Casey O’Brien needs our help

Casey and his family have done SO much for our community, while battling this awful disease. They are the people that have helped Masonic, visited kids, his Dad Dan went above and beyond when he was with Gopher Football to donate incredible packages to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

I hate that his cancer is back and that they need help, but it's nice to do something for them after they've done so much for others.

Please donate if you can.

Casey is a life-changing inspiration.

Knowing nothing but aware of other episodes it is a scandal that promising treatments offered by legitimate, preeminent experts in their fields can sometimes be denied coverage, called experimental by non-experts with every financial incentive to deny.

Casey is a life-changing inspiration.

Knowing nothing but aware of other episodes it is a scandal that promising treatments offered by legitimate, preeminent experts in their fields can sometimes be denied coverage, called experimental by non-experts with every financial incentive to deny.
Agree. I know someone in my personal life with a very similar situation. Insurance companies can be pretty awful.

Agree. I know someone in my personal life with a very similar situation. Insurance companies can be pretty awful.
Double edged sword since part of the reason they have to be so rigid is because of the people out there scamming the system but sucks when someone who clearly isn't trying to game the system can't get the coverage they need.

As for Casey, not good that traditional treatments are no longer working. Kid has had such a tough run with all the surgeries and relapses. Really hope this new treatment angle they are pursuing does the trick, if anyone deserves it it would be Casey. He has been an amazing ambassador through all his struggles and comes from a great family.

Always so sad. Been through this with my best friend.

The insurance code words mean that this is highly experimental treatment and desperation time.

Unfortunately, nearly all cancer victims die from cancer. You can slow it down, but remission is temporary.

Major bummer. Sucks that people have to deal with this stuff.

Looks like KFAN is talking about it. Seen lots of donations coming in mentioning them.

Chris Hawkey has been mentioning it basically every segment and they have some raffles going for anyone donating $25 or more.

Need a better system to take care of those in need. Meanwhile, hang in there again Casey. You have a huge heart.
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My BIL died of brain cancer at the age of 35 leaving behind his wife and four young kids. He had four brain surgeries at Mayo and the UofM, endured chemo, and all kinds of stuff. Eventually the cancer spread and took the rest of him.

I understand that insurance can't keep fighting to keep people alive when these diseases keep coming back. It's a losing endeavor when you look at it from a practical standpoint.

I just made my donation to Casey. I hope that he can kick this thing's butt.

There are ample things in this world that foster, and often deserve, cynicism. But on 10/19/19, in the gloaming at Rutgers, Casey entered the game and held for a successful kick. I was lucky enough to be there, and it elicited such an unexpected upwelling of admiration, awe, and appreciation for what he’d endured, and what the program had done to support and get to that moment - that after the subsequent robust and deserved ovation, I stood in silent marvel and reflection. Another moment in life I’ll never forget.

They're probably going to hit their $250k goal today. Good to see some former Gophers names pop up.
200K in 21 hours, I think they are going to obliterate the 250K goal which is a testament to the person that Casey is and the lives his story has touched.

Looks like they will get the funding now all we can do is hope the treatment works. Keep fighting Casey!

They're probably going to hit their $250k goal today. Good to see some former Gophers names pop up.
I thought the same thing - amazing that they're financially in the position to give so much, and that this truly is a brotherhood.

The community truly loves Casey, this is incredible for one day out...

They bumped their goal to 350K per Casey's tweet. In just over 24 hours they have already hit 290K. At this rate they will blow past that new goal before the end of the day today.

Awesome to see how people are rallying behind Casey and his fight.

Saw a tweet that Michael Jordan donated $10,000 to the fund.

These treatments are brutal and insurance companies can be a pain in the butt. My daughter's 30 day treatments are $20,000 each month for a year, without insurance.

I believe someone confirmed it is not the Michael Jordan, but a successful local with that name.

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