Coach Mason tore fatty Patty Reusse a new one on the Barreiro Show today

Being out at the Cal game several years back. I saw Reusse coming out of the Famous Amos cookie shop with his son and a big bag of cookies. I almost hollered out " Hey Pat, are you going to make it up that hill with the shape you're in.?" Those of you who attended the Cal game and the walk up to the stadium know what I meant. He writes his articles on the Gophers to get the Gopher fans in a uproar and return comments. In general, I think the only sport he really loves is baseball.

Mason's the man. I'm glad he teared into Reusse, he deserves it.

Since Mason is just another failed Gopher football coach whose teams set the all-time Big 10 standard for pathetically weak non-conference opponents he has zero credibility on this issue. It is in his best interest to keep his big mouth shut about his under-achieving tenure as Gopher coach no matter how hard it is for him. If Mason didn't have 2nd and 3rd tier football teams to beat during his career very few people besides his immediate family would have ever heard of him. Reusse accomplished more in his career when City Pages named him sports writer of the year than Mason ever achieved in his extremely mediocre coaching career.
This is a really stupid post. Writing cheap shot columns based on funny half truths is not great journalism, and being named sports writer of the year by City Pages, from a list of what, 5 mediocre hacks in the twin cities sports media (okay Chip Scoggins at least is awake) is a significant accomplishment? Mason did more than that the first time he got the team back to .500 after the mess Wacker left.
Your idea of accomplishment is really warped, rebuilding broken organisations is hard work, ripping people trying to do it can be done while stuffing your face as Reusse has proven.

One year past playing USC (the current #1 team in the country) in a non-conference game and we are back to lazy media coverage and 'soft scheduling' columns. Lazy Reusse said:
2013/14 - UNC, 2017/18 - Oregon State. Texas, Colorado failed attempts. I don't think this is the Mason scheduling philosophy. But at the same time, a program rebuilding needs to be calculated in their scheduling. It's a process.

This is the thing that has started to bug me most about Barriero. He's a smart enough guy and his show is decent, but he's a "tiger in the locker room and a pussy cat on the court" when it comes to a lot of subjects. He becomes a bobblehead with a lot of his guests after previously ripping their viewpoints.

I really agree with this too. I know he doesn't want to be rude to his guests but he more than changes his tone, he often changes his opinion.

You guys need to understand media. Positive or negative, attention is attention. I don't like Fat Pat and I'm glad Mason gave his professional point of view. However, the key issue is to stop clicking his links and buying their paper. Then Fat Pat goes away.

The hatred of Reusse here is borderline crazy. I don't get it.
I would pose the question - how many of the people sticking up for Mason today were calling for his head during his last year or so as coach? I really enjoy his segments with Barriero - he has good insights into college football, and he's a smart guy, but as a coach here, he was pretty mediocre and while Brewster was a disaster, it was time for Glen to go. Not to mention that as personable as he comes across on the radio, he was quite the opposite as a coach, where he was whiny, crabby, and withdrawn.

You guys need to understand media. Positive or negative, attention is attention. I don't like Fat Pat and I'm glad Mason gave his professional point of view. However, the key issue is to stop clicking his links and buying their paper. Then Fat Pat goes away.

No, the key is:

1. Read/listen to whatever you want.

2. Agree or disagree with whatever you choose.

3. If you disagree, don't let your brain short-circuit.

Says the guy from Madison /enough said

Something tells me you can't be this big of an idiot in person or else you wouldn't still be amongst the living. So I'm just going with blithering internet blowhard.....


Pat Reusse wrote a negative column about Gopher Athletics.....

Fox News was critical of the Democratic National Convention....

MSNBC was critical of the Republican National Convention......

The sun came up in the East Today, and set in the West......

Reusse has admitted that he rips the Gophers on purpose, because he likes to see the fans get in an uproar. Threads like this give him exactly what he wants.

The sad thing is that Reusse can be a very talented writer. Some of his columns about town-team baseball, or Division 3 athletics are extremely well-written and fun to read. But, for whatever reason (spite?, generating page views?) he falls back on Gopher-bashing far too often for my taste. But, he also bashes the Vikes, the Twins, the T-Wolves and the Wild. That's his schtick - and no one should be surprised.

