Coach Kill is different

That's something I've often wondered myself, DPO. I guess some people aren't happy(???) unless they are making someone else as unhappy as they are.

I'm with you. I think if they don't get ANY joy out of it, why don't they go find something else that does give them joy?

Because is sure as hell appears that this team brings no joy to your life, and has mad it near impossible for you to be anything but negative about this coaching staff.

The gophers do bring joy to my life. My life doesnt require them winning to have enjoyment. If yours does, then it is you who needs a new team.

I have said good things about this staff.
You dont have to be positive all the time. It is okay to insert some realism.
They did a great job against iowa, illinois, michigan state, and the second half of the USC game.
They did a terrible job against michigan, purdue, new mexico state, north dakota state, wisconsin.
They did a really nice job recuiting in-state, especially considering they only had half a year.

+1 to this. Not directed to Rosemountian specifically, but there are an abnormally large number of Gopher followers (both here and elsewhere) who seem to take some kind of sadistic pleasure in following the team. If you're constantly expecting the worst, and following the team brings you no joy, why do it? I get upset when the team loses and continues to generally suck, but I continue to believe things will get better at some point. If your entire fanhood of the team is ensconced in negativism, why even follow the team? It makes no sense to me.
Expecting to not have great success in no way means you take no pleasure or enjoyment of the games.
If following the team brings no enjoyment, people wouldn't do it.

It is a giant failure in logic to assume that everyone needs winning to enjoy watching a sport. It is also a failure in logic to assume low expectations means you dont enjoy the team.

That's something I've often wondered myself, DPO. I guess some people aren't happy(???) unless they are making someone else as unhappy as they are.

I'm with you. I think if they don't get ANY joy out of it, why don't they go find something else that does give them joy?
If someone telling you the gophers arent a great football team or that jerry kill probably wont make them a great team makes you us YOU who needs to re-examine your life. I hope you arent that pathetic that someone giving you an opinion of a football team can actually make you unhappy.

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