Dairyland Diaries

What I find entertaining is that every time an article ripping the badgers shows up on the board, the same 3-5 badger fans jump on and start talking *&^@#*&^@#*&^@#*&^@#...but not with this thread. What this shows me is that they are badger fans that have moved to Minnesota because these stories are nothing more than par for the course in that backwards state. How the hell did Wisconsin get that far north?

My favorite

Naked intruder accused of trespassing, damaging property of Wisconsin governor's top aide

Associated Press
Article Last Updated: 09/18/2008 06:59:33 AM CDT

MADISON — A Madison man found naked lying on a couch at the home of Gov. Jim Doyle's top aide has been charged with trespassing and damaging property.

A criminal complaint filed in Dane County Wednesday says Andrew Martin (Highwayman says "...obviously an assumed name...") was found in the basement of the lakeside home of Doyle's chief of staff Susan Goodwin and University of Wisconsin-Madison associate chancellor Alan Fish.

The complaint says the couple's son, Nicholas Fish, arrived home Aug. 27 and found the man on a couch in the basement. The home was in disarray.

Authorities say Martin gained entry to the home by breaking a window in the front door. He claimed to know someone in the home, but family members say they've never met him.

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