Since Mason is just another failed Gopher football coach whose teams set the all-time Big 10 standard for pathetically weak non-conference opponents he has zero credibility on this issue. It is in his best interest to keep his big mouth shut about his under-achieving tenure as Gopher coach no matter how hard it is for him. If Mason didn't have 2nd and 3rd tier football teams to beat during his career very few people besides his immediate family would have ever heard of him. Reusse accomplished more in his career when City Pages named him sports writer of the year than Mason ever achieved in his extremely mediocre coaching career.

I'm not going to go quite as hardcore as Go4broke but he nailed it regarding Mase's lack on credibility on this issue. Take away Mase's inflated non-conf record and your left with 32 wins 48 losses in the B10 including 1-7 vs. OSU, 1-7 vs. MI, 1-7 vs. Purdue, 2-8 vs. WI, and 4-6 vs. Iowa. Yes, he was more compeitive than many of his predecessors, but he built his career (and a somewhat decepetive positive reputation) on defeating the bottom feeders.

BTW, his conference record at Kansas was there a pattern here? LOL

I hope the Gophs stick with the UNC home and away and bring in one legit opponent every season.

I would pose the question - how many of the people sticking up for Mason today were calling for his head during his last year or so as coach? I really enjoy his segments with Barriero - he has good insights into college football, and he's a smart guy, but as a coach here, he was pretty mediocre and while Brewster was a disaster, it was time for Glen to go. Not to mention that as personable as he comes across on the radio, he was quite the opposite as a coach, where he was whiny, crabby, and withdrawn.

I don't know that anyone is arguing whether or not it was time for Glen to go in this thread - that is irrelevant. The point is whether or not he made a legitimate argument regarding scheduling. You can dislike Glen's scheduling practices, but his statements about how Pat misrepresented the scheduling situation were legitimate.

The hatred of Reusse here is borderline crazy. I don't get it.

What point did his article have? If he showed statistics of attendance of "name" opponents versus "no-name" opponents and made a point about quality of opponent being a factor in home attendance, that would have been a meaningful article. Instead he just takes an opportunity to crap all over the program for no real reason. If U of MN were the only school in the country scheduling cupcakes, he would be right to jump on them. But they are far from it. If the U were the only one, then show how the other 11 schools in the B1G are scheduling powerhouses every year. Some do, but certainly not all (looking East). Show how other programs rebuilt from 40+ years of mediocrity or worse by scheduling powerhouses (good luck). But again, instead of doing any research or comparison he just dumps. That's why people hate him. It's not just that he criticizes, but that his criticism is based off no factual information and often actually misrepresents the information since he simply will not even do the most cursory research into the subject.


Pat Reusse wrote a negative column about Gopher Athletics.....

Fox News was critical of the Democratic National Convention....

MSNBC was critical of the Republican National Convention......

The sun came up in the East Today, and set in the West......

Reusse has admitted that he rips the Gophers on purpose, because he likes to see the fans get in an uproar. Threads like this give him exactly what he wants.

The sad thing is that Reusse can be a very talented writer. Some of his columns about town-team baseball, or Division 3 athletics are extremely well-written and fun to read. But, for whatever reason (spite?, generating page views?) he falls back on Gopher-bashing far too often for my taste. But, he also bashes the Vikes, the Twins, the T-Wolves and the Wild. That's his schtick - and no one should be surprised.

I don't think anyone here is suprised at Reusse's article....the point of the thread was we are surprised someone publically with ties to the U finally has a voice and can say 'f u' back to the people that write the garbage. And I hope he continues to do it and get this town to wake up and understand the facts.

I'm not going to go quite as hardcore as Go4broke but he nailed it regarding Mase's lack on credibility on this issue. Take away Mase's inflated non-conf record and your left with 32 wins 48 losses in the B10 including 1-7 vs. OSU, 1-7 vs. MI, 1-7 vs. Purdue, 2-8 vs. WI, and 4-6 vs. Iowa. Yes, he was more compeitive than many of his predecessors, but he built his career (and a somewhat decepetive positive reputation) on defeating the bottom feeders.

