Coach Kill is different


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Jan 10, 2011
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Click on the link below to read what Darrell Thompson has to say about Coach Kill. All I can say is that Darrel Thompson is no Rosemountain. I particularly like the following quote:

While he has known, liked and respected numerous football coaches in his decades of involvement with the sport, he says, "Coach Kill is different. He's a teacher, he's a father... he's beyond conscientious.

"He has really impressed me with his attention to detail. He has a vision and a plan where he wants to go."

I suggest that if anyone has the chance to go one-on-one with Coach Kill, maybe for only a couple of minutes, take the chance. This is a man that is what he is. There is no pretense, no bullsh1t. He knows what he is doing, he knows where he wants to go.

Those of us fortunate enough to have spent a little time with him all, all realize this man is special. His goal is to make every member of his staff and every player on his squad special as well. Vision is a rare commodity, and this man is a visionary.

Gopherfaith and I were lucky enough to participate in Date Night on Thursday. Other than tracking down and catching a 40 yard punt (not as easy as it looks) and then managing to throw a football 15 yards into a 55-gallon trash can (no small feat), my favorite moment was Coach Kill recreating his pregame Iowa speech for us in the Gopher locker room. Outstanding. I got to spend 10 minutes with Billy Glasscock discussing recruiting and nearly an hour with Bob Reeves talking H-backs, why you recruit HS QBs to play nearly all other college positions, and offensive philosophy. These guys are a reflection of the head man. Outstanding.

highwayman said:
I suggest that if anyone has the chance to go one-on-one with Coach Kill, maybe for only a couple of minutes, take the chance. This is a man that is what he is. There is no pretense, no bullsh1t. He knows what he is doing, he knows where he wants to go.

Those of us fortunate enough to have spent a little time with him all, all realize this man is special. His goal is to make every member of his staff and every player on his squad special as well. Vision is a rare commodity, and this man is a visionary.

Gopherfaith and I were lucky enough to participate in Date Night on Thursday. Other than tracking down and catching a 40 yard punt (not as easy as it looks) and then managing to throw a football 15 yards into a 55-gallon trash can (no small feat), my favorite moment was Coach Kill recreating his pregame Iowa speech for us in the Gopher locker room. Outstanding. I got to spend 10 minutes with Billy Glasscock discussing recruiting and nearly an hour with Bob Reeves talking H-backs, why you recruit HS QBs to play nearly all other college positions, and offensive philosophy. These guys are a reflection of the head man. Outstanding.

It's simple - he WILL turn this program around and bring a winning team back to the U....big thing....he will stick around.

Those pics from date night are excellent. Seeing the jerseys in in the sun was cool.

Get me one of those gold or maroon jerseys!

I hope one day to be able meet coach kill for some time.

My chili is hot!


It's simple - he WILL turn this program around and bring a winning team back to the U....big thing....he will stick around.
Glad you have faith. Knowing what you want and need to do to turn things around are important (see previous coach), but that still is no guarantee of anything. Every coach and school wants to win. I sure hope you are right, because I miss winning. I can't wait until we squash the cheeseheads, but I've learned to not hold my breath. I have to assume that at some point in my life we'll be Big Ten title good again, but who knows...

Glad you have faith. Knowing what you want and need to do to turn things around are important (see previous coach), but that still is no guarantee of anything. Every coach and school wants to win. I sure hope you are right, because I miss winning. I can't wait until we squash the cheeseheads, but I've learned to not hold my breath. I have to assume that at some point in my life we'll be Big Ten title good again, but who knows...

I think everybody realizes that there is no guarantees. That is a given. Since there are no guarantees I feel pretty good about having an intact coaching staff that knows how to turn a program around and has done it several times before. Even more important is that we have a staff that has the character and drive to get the job done right. They are teachers who are building a new program and cultural on solid ground. For example how many head coaches would stay with a player who is having academic problems until 9:30 pm in a study hall to support him? Tony Dungy would say that is uncommon. Yes, there is no guarantees but if you can't get excited about and support this coaching staff and this team you might want to check your pulse.

Great to hear. Certainly what we need after Brewster. Am hoping the players respond to Coach Kill and staff like we are!

It's simple - he WILL turn this program around and bring a winning team back to the U....big thing....he will stick around.

Does anyone know this? I hope Kill does stick around, but assuming he turns us around and makes the U a 9-3, 10-2 (even 8-4) team, he will get other bigger offers. Would he want a K-State job to be back in Kansas, SEC job for the money and exposure, NFL, etc? Does anyone really know what he would do?

