Coach Mason tore fatty Patty Reusse a new one on the Barreiro Show today


Active member
Apr 13, 2011
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loved it! he really put fatty patty reusse in his place big time regarding his stupid non-conference scheduling column. called out him out for all of the factual errors and a complete lack of context one generally finds in most of his columns. even had barreiro agreeing and laughing along at fat pat from time to time.

funny part was when he made reference to alabama's non-conf schedule consisting of western carolina, western kentucky and florida atlantic. and the fact that many, many bcs teams now are forced to schedule this way for various reasons. then asked why then is reusse giving the U of M trouble over their non-conf schedule two days before their season opener. said reusse's logic as usual doesn't make any sense at all and his points are idiotic. even barreiro at many points in the conversation couldn't stand up for fat pat any longer and was agreeing with coach mason and defending coach kill.

was from about 4:50pm to around 5:15pm.

you are an idiot reusse. and so are your nut-job apologists who post on this forum.

Oooh, did he take down Alabama? Rip on their other three opponents all you want, but they took on a preseason Top 10 in Michigan this year and they've got Va Tech next year, WVU and Michigan State and Georgia Tech slated for non-con games. It appears as though Bama is playing one BCS school that is at or slightly below their level each year. What a novel concept.

Ruesse was really hard on Mason even after he was fired. So good for Mase.

loved it! he really put fatty patty reusse in his place big time regarding his stupid non-conference scheduling column. called out him out for all of the factual errors and a complete lack of context one generally finds in most of his columns. even had barreiro agreeing and laughing along at fat pat from time to time.

funny part was when he made reference to alabama's non-conf schedule consisting of western carolina, western kentucky and florida atlantic. and the fact that many, many bcs teams now are forced to schedule this way for various reasons. then asked why then is reusse giving the U of M trouble over their non-conf schedule two days before their season opener. said reusse's logic as usual doesn't make any sense at all and his points are idiotic. even barreiro at many points in the conversation couldn't stand up for fat pat any longer and was agreeing with coach mason and defending coach kill.

was from about 4:50pm to around 5:15pm.

you are an idiot reusse. and so are your nut-job apologists who post on this forum.

[rolls eyes]

Since Mason is just another failed Gopher football coach whose teams set the all-time Big 10 standard for pathetically weak non-conference opponents he has zero credibility on this issue. It is in his best interest to keep his big mouth shut about his under-achieving tenure as Gopher coach no matter how hard it is for him. If Mason didn't have 2nd and 3rd tier football teams to beat during his career very few people besides his immediate family would have ever heard of him. Reusse accomplished more in his career when City Pages named him sports writer of the year than Mason ever achieved in his extremely mediocre coaching career.

loved it! he really put fatty patty reusse in his place big time regarding his stupid non-conference scheduling column. called out him out for all of the factual errors and a complete lack of context one generally finds in most of his columns. even had barreiro agreeing and laughing along at fat pat from time to time.

funny part was when he made reference to alabama's non-conf schedule consisting of western carolina, western kentucky and florida atlantic. and the fact that many, many bcs teams now are forced to schedule this way for various reasons. then asked why then is reusse giving the U of M trouble over their non-conf schedule two days before their season opener. said reusse's logic as usual doesn't make any sense at all and his points are idiotic. even barreiro at many points in the conversation couldn't stand up for fat pat any longer and was agreeing with coach mason and defending coach kill.

was from about 4:50pm to around 5:15pm.

you are an idiot reusse. and so are your nut-job apologists who post on this forum.

Feel better now?

I agree - everything Reusse says is idiotic...He's always been a Gopher football hater.

I'm sure Reusse fan Station13 will disagree though.

loved it! he really put fatty patty reusse in his place big time regarding his stupid non-conference scheduling column. called out him out for all of the factual errors and a complete lack of context one generally finds in most of his columns. even had barreiro agreeing and laughing along at fat pat from time to time.

funny part was when he made reference to alabama's non-conf schedule consisting of western carolina, western kentucky and florida atlantic. and the fact that many, many bcs teams now are forced to schedule this way for various reasons. then asked why then is reusse giving the U of M trouble over their non-conf schedule two days before their season opener. said reusse's logic as usual doesn't make any sense at all and his points are idiotic. even barreiro at many points in the conversation couldn't stand up for fat pat any longer and was agreeing with coach mason and defending coach kill.

was from about 4:50pm to around 5:15pm.

you are an idiot reusse. and so are your nut-job apologists who post on this forum.

I agree - everything Reusse says is idiotic. He's always been a Gopher football hater.

I'm sure Reusse fan Station13 will disagree though.

Imagine that. Frick and Frack agreeing again.