BTW, his conference record at Kansas was there a pattern here? LOL

I hope the Gophs stick with the UNC home and away and bring in one legit opponent every season.

How does that make him lose credibility on the issue?

He is obviously on the opposite side of the discussion but that should only validate his credibility on the issue. He understands everything that goes into the scheduling decision and he holds a different view from that big fat slob. His opinion on why he scheduled easy non-conference seems like the perfect opinion for this debate. If you're going to have a debate on an issue, wouldn't it make the most sense to have the two people on opposing ends of that issue give their opinion?

As far as Mason's legacy, well, that depends upon your perspective. The guy got fired from the U, it's not like people are clamoring for a Mase statue in front of TCF or anything. I think most people think of his career about exactly in terms of what he's accomplished.

I don't think anyone here is suprised at Reusse's article....the point of the thread was we are surprised someone publically with ties to the U finally has a voice and can say 'f u' back to the people that write the garbage. And I hope he continues to do it and get this town to wake up and understand the facts.

I agree with this.

I don't click on his articles anymore, the guy is essentially a really boring shock jock who says stupid things for attention. I'm glad Mason put that morbidly obese idiot in his place but I hope sooner rather than later people just continue to ignore his nonsense.

The hatred of Reusse here is borderline crazy. I don't get it.
I would pose the question - how many of the people sticking up for Mason today were calling for his head during his last year or so as coach? I really enjoy his segments with Barriero - he has good insights into college football, and he's a smart guy, but as a coach here, he was pretty mediocre and while Brewster was a disaster, it was time for Glen to go. Not to mention that as personable as he comes across on the radio, he was quite the opposite as a coach, where he was whiny, crabby, and withdrawn.

I don't see how that even matters. Just because you thought he should have been fired back then, doesn't mean you can't agree with what he is talking about now.

Instead he just takes an opportunity to crap all over the program for no real reason.

Exactly how did he do this?

The article points out that Kill and Mason both know how to run a staff and a program.

References Mason's scheduling practices and non-conference record though it does not indicate about ISU and Baylor backing out of return games.

Reports truthfully that Kill complained about opening on the road 2 straight years and that Kill is trying get out of the UNC game.

Funniest part is the majority on this board indicate they don't read Reusee, they hate Reusse and they don't listen to him but he generates a lot of interest on this board.

The guy got fired from the U, it's not like people are clamoring for a Mase statue in front of TCF or anything.

Are you on Twitter much/at all? I haven't seen any calls for a statue, but some have been close. The guy has basically been receiving non-stop textual fellatio from Gopher fans since his segment on KFAN yesterday afternoon.

Are you on Twitter much/at all? I haven't seen any calls for a statue, but some have been close. The guy has basically been receiving non-stop textual fellatio from Gopher fans since his segment on KFAN yesterday afternoon.

No, i'm not.

I just don't think people are giddy about Mason as a coach. He hasn't worked since he was fired by the U and no one talks about him much more than a decent head coach.

Maybe the twitterverse disagrees with my assesment (very plausible).

The hatred of Reusse here is borderline crazy. I don't get it.
I would pose the question - how many of the people sticking up for Mason today were calling for his head during his last year or so as coach? I really enjoy his segments with Barriero - he has good insights into college football, and he's a smart guy, but as a coach here, he was pretty mediocre and while Brewster was a disaster, it was time for Glen to go. Not to mention that as personable as he comes across on the radio, he was quite the opposite as a coach, where he was whiny, crabby, and withdrawn.

I am shocked that you don't understand the hatred of Reusse on Gopherhole. The guy has been doing nothing but berate the U and this is a Gopher sports message board. When someone like Reusse obviously has an axe to grind, people are going to react to him. Furthermore, he's an idiot on just about every take. IMO.

