Coach Kill is inviting fans to practice through the end of the week!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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This guy just seems to "get" it. This is from the U of MN communications:

Due to fan turnout and popularity, Coach Kill has announced that he will continue to invite fans to attend Gopher Football practice sessions through the end of this week. More details on practice times and dates will be announced Tuesday.

I haven't been able to make it to any of them, but the open practices have really reached out to the community. Some coaches are too "top secret" about practices. Solid fundamentals will generally beat top secret trickery. Not that surprises don't have their place, of course.

I'm going to be honest with you, I like Kill's attitude. I like that he thinks his guys work harder with an audience and I like that he implies that it's a bit hypocritical to say the team belongs to the fans and then shut the fans out. Awesome. Here's what Phil Miller wrote about the additional open practices:

Welcome mat stays out

Football coaches are notorious paranoids, but Kill is resisting running a top-secret camp. In fact, he's making it more open that even he planned.

Convinced that his players work harder with an audience, the coach announced Monday that the public is invited to the Gophers' workouts for the rest of the week. Open practices originally were scheduled to end Tuesday, but he sees no harm in extending the schedule.

USC scouts want to watch? Let 'em, he said.

"There are no secrets," Kill said. All teams "are busy with what we're doing right now --fundamental stuff. ... I think fans understand once we get into the season, we've got to put it on lockdown. But this is good for everybody."

Tuesday (9:50 a.m.) and Saturday (9:40 a.m.) workouts will be held in TCF Bank Stadium. Wednesday and Friday are two-a-day sessions (8:50 a.m. and 4:50 p.m.) at the Gibson-Nagurski practice field, as is Thursday's single practice (3:55 p.m.).

"If we're going to tell everybody it's their football team, and then tell them they can't come, I don't think that's very good," Kill said.

I highly recommend checking out a practice if you haven't already, even if you just stop by for a short time. It was fun to see the players up close and personal at Nagurski, and realize how big and fast they are. Would be especially fun for kids to see.

Last time I got to get that close to the action, they were carrying Floyd past my head.

I just news that I have tomorrow AM off. My question for those that have gone.. What is the process into getting into watching practice? I know how to get and park down at the Gibson/Nagurski complex, but what door do I go in? Is there a line/sign in sheet I must sign? Is it fairly obvious what I need to do and where I need to go once I get to Dinkytown?

I'll be wearing my gray block 'M' shirt with my new white and maroon Gopher hat at practice tomorrow. Feel free anyone here to jab me and say hi.

EDIT: Just saw that Thursday's practice is in the afternoon. Bummer, I'll miss it.

My wife brought my kid to practice this morning. It was bad enough that I had to work and couldn't go with them, but then she wouldn't tell me about it because she said they were sworn to secrecy. I suspect she's being a smart a$$ but at least I know she's not a traitor... GO GOPHERS!

Hey all,

I have the day off Friday, anybody have the schedule? I'm assuming there is a morning and late afternoon session. I think there is a scrimmage at 5:00 (one of my co-workers is reffing it). Thanks!

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