Imagine that - Hanging around yet another Reusse thread to show your support for Pat.

Maybe you should check the thread regarding the article of this discussion, and read my posts.

Maybe you should check the thread regarding the article of this discussion, and read my posts.
And..that makes sense (sarcasm) - you really want the Mods to yell at you again for fighting with others don't you?

And..that makes sense (sarcasm) - you really want the Mods to yell at you again for fighting with others don't you?

Says the guy insulting other posters by mocking their monikers? /just saying

Oooh, did he take down Alabama? Rip on their other three opponents all you want, but they took on a preseason Top 10 in Michigan this year and they've got Va Tech next year, WVU and Michigan State and Georgia Tech slated for non-con games. It appears as though Bama is playing one BCS school that is at or slightly below their level each year. What a novel concept.

Isn't that what Minnesota is doing? I would guess Syracuse would be considered at our level (and possibly above). WMU is no slouch either.

My biggest complaint regarding this particular Reusse article is the fact that between football and basketball he's written the same basic column about nine times in the past four years. And, that fact simply goes back to the basic point that at one time Reusse was a talented, ambitious writer. He's simply now just mailing it in. He probably only needed to re-word a few paragraphs from this same article from last year. With all of the cool story lines that happen with a Division I football team, and Souhan nowhere to be found, you'd think Reusse's visit to Tuesday's news conference could have yielded something slightly better than a ninth re-hash of the non-conference schedule. But, again, laziness win.


May Fat Patty feels she can get away with it here. It does fly at any major program. Why just yesterday, Nick had this instruction for the media, and fat patty you should take note.


Here is a different view. Nick Saban is a pretty cool customer. This was a calculated rant. His record cannot be disputed. He got his point across and he can move on. I'm sure most of the writers shriveled up during his scolding. I'm glad there are some that have an opposing view and are willing to share their thoughts. I don't know if this writer has an agenda, but I like to view the other side. I don't always agree with Reusse, especially when it comes to Gopher football. I think he cares as much about Gopher football as he does the Lynx, and it shows in his articles. Plus, he is notorious for sticking the needle whenever he can. It works for a lot of people. Many here write they never listen or read his articles. Yet they get so upset? I don't get that.

loved it! he really put fatty patty reusse in his place big time regarding his stupid non-conference scheduling column. called out him out for all of the factual errors and a complete lack of context one generally finds in most of his columns. even had barreiro agreeing and laughing along at fat pat from time to time.

funny part was when he made reference to alabama's non-conf schedule consisting of western carolina, western kentucky and florida atlantic. and the fact that many, many bcs teams now are forced to schedule this way for various reasons. then asked why then is reusse giving the U of M trouble over their non-conf schedule two days before their season opener. said reusse's logic as usual doesn't make any sense at all and his points are idiotic. even barreiro at many points in the conversation couldn't stand up for fat pat any longer and was agreeing with coach mason and defending coach kill.

was from about 4:50pm to around 5:15pm.

you are an idiot reusse. and so are your nut-job apologists who post on this forum.

I loved Mason's conversation yesterday and I wish we had more people talking and standing up for the U in the media. Reusse is just wrong on this, and also his timing is terrible. 2 days before the home opener? When ticket sales are already down? Talk about kicking someone when they are down. It is too easy of an article to write, it's just plain lazy if you ask me.

Mason brought up a great point yesterday and it is something that I have always thought. The media is not to blame for the Gophers being terrible, but they do play a part (and how small of part can be debated till the sun dont shine). Being negative, 2 days before the home opener, against a team that had to replace an already scheduled Northern Iowa game, should not have been in any sort of newspaper without reporting all of the facts. Mason also said that there are a lot of people that will read Reusse's column and believe that the UofM is the only team in the country that play these sort of teams, and he is absolutely right. And the reason is that we do not have any educated college football fans in the media that get any sort of air time to counter any of these blatnant lies.

One year past playing USC (the current #1 team in the country) in a non-conference game and we are back to lazy media coverage and 'soft scheduling' columns. Lazy Reusse, lazy.

Says the guy from Madison /enough said

Sometimes I wonder if your whole goal is to be a parody of yourself. But that is probably wishful thinking.

Yes, taking a good job in my industry that happens to be located in Madison means I can't be Gopher fan. /says no one with the capability for rational thought

The media plays a role and Reusse can be snarkily negative, which contributes to the meme that "Gopher sports are terrible, so why care." And the timing is bad.

But Mason's 180 here bugs me a bit. I'll admit I never cared that much for him as a guy, but he knows his football and was a decent on-the-field coach. That said, he was a terrible promoter of the program when he was the head coach so I don't give him much credence with the current critique. The other problem I had with Mason in his scheduling of cupcakes is that he never seemed to use those games to build quality depth, but rather had his first unit out there until the 4th quarter (and sometimes beyond), racking up big stats.