As far as Mason. . .so what? I never called for his head but I don't see how wanting him fired as a coach has anything to do with agreeing with his assesment of Reusse and his opinion of the argument. They have nothing to do with eachother. That line of thinking only makes sense for the kind of people who think that if someone shouldn't be a coach that every possible thing is wrong with him.

My take on Mason isn't much different from yours. I found him pretty unlikeable as a HC and pretty likeable now. I never called for his head but I understood the sentiment around people wanting him gone. That said, I agree with him on this take about Reusse. Why are those two things a contradiction?

Are you on Twitter much/at all? I haven't seen any calls for a statue, but some have been close. The guy has basically been receiving non-stop textual fellatio from Gopher fans since his segment on KFAN yesterday afternoon.

This is exactly what I was referring to. Comments like "Mase is the man!" coming from Gopher fans who HATED the guy towards the end of his tenure seem to be a bit disingenuous. It's like the hatred many have for Reusse is blinding people to the fact that they also hated Mason.

And the constant comments on the guy's weight are just on the level of playground taunting. Yeah, the guy is fat. He admits it and pokes fun at himself on the radio about it. The level at which people here stoop to at times is kind of sad.

I am shocked that you don't understand the hatred of Reusse on Gopherhole. The guy has been doing nothing but berate the U and this is a Gopher sports message board. When someone like Reusse obviously has an axe to grind, people are going to react to him. Furthermore, he's an idiot on just about every take. IMO.

There are a LOT of people here who seem to think that anything written about the program should be all smiles and sunshine Sid Hartmanesque pieces.

Is Reusse overly negative at times? Yeah.

Do I think his overall body of work as a writer is quite good? Yes, I do, and I've been reading him for 30 years since I was a kid.

Do I think that the program and the players should not be criticized? Hell no. I'm a big fan, but a program that has been this bad for this long needs to earn their positive press. I don't want to read a bunch of Sid-like lapdog pieces. I want to hear people rip the program when its deserved. As I've said before - this is D1 football. It's a big time business. If people want to romanticize the image of the student athlete, go watch the MIAC.

There are a LOT of people here who seem to think that anything written about the program should be all smiles and sunshine Sid Hartmanesque pieces.

Is Reusse overly negative at times? Yeah.

Do I think his overall body of work as a writer is quite good? Yes, I do, and I've been reading him for 30 years since I was a kid.

Do I think that the program and the players should not be criticized? Hell no. I'm a big fan, but a program that has been this bad for this long needs to earn their positive press. I don't want to read a bunch of Sid-like lapdog pieces. I want to hear people rip the program when its deserved. As I've said before - this is D1 football. It's a big time business. If people want to romanticize the image of the student athlete, go watch the MIAC.

I've never said that I think the U is beyond criticism and I have no problem with writers ripping on any program / team that does something deserving of criticism. I'm not a fan of Fat Pat on anything, I don't like his writing even when I don't have a dog in the fight. That said, it's fine if you do. However, I am just surprised that anyone (even fans) would be at all surprised that Gopher fans can't stand him. That's his goal!

Furthermore, the praise of Mason when he ripped on Fat Pat has nothing to do with whether or not you think he should still be the coach here. They have nothing to do with eachother.

Exactly how did he do this?

The article points out that Kill and Mason both know how to run a staff and a program.

References Mason's scheduling practices and non-conference record though it does not indicate about ISU and Baylor backing out of return games.

Reports truthfully that Kill complained about opening on the road 2 straight years and that Kill is trying get out of the UNC game.

Funniest part is the majority on this board indicate they don't read Reusee, they hate Reusse and they don't listen to him but he generates a lot of interest on this board.
Yeah I don't really get the commotion either. I've read a lot of Reusse pieces that are clearly trolling, but this wasn't that at all. In the end, Reusse essentially concedes his point, and the initial reaction on this board was that the article was fair overall.

Either people didn't read the article, or they'll take any chance they can get to be angry at him.

The hatred of Reusse here is borderline crazy. I don't get it.
I would pose the question - how many of the people sticking up for Mason today were calling for his head during his last year or so as coach? I really enjoy his segments with Barriero - he has good insights into college football, and he's a smart guy, but as a coach here, he was pretty mediocre and while Brewster was a disaster, it was time for Glen to go. Not to mention that as personable as he comes across on the radio, he was quite the opposite as a coach, where he was whiny, crabby, and withdrawn.

