Coach Claeys

Guys, Claeys is a bachelor, maybe Beth Goetz can assign a wardrobe advisor to him.

I can't disagree. Plus, he looked like he didn't want to be there...he even looked cold. And every tv shot of him he looked disinterested...never talking to anybody...never any emotion, except on the timeout. Not a good image for recruits or to his team. If he already has pneumonia and was gutting it out, I apologize. We did win though...ha

You are famous on Twitter for this post. Congrats.


I'm sure he is not disinterested...he looked disinterested. We won the game. I'm aware he is laid back. The camera was on him very frequently as it was on the Illinois coach. Illinois lost but their coach was moving, he was "coaching", he actually talked to players, referees and other coaches, his lips were movin' on the headset, he was the lead guy talking on sideline huddles. I think most head coaches participate. Evidently Tracy delegated everything to other people today. I found it a stark contrast to how most succesful coaches coach. It was also in contrast to how he coached as the interim coach. I just felt today was different.

As for his snowman look...I just feel he is the leader and if he is going to look like he's shivering and too cold to move it is sending the wrong message to his team and to recruits.

You guys see it away...happy to give you contrary opinions.

Guys, Claeys is a bachelor, maybe Beth Goetz can assign a wardrobe advisor to him.

He pretty much asked for one in the hiring press conference.

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Deer in the headlights look?
Or the Jordache look?

Congrats on our new HC's first win. But...c'mon now Tracy, that outfit? You have to be kidding, right? We have recruits in the house and recruits watching? With the natural body insulation you have and you dress up like you are going snowmobiling at lake Vermilion? Bud Grant had to have been hanging his head in shame.

Wow! U r clue....less

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First of all Grant wore a b-line parka and Red Wing boots. He let the players suffer.

Congrats on our new HC's first win. But...c'mon now Tracy, that outfit? You have to be kidding, right? We have recruits in the house and recruits watching? With the natural body insulation you have and you dress up like you are going snowmobiling at lake Vermilion? Bud Grant had to have been hanging his head in shame.

I was hoping for the Tom Landry look. The hat would be a nice touch.

Watch him. He wasn't disinterested. His eyes were following everything going on. Maybe he delegated the coach to player items, but he was observing. And we won.

Claeys is just not a fiery guy. And his wardrobe shouldn't matter as long as he's representing the Gophers!

The student athletes were happy that they could get the first win for TC and his STAFFERS. They are glad that TC and the STAFFERS are now their HC and his STAFFERS. I guess GH is the only place that has a few posters who are more concerned with the way TC dresses for cold weather. I certainly do hope some other posters here on GH will contrast the hell out of the "game day dress-police-posters..."

Beat the stinking badger, Gopher!

Any idea how Clayes smelled? Does he wear any designer cologne or scented body lotion....

For goodness sake! This is like the Japanese media asking Dan Gladden when he went to play in Japan to open his mouth wide to see if all of his teeth were real.

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