Dear Mr. Teague...

AKA Bomber

New member
Feb 18, 2013
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Congrats with all of your Villa 7 Initiatives. Many thanks for releasing Tubby of his duties - it had to be done.

I was standing at the fridge tonight and asked my wife "where is the milk?" She says "it's right in front of your face!!!"

Flip = Milk

Get this done tomorrow before this search appears more foolish than it already does. The boosters are 100% behind Flip. Get the big 3, build practice facility, cut down the nets. Go villa 7 after Flip in 10 years.

Congrats with all of your Villa 7 Initiatives. Many thanks for releasing Tubby of his duties - it had to be done.

I was standing at the fridge tonight and asked my wife "where is the milk?" She says "it's right in front of your face!!!"

Flip = Milk

Get this done tomorrow before this search appears more foolish than it already does. The boosters are 100% behind Flip. Get the big 3, build practice facility, cut down the nets. Go villa 7 after Flip in 10 years.

Are you going to be satisfied with milk after searching for cognac?

Congrats with all of your Villa 7 Initiatives. Many thanks for releasing Tubby of his duties - it had to be done.

I was standing at the fridge tonight and asked my wife "where is the milk?" She says "it's right in front of your face!!!"

Flip = Milk

Get this done tomorrow before this search appears more foolish than it already does. The boosters are 100% behind Flip. Get the big 3, build practice facility, cut down the nets. Go villa 7 after Flip in 10 years.

The search only looks foolish to foolish people.

Are you going to be satisfied with milk after searching for cognac?

Let's see now, the largest wager I made last weekend in Vegas was on Michigan over VCU. How'd that turn out again?

"Dear Mr. Teague... "

You have my support, because you know what you are doing.

Let's see now, the largest wager I made last weekend in Vegas was on Michigan over VCU. How'd that turn out again?

...and what does that have to do with anything?

The point is will your fan base be satisfied with Flip after hearing all of the names being tossed around. If it matters its definitely not going to play well nationally. And nationally you're already getting hammered about firing Tubby. You fired Tubby to hire Flip?

What ever the decision is he better make it quick. My heart can't take this much longer.

...and what does that have to do with anything?

The point is will your fan base be satisfied with Flip after hearing all of the names being tossed around. If it matters its definitely not going to play well nationally. And nationally you're already getting hammered about firing Tubby. You fired Tubby to hire Flip?

First off, Shaka is not the second coming. Second, Tubby needed to go, no matter what. Thirdly, there are a number of us who would have gladly taken Flip over Shaka, so that should answer your question.

...and what does that have to do with anything?

The point is will your fan base be satisfied with Flip after hearing all of the names being tossed around. If it matters its definitely not going to play well nationally. And nationally you're already getting hammered about firing Tubby. You fired Tubby to hire Flip?

Giant improvement.

First off, Shaka is not the second coming. Second, Tubby needed to go, no matter what. Thirdly, there are a number of us who would have gladly taken Flip over Shaka, so that should answer your question.

Fourth, Get off the Flip Kick.

First off, Shaka is not the second coming. Second, Tubby needed to go, no matter what. Thirdly, there are a number of us who would have gladly taken Flip over Shaka, so that should answer your question.

Wrong....Tubby did not need to go an matter what. There are 2.5 million reasons and a 2013 NCAA Tourney appearance to show why.

Wrong....Tubby did not need to go an matter what. There are 2.5 million reasons and a 2013 NCAA Tourney appearance to show why.

Please tell me you aren't serious with this comment...

Wrong....Tubby did not need to go an matter what. There are 2.5 million reasons and a 2013 NCAA Tourney appearance to show why.

Parski, I hate to pop your bubble, but yes, Tubby did have to go. And you heard this from a former Tubby supporter.

Fourth, Get off the Flip Kick.

I would love to see a scatter diagram of Age of Respondent vs Love for Flip. X axis age of respondent (increasing with X), Y axis love for Flip (increasing with Y). My guess is its a freaking positive slope straight line with a correlation of about 0.99

I would love to see a scatter diagram of Age of Respondent vs Love for Flip. X axis age of respondent (increasing with X), Y axis love for Flip (increasing with Y). My guess is its a freaking straight line with a correlation of about 0.99

I'd really like to the see a diagram detailing the Wolves fans (like actual fans, not casual) who would like Flip as a coach. I'll tell you that the few other die hard Wolves fans I know who follow Gopher basketball, think like me. That could be a coincidence, but I don't think a lot of these Flip backers were big fans of the Wolves.

I would love to see a scatter diagram of Age of Respondent vs Love for Flip. X axis age of respondent (increasing with X), Y axis love for Flip (increasing with Y). My guess is its a freaking positive slope straight line with a correlation of about 0.99

It would be strong, but not that strong. Minnesotans of all ages love 'one of us'!

I'd really like to the see a diagram detailing the Wolves fans (like actual fans, not casual) who would like Flip as a coach. I'll tell you that the few other die hard Wolves fans I know who follow Gopher basketball, think like me. That could be a coincidence, but I don't think a lot of these Flip backers were big fans of the Wolves.

Good point. After Flip maybe its time to recycle McHale.

First off, Shaka is not the second coming. Second, Tubby needed to go, no matter what. Thirdly, there are a number of us who would have gladly taken Flip over Shaka, so that should answer your question.

You say that now about Shaka but the tone was a lot different in here a few days earlier.

Help me understand this, Flip has never been a head coach in the college ranks (at least not D1), he was a college assistant coach 25 years ago. Other than being an alumnus, why is Flip considered an attractive candidate to some? I just don't see it and maybe there's something there that an outsider isn't privy to. Then again, maybe somebody on the outside can be a bit more objective.

Are there any examples of a primarily pro coach who made a successful transition to college coaching (at least more successful than Tubby was here)? The only one that comes to mind is Larry Brown at UCLA and Kansas.

I'd really like to the see a diagram detailing the Wolves fans (like actual fans, not casual) who would like Flip as a coach. I'll tell you that the few other die hard Wolves fans I know who follow Gopher basketball, think like me. That could be a coincidence, but I don't think a lot of these Flip backers were big fans of the Wolves.

I was and I think Flip would be very good.

I would love to see a scatter diagram of Age of Respondent vs Love for Flip. X axis age of respondent (increasing with X), Y axis love for Flip (increasing with Y). My guess is its a freaking positive slope straight line with a correlation of about 0.99

Completely disagree. There has been a lot of chatter from the young crowd endorsing Flip including recent ex gophers and a current recruit.

I think Teague "knew" what he was doing until Shaka declined. Now he is in panic mode. Freddy was his first reach (a guy not even linked to Villa 7). There are other good candidates but the chances of them coming to MN are remote. Flip is the best choice now that Shaka declined.

Listen, NT has made one great hire in Shaka. It's not exactly a ton of historic hiring success. This is a giant hire for him moving forward.

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The chances of getting your favorite.

I would love to see a scatter diagram of Age of Respondent vs Love for Flip. X axis age of respondent (increasing with X), Y axis love for Flip (increasing with Y). My guess is its a freaking positive slope straight line with a correlation of about 0.99

Then put the son of a bitch together and show us, lugnuts.

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