I realize this is quibbling on my part. Every FBS program is going to have a cupcake or two on the menu. But use those games wisely, not just to rack up a big score and a gaudy stat line.

Poking the bear with Reusse isn't going to accomplish that much. Hopefully Kill will give him something positive to write about.

Reusse did write something positive one time. It was a great article about Fulda Townteam Baseball before that team folded.

I thought the best part of the day was when Mason said to the effect "He maybe went to two weekly press conferences during my years here."

The biggest hard on that Reusse loves to attack over everything else is Gopher hockey. Hates it with a passion and has written & said negative things 99.9% of the time. I remember a story from an assistant football coach in 2007, newly hired on Brewster's staff, telling me that he was talking to Don Lucia & Lucia told him that to that day, Lucia still had not met Reusse. Take that for what it's worth.

I enjoy his baseball stuff & some stories of people, but he's a lazy journalist. He's a lazy person.

The media plays a role and Reusse can be snarkily negative, which contributes to the meme that "Gopher sports are terrible, so why care." And the timing is bad.

But Mason's 180 here bugs me a bit. I'll admit I never cared that much for him as a guy, but he knows his football and was a decent on-the-field coach. That said, he was a terrible promoter of the program when he was the head coach so I don't give him much credence with the current critique. The other problem I had with Mason in his scheduling of cupcakes is that he never seemed to use those games to build quality depth, but rather had his first unit out there until the 4th quarter (and sometimes beyond), racking up big stats.

I realize this is quibbling on my part. Every FBS program is going to have a cupcake or two on the menu. But use those games wisely, not just to rack up a big score and a gaudy stat line.

Poking the bear with Reusse isn't going to accomplish that much. Hopefully Kill will give him something positive to write about.

Reusse doesn't do positive.

I heard Mason yesterday. I don't think he was really going after Reusse on the scheduling debate. But that discussion went off on a little bit of a tangent, and Mason said something like, "People say to me, 'You haven't been to the Rose Bowl in 50 years.' And I would say, 'I haven't been here for 50 years.'" And he added, "But some reporters have been here about that long."

His point was that the problems go back farther than one coach AND the media around here has played at least a small role. He called out Reusse specifically as someone who "came to about two press conferences in 10 years," yet throws potshots from the cheap seats.

What I got out of it:

1) He wasn't necessarily complaining about Reusse on scheduling per se, but did seem to lack respect for him.

2) Barriero, Mr. Tough guy when he's by himself, started out agreeing with Reusse on the "cupcake" scheduling but backed down like a child pretty quickly when Mason engaged him in a discussion.

Thanks Coach Mason. You're definitely the anti-fat patti in everyway. I always liked Coach Mason and we're fortunate he resides in MN and still calls the "U" his team.

Go Gophers!

Sometimes I wonder if your whole goal is to be a parody of yourself. But that is probably wishful thinking.

Yes, taking a good job in my industry that happens to be located in Madison means I can't be Gopher fan. /says no one with the capability for rational thought

I heard Mason yesterday. I don't think he was really going after Reusse on the scheduling debate. But that discussion went off on a little bit of a tangent, and Mason said something like, "People say to me, 'You haven't been to the Rose Bowl in 50 years.' And I would say, 'I haven't been here for 50 years.'" And he added, "But some reporters have been here about that long."

His point was that the problems go back farther than one coach AND the media around here has played at least a small role. He called out Reusse specifically as someone who "came to about two press conferences in 10 years," yet throws potshots from the cheap seats.

What I got out of it:

1) He wasn't necessarily complaining about Reusse on scheduling per se, but did seem to lack respect for him.

2) Barriero, Mr. Tough guy when he's by himself, started out agreeing with Reusse on the "cupcake" scheduling but backed down like a child pretty quickly when Mason engaged him in a discussion.

This is the thing that has started to bug me most about Barriero. He's a smart enough guy and his show is decent, but he's a "tiger in the locker room and a pussy cat on the court" when it comes to a lot of subjects. He becomes a bobblehead with a lot of his guests after previously ripping their viewpoints.

For the lack of story, or column she drags this drivel out. Fat Patty has these in the can a brings them out at the most inopportune moments for a giggle. I am sure she is giggling like a little school girl about how she stuck to the team. She finds her cute snide columns to shine a light on the progam, but accutally her one note sarcasism show her to be a bitter fat girl. She is neither funny nor smart. She is not clever. She is a simply a lazy loser. The best thing for the program with Coach Kill is we are focusing on winning and winning renders her columns meaningless.

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