hired Grant. Norwood was brought in more as a courtesy as the incoming AD.

Dr. GopherLady,

I know trolls get pageviews for GH but can we have a reputation system please? Thanks.


GL is reputable and will not place false bull$hit. We will hear from her when she has something to add. She has been quiet lately because she has a lead, and is working on verifying that lead.

GL is reputable and will not place false bull$hit. We will hear from her when she has something to add. She has been quiet lately because she has a lead, and is working on verifying that lead.

I don't know how you got that out of what I said.

GH would be a much improved website if there was a reputation system for posting.

Howland will be named the new coach tomorrow afternoon before the evening NCAA games. Shaka declined. No surprise. Buzz declined. Mildly surprised. Pastner and Hoiberg have been given extensions. Grant doesn't meet the "excitement" threshold for boosters and the hoops community. Flip is simply not qualified. Howland is an experienced coach with excellent connections and his results speak for themselves. Book it.

I think Flip's success will be based on who he selects as assistants. He has shown he can coach but may have to dumb down his offensive schemes at bit.

Where the assistants come into play is in the recruiting. I think Flip will have get the attention of the local kids but if he can get that one assistant who does nothing but excel at outstate recruiting, Flip will be successful.

I don't know how you got that out of what I said.

GH would be a much improved website if there was a reputation system for posting.

A reputation system for posting????? Holy Jesus Martha, none of us could post.

GL is reputable and will not place false bull$hit. We will hear from her when she has something to add. She has been quiet lately because she has a lead, and is working on verifying that lead.

Um, I think she's on vacation. We're on our own.

Howland will be named the new coach tomorrow afternoon before the evening NCAA games. Shaka declined. No surprise. Buzz declined. Mildly surprised. Pastner and Hoiberg have been given extensions. Grant doesn't meet the "excitement" threshold for boosters and the hoops community. Flip is simply not qualified. Howland is an experienced coach with excellent connections and his results speak for themselves. Book it.

This speculation gets worse by the minute. I would literally track Tubby down and beg him to come back to avoid Howland.

I think the only "source" about Teague and Zoidberg was an agent trying to get Freddy his payday in Ames.

Ha Ha. Most people you never hear from because they are on vacation. We don't hear from GL because she is working.

How dense are you, old man? She's in Florida.

Completely disagree. There has been a lot of chatter from the young crowd endorsing Flip including recent ex gophers and a current recruit.

I'm not sure the correlation would be perfect as the previous poster described but I bet as a general rule the older a person is the more likely that person is to respond positively to Flip. Like all questionnaires it probably depends a bit on the wording of the question.

You're out of your mind. You're literally unraveling at the seams in your blind hope for Flipnosis.

Shaka was a reach, everyone knew we had close to zero chance of landing him.

Freddie. . .you believed Doogie. That's cute.

We get it, you want Flip.

You rip Flip and and tell those who want Flip that he's a bad coach. You don't want Flip, we get it

It seems all Teague is doing is to get a bunch of guys pay raises.

I'd really like to the see a diagram detailing the Wolves fans (like actual fans, not casual) who would like Flip as a coach. I'll tell you that the few other die hard Wolves fans I know who follow Gopher basketball, think like me. That could be a coincidence, but I don't think a lot of these Flip backers were big fans of the Wolves.

WRONG!!! I was a HUGE T-Pups fan. HUGE.

And I don't want anyone else but Flip as our coach. Will I come to eventually be ok with who NT hires if its not Flip? Depends.

But I followed the T-Wolves, and then I followed Flip after he left the Timberwolves.

You rip Flip and and tell those who want Flip that he's a bad coach. You don't want Flip, we get it

Flip could not survive in the's kind of hard to get excited about him running or ruining a college team...and of course trying to recruit.

Are there any examples of a primarily pro coach who made a successful transition to college coaching (at least more successful than Tubby was here)? The only one that comes to mind is Larry Brown at UCLA and Kansas.

Last edited by vcurams; Yesterday at 10:38 PM

John Kundla won a BUNCH of championships coaching the Minneapolis and then went on to coach our very own University of Minnesota Golden Gophers in the 1960's. He brought us Hudson, Clark and Yates and did fairly well in Big Ten play against the likes of Cazzie Russel and the corn blues from Michigan, et al.,. John Kundla was a pretty fair coach in both the pros and in the Big Ten Conference. He is also the grandfather of all the Dahlman Kids who tore up the courts in high school ball...

; 0 )

You say that now about Shaka but the tone was a lot different in here a few days earlier.

Help me understand this, Flip has never been a head coach in the college ranks (at least not D1), he was a college assistant coach 25 years ago. Other than being an alumnus, why is Flip considered an attractive candidate to some? I just don't see it and maybe there's something there that an outsider isn't privy to. Then again, maybe somebody on the outside can be a bit more objective.

Are there any examples of a primarily pro coach who made a successful transition to college coaching (at least more successful than Tubby was here)? The only one that comes to mind is Larry Brown at UCLA and Kansas.