Does anyone know this? I hope Kill does stick around, but assuming he turns us around and makes the U a 9-3, 10-2 (even 8-4) team, he will get other bigger offers. Would he want a K-State job to be back in Kansas, SEC job for the money and exposure, NFL, etc? Does anyone really know what he would do?

As I said above there are no guarantees in life but Coach Kill has said this is his last stop. He stated that having to start over again is not something he wants to do. Besides his wife Rebecca told him she isn't moving (She really likes it here). Therefore I am inclined to take Coach Kill at his word.

Good article...I need to mention when I opened the link, my Anti-Virus program caught a Trojan virus...someone must have attached one.

Does anyone know this? I hope Kill does stick around, but assuming he turns us around and makes the U a 9-3, 10-2 (even 8-4) team, he will get other bigger offers. Would he want a K-State job to be back in Kansas, SEC job for the money and exposure, NFL, etc? Does anyone really know what he would do?

Um, we're maybe getting a bit ahead of ourselves. On the other hand, think of how many places Doogie could have him going.

Good article...I need to mention when I opened the link, my Anti-Virus program caught a Trojan virus...someone must have attached one.

Curious - Did anybody else have this problem and what can be done about it?

It's still early in the game and Kill could very well turn things around - but the same compliments are thrown at just about every new coach at every program. Every coach has a "vision". They all have the same "coachspeak". Time will tell but I'm looking for results on the field.....

You know, for not posting much I sure get a lot of references.
I'm on the record of saying that if given the time kill can achieve success similar to mason.

As for DTs quote, I'm pretty sure you could find a similar quote about every new coach in FBS football from a color commentator over the past 10 years if you tried hard enough.

I've never been a person impressed by a guy "having a vision of where he wants to go," I guess I'm just one of those people who think that should be a given rather than something to be impressed with. Brewster had a vision and a plan to get there. It didn't work. I knew Brewster was done when he abandoned his entire plan after his third regular season. I don't know if kills plan will work. I hope it does. I haven't been that impressed through one year.

Kim Royston was asked to compare Kill with Bulemia and he said, "There is no comparison. The Gophers staff has us much better prepared, much greater detail."

Does anyone know this? I hope Kill does stick around, but assuming he turns us around and makes the U a 9-3, 10-2 (even 8-4) team, he will get other bigger offers. Would he want a K-State job to be back in Kansas, SEC job for the money and exposure, NFL, etc? Does anyone really know what he would do?

Yes, he would get big offers if we start winning 9 or 10 games a season (this would be a nice problem by the way). Although anything is possible, I doubt he goes back to Kansas only because the Big 12 is a shadow of its former self and the conference will most likely dissolve because of TX and their greed. If this happens, it would leave the Kansas schools with no where good to go. Furthermore, Kill's brother and others have stated he is done rebuilding programs. I don't think Kill would be comfortable in the SEC, PAC-12, or anywhere out east no matter how good the program. The midwest is the most logical place for him and where he belongs. Consequently, MN (and do I dare say Iowa even though there is no way he ends up there) is it. Here's to a long, prosperous career in Gold Country for Coach Kill & Co.

Go Gophers!

Naturally everybody is going on their gut feeling - mine is Kill is a (different) kind of coach\person that was given a shot by a major university. He is a honest hard working man who I believe will stick with a program he develops. I don't think anything will pull him away from the U. I don't see him ever pulling a Lou Holtz on's not about money or personal fame for him.

Kim Royston was asked to compare Kill with Bulemia and he said, "There is no comparison. The Gophers staff has us much better prepared, much greater detail."

Bielema or Brewster? I doubt Kim has a very good recollection of Wisconsin's preparation.

Bielema or Brewster? I doubt Kim has a very good recollection of Wisconsin's preparation.
Why not? He played there in 2006 and 2007. Maybe one more year? Don't recall off the top of my head.

[Insert coach's name here] is different.

I don't think I ever want to hear those words again after the Penn State debacle. I respect Coach Kill for the work he does on and off the field and think he is the right man for the job, but the statement above, and sentiment included, terrifies me.

[Insert coach's name here] is different.

I don't think I ever want to hear those words again after the Penn State debacle. I respect Coach Kill for the work he does on and off the field and think he is the right man for the job, but the statement above, and sentiment included, terrifies me.