I'm not so sure people are sticking up for Mason as much as applauding someone in his position (now a fellow media member) ripping Reusse.

I also like Reusse. But two things are clear to me (and this also applies to Barriero): he rips just for the sake of ripping just to get a reaction, and the love he had for sports in his youth is gone and has turned into contempt. In my opinion, the best local media members are all less than 35 years old, still enjoy sports and haven't been doing it long enough (yet) to become jaded.

This is exactly what I was referring to. Comments like "Mase is the man!" coming from Gopher fans who HATED the guy towards the end of his tenure seem to be a bit disingenuous. It's like the hatred many have for Reusse is blinding people to the fact that they also hated Mason.
And the constant comments on the guy's weight are just on the level of playground taunting. Yeah, the guy is fat. He admits it and pokes fun at himself on the radio about it. The level at which people here stoop to at times is kind of sad.

This argument doesn't make any sense.

People called Mason the man because they agreed with what he said about Reusse. That doesn't mean that they still want him to be the head coach. We don't live in a world where we have to HATE everything about a person who you no longer want as a head coach. For instance, I do not want Brewster as head coach and I wanted him fired (right about when he was fired) but I don't HATE him.

Here is a different view. Nick Saban is a pretty cool customer. This was a calculated rant. His record cannot be disputed. He got his point across and he can move on. I'm sure most of the writers shriveled up during his scolding. I'm glad there are some that have an opposing view and are willing to share their thoughts. I don't know if this writer has an agenda, but I like to view the other side. I don't always agree with Reusse, especially when it comes to Gopher football. I think he cares as much about Gopher football as he does the Lynx, and it shows in his articles. Plus, he is notorious for sticking the needle whenever he can. It works for a lot of people. Many here write they never listen or read his articles. Yet they get so upset? I don't get that.

That article is dumber than the last Reusse article I read (admittedly was a long time ago). Leave it to a pretty boy with a 'megaphone' (read: CBSSports webpage) to call Saban a bully. Really? He's a bully? Does this clown even know what a real bully looks like?! Saban's calculated rant served right, and I actually got a ton more respect for him because of it. He was ranting not because the media was hyping up Alabama so much as they were knocking Michigan. He didn't like how that crap came out and didn't like it's affect on his players. He's got every right to rant about that stuff, regardless of how 'nice' the articles were to 'Bama.

Anyway, off my soapbox now.. I didn't catch Mase's ripping into Reusse's article/take, but I do like how he called him out as someone who never bothered showing up for pressers. Hopefully that reaches to the Go4Broke's of the world to pull them off Pat's knob long enough to see the reality of things.

I've been around this board for a number of years, but it seems more and more that some (fairly well established) members are almost trying to "out-preposterous" each other. You all need to relax. What's with the ridiculous name calling and unbelievable over statements? You must realize you're talking out of your rear, don't you? I mean, are you trying for a reaction?

Without going on about Reusse too much, everyone knows what he is. There's no need to re-hash it every time he takes a cheap shot. He's going to do it, and his bosses appear to be fine with it so that's not going to change. My biggest gripe with him is that as a "journalist" (yes, I know he's technically a columnist) he openly admits that he finds pleasure in writing negative articles on the Gophers to get fans upset. It just seems really sad.

I just didnt like mason at all didn't mind brewster but it was time for him to go.

I love jerry kill he is a college coach a true coach. That means he is a teacher, u have to be a teacher if u are not ohio st , michigan .... The only way u can compete here without the 5 star kids is to coach them up. He has a great staff.

And u need to go 4-0 in the non-conference and i dont care how u do it. If its playing st.mary's villa so be it.

I just don't know why so many want to play big time programs and lose. Winning breads winning!! Winning builds swagger! Lets get to winning first then play bigger bowl games were u will play top notch programs. Lets do it at the end of the season not at the start of the season.

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