I talked to one person at a tailgate this past weekend, and they mentioned that Tracy has got to win at least 2 more games (or beat Wisco) this year to keep his job. So.... makes me wonder...
What you guys think if next year we had two co-head coaches, Tracy Claeys and Lane Kiffin. I think it could be a perfect marriage, as opposites attract in personalities and their strengths and weaknesses both off-set each other:
Claeys Strengths/Kiffin's Weaknesses:
-Developing players, especially on defense
-Sounds very tired with the responsibilities of being a HC in just his first year, I do think he would consider being a Co-HC
Kiffin's Strengths/Claeys Weaknesses:
-Good for fundraising/marketable
-3rd year as a offense coordinator, two head coaching stops, and all he wants to do again is be a head coach again (or coach head coach