Column: Urban Meyer represents everything wrong with college sports

Urban Meyer was also hired to represent the university in a positive way. I dont believe this reflects well on the university, and that is the problem.
I think winning every game represents the university in a positive light. All the crap people throw at him, is mostly related Aaron Hernandez and the other Florida Gator players that were living the thug life. I love coach Kill, but I wouldn't complain if Urban was leading the gophers to Big Ten glory.

Urban Meyer left the SEC because it was too dirty for him. He found that massive scandal was happening under his nose and there was absolutely nothing he could do to control it.

He learned many players he thought he had a close relationship with were being paid illegally by agents and he ostensibly had a nervous breakdown and resigned a year later.

None of this is an issue if were happening at a SEC school.

Someone should blow up a picture of that guy flipping off the crowd and put it on a billboard on the Kennedy expressway near the Big Ten offices by O'Hare so that Delaney can drive by it every day. Include the text, "we expect better than this"

I don't think it was right, but I'm not going to get up in arms about someone flipping the bird. I've done it before, and I assume the majority here have as well.

I don't think it was right, but I'm not going to get up in arms about someone flipping the bird. I've done it before, and I assume the majority here have as well.

That too. It was an emotional reaction in the heat of the moment by a college age kid. It's really not that big a deal.

I'll add to my post on the filth of college football in that yeah, Meyer is a hypocrite in that he claims to be all about faith and family, while running a program of criminals at Florida, but that's probably true of 95% of big time college coaches that don't coach at BYU.

That too. It was an emotional reaction in the heat of the moment by a college age kid. It's really not that big a deal.

I'll add to my post on the filth of college football in that yeah, Meyer is a hypocrite in that he claims to be all about faith and family, while running a program of criminals at Florida, but that's probably true of 95% of big time college coaches that don't coach at BYU.

I don't disagree with that but when someone gets ejected and has to sit out the first half of the next game for a play that happens in a split second during the game (targeting rule), I feel like they're just a tad inconsistent in the level of punishments.

2 points - 1st: when I hear the phrase "moral turpitude," I think of Beulah Ballbricker in the classic movie "Porky's."

2nd - at the risk of sounding cynical - if the other team's coach has issues, he's a bum. if your team's coach has issues, he's misunderstood - or being accused by "haters." I think the majority of college FB fans would gladly accept Charles Manson or John Wayne Gacy as head coach if they were guaranteed 10 wins and a major bowl game every season.

Dpo has a point - there is a difference between NCAA rules violations, and players having off-field legal issues. But it is interesting that certain teams and certain coaches seem to be more "tolerant" of those off-field issues, and tend to have more of them taking place. Just sayin.'

So when you refuse to accept Clem's 1997 record because it would wreck your Tubby had the best results in the last 23 years (or whatever) assertion, are you one of those being "holier than thou" or is that totally different because ... ?

Was thinking the same thing. What a hypocrite.

Urban Meyer left the SEC because it was too dirty for him. He found that massive scandal was happening under his nose and there was absolutely nothing he could do to control it.

He learned many players he thought he had a close relationship with were being paid illegally by agents and he ostensibly had a nervous breakdown and resigned a year later.

And how is any of this different than OSU? OSU's not paying players bigtime in football and basketball? Columbus is fine and all but puhhhhlease.

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