Dan Barreiro implies Fleck wants big $$$

Good. If the U is going to make a leap forward and go big time then you have to pay big time money. The days of hiring someone like Brewster or Kill or Claeys has to be over if they canned Claeys.

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We don't have those at UM.

Upnorth and CoMN said they hang out with 7/8 figure, but they're too busy talking about sex right now, still trying to hash out our new sexual standards.

Don't we start getting money from the new TV contract this coming year? That would help cover increased salary.

Don't we start getting money from the new TV contract this coming year? That would help cover increased salary.

That'll barely cover my lack of productivity today.

Don't we start getting money from the new TV contract this coming year? That would help cover increased salary.

That'll barely cover my lack of productivity today.

Problem is that big money at the U is crap everywhere else. You can't win the Big Ten and compete for championships without a very good/great coaching staffs and those cost money.

"Living the Twin Cities" isn't a fair exchange for millions of dollars. I would be perfectly happy living it Tuscaloosa making $8 mil per year instead of living in TC making $2 mil.

Money talks and we are in a bad negotiating position thanks to Coyles piss poor planning and timing.

School Coach School Pay Max Bonus Asst Pay Total
Michigan Jim Harbaugh 9,004,000 1,325,000 4,308,750
Ohio State Urban Meyer 6,003,000 775,000 4,583,100
Penn State James Franklin 4,500,000 1,000,000 --
Iowa Kirk Ferentz 4,500,000 2,875,000 3,610,000
Michigan State Mark Dantonio 4,300,000 650,000 3,445,098
Northwestern Pat Fitzgerald 3,350,638 -- --
Nebraska Mike Riley 2,800,000 950,000 3,758,626
Wisconsin Paul Chryst 2,700,000 440,000 2,862,520
Maryland DJ Durkin 2,412,000 625,000 2,907,500
Indiana Kevin Wilson 2,320,000 1,130,000 2,751,661
Purdue Darrell Hazell 2,190,000 1,545,000 2,495,000
Rutgers Chris Ash 2,000,000 960,000 2,340,000
Illinois Lovie Smith 1,809,179 1,000,000 3,245,000
Minnesota Tracy Claeys 1,400,000 1,250,000 2,932,000

W. Michigan PJ Fleck $816,000 $336,000 $1,225,000

Big Ten Average 2016 - Football Coaches

School Pay: $3.52 million
Max Bonus: $1,12 million
Asst Pay Total: $3.27 million

Problem is that big money at the U is crap everywhere else. You can't win the Big Ten and compete for championships without a very good/great coaching staffs and those cost money.

"Living the Twin Cities" isn't a fair exchange for millions of dollars. I would be perfectly happy living it Tuscaloosa making $8 mil per year instead of living in TC making $2 mil.

Money talks and we are in a bad negotiating position thanks to Coyles piss poor planning and timing.

Completely Agree. Many casual fans would argue (because my god we need a new boathouse for the rowing team), but I could live in a craphole town for several million a year. Especially when you only have to stay there for 4 or 5 years. There's a reason Claeys was getting on the first plane out of this winter...

If he doesn't demand big bucks are we sure we want him.

If he doesn't demand big bucks are we sure we want him.

+1 If this guy can't convince the U to give him as much money as possible, he'll never be able to get a recruit to MN.

+1 If this guy can't convince the U to give him as much money as possible, he'll never be able to get a recruit to MN.

Rod Tidwell: It's something very personal, a very important thing. Hell! It's a family motto. Are you ready Jerry? I wanna make sure you're ready, brother. Here it is: Show me the money. Show! Me! The! Money! Jerry, it is such a pleasure to say that! Say it with me one time, Jerry.
Jerry Maguire: Show you the money.
Rod Tidwell: No, no. You can do better than that! I want you to say it brother with meaning! Hey, I got Bob Sugar on the other line I bet you he can say it!
Jerry Maguire: Yeah, yeah, no, no, no. Show you the money.
Rod Tidwell: No! Not show you! Show me the money!

If he wants Dantonio money, he better have us in the final 4 by '18 season.

I would guess $2.5 range at least would do the trick? Anything more than that, your paying a coach above some very successful B1G coaches.

I would guess $2.3-$2.5 range at least would do the trick? Anything more than that, your paying a coach above some very successful B1G coaches.

Purdue just paid their guy $20 mil over 6 years. Fleck is looking for $30 over 7.

You get what you pay for.

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fleck has all the leverage, we have none. he's smart to shoot for the moon

That's like the most bizarre spin I've seen a in a while...

My point was just that he would be foolish to not ask for a lot of money because of our situation. Someone who would make that decision, I think is prone to foolish decisions. I think they are also likely to lack any ability to persuade people. Maybe the money is not there, in which case, it wouldn't work out. That would be quite the blemish on Coyle's record if he thought any logical person in Fleck's situation would take this job for less than $3.5 million.

So yeah, either Fleck isn't the type of person that realizes when he's in the driver's seat and he'd be foolish OR he would be incredibly unpersuasive.

It's like that whole pretty wife thing.

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