Can't be said any better than that.

No doubt in my mind that if the opportunity came for a bigger pay day or a more prestigous job Kill would have no problem moving on.

Can't be said any better than that.

No doubt in my mind that if the opportunity came for a bigger pay day or a more prestigous job Kill would have no problem moving on.

We are not talking about Lou Holtz or Tim Brewster here. It just might be possilbe that Jerry is different. You might look into how much he does for charities, his players, and others to help them out. Jerry is a teacher first and a coach second. His actions speak tons about the character of this man. Is he perfect? Of course not, but he is a hell of a lot better person than some of you realize.

Then on the other hand it just may be the trolls are doing there thing.

We are not talking about Lou Holtz or Tim Brewster here. It just might be possilbe that Jerry is different. You might look into how much he does for charities, his players, and others to help them out. Jerry is a teacher first and a coach second. His actions speak tons about the character of this man. Is he perfect? Of course not, but he is a hell of a lot better person than some of you realize.

Then on the other hand it just may be the trolls are doing there thing.

Kill may be different though no one knows with certainty. Whether he stays at Minnesota forever or leaves has nothing to do with what kind of person he is.

Always the same when a new coach comes along "this guy is different" theme not far behind

What a horrible thread this has devolved into. Thanks.

As I said above there are no guarantees in life but Coach Kill has said this is his last stop. He stated that having to start over again is not something he wants to do.

You're assuming the next school that comes calling would be a rebuilding job. What if he were offered the job at Oklahoma, Texas or something similar?

We are not talking about Lou Holtz or Tim Brewster here. It just might be possilbe that Jerry is different. You might look into how much he does for charities, his players, and others to help them out. Jerry is a teacher first and a coach second. His actions speak tons about the character of this man. Is he perfect? Of course not, but he is a hell of a lot better person than some of you realize.

Then on the other hand it just may be the trolls are doing there thing.

You clearly didn't understand what I was saying. Look no farther than the two threads at the top of the board for evidence why Penn State sanctions won't change anything. In the one, we have people who are outraged that a guy like Paterno was allegedly allowed to hold such sway in State College and using that as reasoning for why the school must be punished. In the other, we have the same people fawning over Kill and saying he is different and special. I am disappointed that I am the first one to see the irony there.

My reasoning has nothing to do with whether or not Kill takes another job. That didn't even factor into my thinking. Again, I like and respect Kill, I think he is an excellent coach, I respect what he does off the field, and I think he will bring the Gophers to prominence in college football. Still, I am choosing to slow down a little bit before declaring him a saint because, like Paterno, none of us actually knows.

If that makes me a troll, so be it. You might want to look back on my previous posts before making that statement, however.

They are different!

Kill may be different though no one knows with certainty. Whether he stays at Minnesota forever or leaves has nothing to do with what kind of person he is.

Always the same when a new coach comes along "this guy is different" theme not far behind

Don't you think Lou Holtz, Glen Mason, Tim Brewster, and Jerry Kill are different from each other?

Why not? He played there in 2006 and 2007. Maybe one more year? Don't recall off the top of my head.

I might have some of my info wrong, but Kim left WI on pretty bad terms. There was an issue when Kim transferred. He wanted to come to MN partially because of illness in his family and therefore he asked BB if he could go to the U (and the U could give him a scholarship) because of his family emergency. BB denied this motion and that is why Royston was a walk-on his entire time at the U.

While Kim was here, there were a couple subtle barbs thrown back and forth between Kim and BB.

It is pretty well known that there is/was a lot of animosity between the Royston family and BB. Kim's dad might have even said a couple things while posting here (I can't recall).

So I guess what I am trying to say is that Kim probably does have a good recollection of WI's preperation but he probably isn't really an impartial observer.

Catechol said:
You're assuming the next school that comes calling would be a rebuilding job. What if he were offered the job at Oklahoma, Texas or something similar?

If he was offered a job like that, there would be skid marks in his driveway to get there as fast as possible, as there would with most of the helmet schools. Those schools could offer him and his coaches money and facilities that Minnesota never could, as well as a legitimate chance to win a national title.

GopherGod said:
If he was offered a job like that, there would be skid marks in his driveway to get there as fast as possible, as there would with most of the helmet schools. Those schools could offer him and his coaches money and facilities that Minnesota never could, as well as a legitimate chance to win a national title.

Please!!! ^^^^^^^

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