

Jan 3, 2009
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..has done ALOT of talking since he came here. He had to, since the Gopher football program is a mess. He said last weekend that we would have two commits by the end of this weekend. Maybe he should just keep his mouth shut once in awhile and let his actions speak. I wonder if recruits watching the team lose 29-6 and 55-0, along with alot of TALK from Brewster turned kids off. As I said, I've been a supporter of Brewster, but my guess the rest of this recruting class will like alot like Mason's recruits. If the team flounders next season(and unless they improve ALOT, the record will be worse) then recruting will get even more difficult.

It is Saturday. The weekend usually ends on Sunday, but maybe not where you live.

..has done ALOT of talking since he came here. He had to, since the Gopher football program is a mess. He said last weekend that we would have two commits by the end of this weekend. Maybe he should just keep his mouth shut once in awhile and let his actions speak. I wonder if recruits watching the team lose 29-6 and 55-0, along with alot of TALK from Brewster turned kids off. As I said, I've been a supporter of Brewster, but my guess the rest of this recruting class will like alot like Mason's recruits. If the team flounders next season(and unless they improve ALOT, the record will be worse) then recruting will get even more difficult.

I agree with you. Sooner or later you have to put up or shut up and Brewster has not done that on the field. Now is a time when we need experienced coaching and leadership and not just a sales pitch.

And not to mention that Mason was 8-5 in his third year. He got fired for mediocrity and we'll know next year if this guy can approach Mason's level. I hope he doesn't get extended until we see how he does during the first three games of the non-conference schedule. The honeymoon is over and now he needs to produce some wins.

Let's just settle down...

No coach gets every recruit that they target. I think it's silly to conclude that our late season results have had a big impact on recruits. I think people are working hard to guess why teenagers make choices. The sample size is too small for any conclusions and high school players make their decisions for all sorts of reasons, both rational and not.

I think it's also blatantly wrong to say that the current Gopher recruiting class is not better than what we've had in the past. By just about any measure, this is demonstrably false.

I'm just as disappointed about the choices of Carter and McNeal as anyone else, but the current commits still constitute a very good class and there is still lots of time before signing day and lots can happen. We all need a bit more even keel approach and perspective.

Do you really think the "M" hat on the table for both kids today would have been there with Mason still here? NO WAY

Hey Gopher

Big supporter of Brewster with 4 posts? Give me a break. How do you know what has turned off kids? You went through all of the trouble to register to post this? Brew is ding fine in recruiting. How many times did we watch these All-star games when Mase was coaching to see if someone would declare for MN? And tomorrow we will see a couple of MN recruits actually play. Nice try, but I am not buying it.

No coach gets every recruit that they target. I think it's silly to conclude that our late season results have had a big impact on recruits. I think people are working hard to guess why teenagers make choices. The sample size is too small for any conclusions and high school players make their decisions for all sorts of reasons, both rational and not.

I think it's also blatantly wrong to say that the current Gopher recruiting class is not better than what we've had in the past. By just about any measure, this is demonstrably false.

I'm just as disappointed about the choices of Carter and McNeal as anyone else, but the current commits still constitute a very good class and there is still lots of time before signing day and lots can happen. We all need a bit more even keel approach and perspective.

You are correct that no coach gets every recruit they target, however Brewster is the one who sold himself as this super recruiter and created the expectations for himself. Based on his lack of game day coaching abilities displayed thus far and now questions about his recruiting luster possibly wearing off it is not out of line to start to question things.

I guess it's unfair to expect results heading into year three. His predecessor was 8-5 in year three and Brewster's second half of his second team might have been worse than his 1-11 team.

Maturi needs to make a decision on this guy soon. Does he extend him now based on what he's accomplished or send him out on the recruiting trail facing year 4 of a 5 year deal?

The vibe in TCF could be pretty lame by October if they stick to their no beer sales policy.

Hahahaha. This is hilarious. I love hearing the crazy fans on this board get all upset!!! Get out of your moms basement and relax a bit, college football isn't life or death. Brewster works hard, its not easy to sell the U with its recent history and the Metrodome. I love the comment:

"He said last weekend that we would have two commits by the end of this weekend. Maybe he should just keep his mouth shut once in awhile and let his actions speak."

