Coach Mason tore fatty Patty Reusse a new one on the Barreiro Show today

Say what you want about Mase but he brought this program back to a level of respect. I know a lot of you don't visit other football forums & see how the rest of the nation perceives Minnesota but a lot of boards respected our rushing game & knew we were not a team you could just overlook on your schedule during Mason's tenure. He brought an identity to us as the new Rushing Central of College Football that Brewster destroyed in 1 Season by jumping on the bandwagon of using a Spread Offense like every other team in College Football. I liked Brewster as a person, you could tell he really wanted to win here he just didn't have enough experience in the X's & O's.

I remember being on the Cal boards during both era's and this was how we were perceived...

In 2006 right before we played them the common posts about Minnesota were -> "We can't sleep on the Gophers, their running game could give our Defense a lot of problems if we don't beat them at the line & they are known to put up a ton of points."

In 2008 though? I specifically remember this -> "I knew weren't that good when we only beat crappy ass Minnesota by 14 points."

They looked at us as competition in 2006 because we were considered a good football team... they were mad they didn't thrash us in 2008 when we were considered a Non-Conf Cupcake.

I'm not gonna sit here & act like Mason would've gotten us to the promised land because he clearly was getting worse every year but he gave us a lot of exciting games & gave us an identity & a ton of blowouts. I think we've only seen 50pts once since he left... in 6 years... that's crazy. The amount of hate he gets here is amazing... I can only imagine if we had still been a Wacker-Level program from 97-2006 how people would feel at this point.

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