NBA coaches don't make transitions to college very often because of different reasons. Some would be because of the money, others because of the prestige. Its the same with the NFL, once a coach gets into that whole Pro coaching circuit, many of them see it as a demotion or a step down to go down to coaching college, and in many cases the pay is less. So its not going to happen very often.

But this is the deal. Coaching is coaching. There are some differences, obviously, pro coaches are dealing with adults, MEN who are getting paid and who don't always want to be there, or don't love their jobs. College coaches have young men, some arguably are only kids, and there are headaches dealing with that. So the differences seem to some to be too big for a coach to make the transition.

But certain coaches have the type of demeanor and character that they'd do well no matter what level they coached at. Tony Dungy is an example of a Pro coach who would have done well coaching a college team and I didn't mention him just because he is a Gopher alum. But Flip, imo, is a guy who I do think was successful in the NBA, in the CBA, at a Bible College, and I believe he'd be successful at the Div 1 level as well.

Flip sees himself as a teacher and has stated that if he stays involved with the NBA he would not want to coach, but would prefer doing GM work. IF he was going to coach, he's said, he would prefer to do so at the college level. He said this recently and it was pretty obvious what he was hinting at.

He's smart, a great bb mind, and humble, too. He seems to be ok with not being the U's #1 target. That takes humility considering that the T-Wolves probably want him as their GM. So how hard is it to believe that he might be ok with bringing in top notch assistants, and not doing a Tubby and bringing in a bunch of do nothing cronies that just get paid to pretend like they are doing something but really only do what Tubby told them to do. He'd probably be ok with letting NT pick one of his assistants from his Villa 7 connections.

He loves the U. He would be more likely to make decisions that were in the U's best interest, not his. There is no guarantee that anyone will every be so selfless. But like I said, it would be MORE LIKELY that Flip would have that kind of attitude towards the job.

And the day that Tubby got fired, I remember reading several tweets from former Gophers and current Gophers ALL saying, "OK, now lets bring in Flip".

Those are not old folks. Those are young men. Those are the guys just a few years older than the guys we want to bring to the U.

Today, a UNC fan tried poking fun of me for mentioning that Flip Saunders MIGHT be our next hire.

And, before I could respond, a Virginia Tech fan, and a Duke fan jumped on the guy and ripped on him for ripping on Flip Saunders. They were shocked that anyone would rip on Flip. Both of them said that Flip was a very good NBA coach.

NON-Minnesota fans. 2 guys who don't even like me that much, and don't give a rats ash about the Gophers jumped at the opportunity to defend Flip Saunders honor and proclaim him a great NBA coach.

I'd love to introduce them to BOB the Flip Basher.

Are there any examples of a primarily pro coach who made a successful transition to college coaching (at least more successful than Tubby was here)? The only one that comes to mind is Larry Brown at UCLA and Kansas.

Last edited by vcurams; Yesterday at 10:38 PM

John Kundla won a BUNCH of championships coaching the Minneapolis and then went on to coach our very own University of Minnesota Golden Gophers in the 1960's. He brought us Hudson, Clark and Yates and did fairly well in Big Ten play against the likes of Cazzie Russel and the corn blues from Michigan, et al.,. John Kundla was a pretty fair coach in both the pros and in the Big Ten Conference. He is also the grandfather of all the Dahlman Kids who tore up the courts in high school ball...

; 0 )

Well, if you have to go that far back that tells you something.

But I guess you guys know Flip better than people on the outside. However, one of the outsiders happens to be your AD. I doubt very seriously he's going to hire someone outside his network of coaching candidates who he already has some familiarity with. I mean, this may be the most important hire of his career.

Today, a UNC fan tried poking fun of me for mentioning that Flip Saunders MIGHT be our next hire.

And, before I could respond, a Virginia Tech fan, and a Duke fan jumped on the guy and ripped on him for ripping on Flip Saunders. They were shocked that anyone would rip on Flip. Both of them said that Flip was a very good NBA coach.

NON-Minnesota fans. 2 guys who don't even like me that much, and don't give a rats ash about the Gophers jumped at the opportunity to defend Flip Saunders honor and proclaim him a great NBA coach.

I'd love to introduce them to BOB the Flip Basher.

Short, concise and good use of paragraphs. Let's see if you can do it again.

I'd really like to the see a diagram detailing the Wolves fans (like actual fans, not casual) who would like Flip as a coach. I'll tell you that the few other die hard Wolves fans I know who follow Gopher basketball, think like me. That could be a coincidence, but I don't think a lot of these Flip backers were big fans of the Wolves.

Big time Wolves fan (still am), and I can tell you, I'm not nearly as excited about the prospects of that happening as others, but I would consider it a "solid" hire. I think he would provide a good boost for fundraising and very likely get more offensively out of our current bunch than Tubby could on a consistent basis. There's just so many unknowns that people are just assuming though, like his recruiting and staff for instance. When you haven't really done it in so long, I just wonder a little bit. I guess I'd be more comfortable if he had someone with a lot of NCAA coaching experience (not head coaching necessarily) as an assistant. But for me though, I'd prefer someone more ingrained in the college game right now.

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