Coaches, Former Players, ESPN and Big Ten Network Analysts React to Jerry Kill Hiring

If any of them doubt Coach Kill, this would be great bulletin board material for the players.

You never heard any tight ends saying that about Brewster!

Very impressive comments from non-Minnesota people. An old college friend got me going on Kill right after the firing. I was NOOO!! Came around to have him as my top hire after the Big Guns. Glad to have him leading the program.

I wanted to bump this, in case people didn't have a chance to read it with so many new threads. I enjoyed reading these comments, think it was also smart of the U to put this together.

Yeah, I thought it was interesting as well.

P.S. Nice job at the press conference today, even though your presence sort out brought my nerdery to light. I was listening at work and I heard your question and accidently outloud said, "hey, it's gopher lady", and when asked I had to admit that I spent a big chunk of my weekend on a message board dedicated to golden gopher football. But yeah, good job!

Props to the U for pointing out how well-regarded he is. People do love this guy.

I remember when the U hired Brewster national reaction ranged from "They fired a guy who went to 7 bowl game in 8 years for him?" to "Well, i guess we'll just have to wait and see what he can do there."

The national media likes this hire a lot. And it might hurt people's feelings to have to admit this, but these people know us better than we know ourselves.

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