--- You sound like a child crying to his parents who "promised" him something. Chill out you loser.........

You are correct that no coach gets every recruit they target, however Brewster is the one who sold himself as this super recruiter and created the expectations for himself. Based on his lack of game day coaching abilities displayed thus far and now questions about his recruiting luster possibly wearing off it is not out of line to start to question things.

What Brewster is doing is super recruiting. The class isn't done. Would Mase have gotten Hagemen? Allen? Hayo? The top 3 OL in MN? No way, they would be at WI or IA. We had some terrible weather this season and some bad game results. Brew is doing the job recruiting. Now he needs to show he can coach.


OK if you're going to play that game, then I'll play dirty. The Haskins cheating scandal, the rape in Madison on Dutcher's watch, the Mussleman goons punching an Ohio St player. 40 years of being in the bottom 25% of major college football. Let's see...what else is Minnesota Gopher sports known for? NONE OF US HAVE HAD MUCH TO CHEER FOR FOR DECADES.

OK if you're going to play that game, then I'll play dirty. The Haskins cheating scandal, the rape in Madison on Dutcher's watch, the Mussleman goons punching an Ohio St player. 40 years of being in the bottom 25% of major college football. Let's see...what else is Minnesota Gopher sports known for? NONE OF US HAVE HAD MUCH TO CHEER FOR FOR DECADES.

I knew this guy was a fraud. Go back to your Iowa or Bucky board. Bye. Big supporter of Brewster. Don't make me laugh.

What Brewster is doing is super recruiting. The class isn't done. Would Mase have gotten Hagemen? Allen? Hayo? The top 3 OL in MN? No way, they would be at WI or IA. We had some terrible weather this season and some bad game results. Brew is doing the job recruiting. Now he needs to show he can coach.

This is not really about Mason it is about Brewster and whether he is the best one to lead this program. At the end of the recruiting period we will be probably 6 or 7th in the big ten with this recruiting class with a coach who still has not proven he can coach or for that matter even hire a staff that can provide stability and direction for the program.

This should be about the direction of the program. You don't think getting the top 3 OL in MN is a big deal? You don't think it is an upgrade over past years? You don't think 4 years of Brewster recruits won't be a huge upgrade over what Brewster walked in to? You want miracles. I saw big improvements over last season and a top 25 class that was only freshmen. What the heck do you want? Did you think we were going to be Big Ten contenders with the players Brew inherited and a bunch of freshmen and first year JC'? Hope not.

This should be about the direction of the program. You don't think getting the top 3 OL in MN is a big deal? You don't think it is an upgrade over past years? You don't think 4 years of Brewster recruits won't be a huge upgrade over what Brewster walked in to? You want miracles. I saw big improvements over last season and a top 25 class that was only freshmen. What the heck do you want? Did you think we were going to be Big Ten contenders with the players Brew inherited and a bunch of freshmen and first year JC'? Hope not.

As I have said before recruiting is only half of the battle. I am still not convinced that Brewster can be a good game day coach regardless of the talent level present as he has never proved it. I have always questioned how Brewster can be a position coach for as long as he was(17 years) without ever getting promoted. Could it be that all the coaches he worked for maybe knew something that we didn't, good recruiter but not a good coach?

This should be about the direction of the program. You don't think getting the top 3 OL in MN is a big deal? You don't think it is an upgrade over past years? You don't think 4 years of Brewster recruits won't be a huge upgrade over what Brewster walked in to? You want miracles. I saw big improvements over last season and a top 25 class that was only freshmen. What the heck do you want? Did you think we were going to be Big Ten contenders with the players Brew inherited and a bunch of freshmen and first year JC'? Hope not.

Amen. People need to wake up and smell the coffee. Brewster had very little talent going into his first year of coaching. He had so little talent that he had to start a true freshman at qb. If you think that Brewster was going to make the Gophers Big 10 champs in two years, you should probably stick with the NFL where you can buy your players and be a contender in one year. But in college you have to build your teams the old fashioned way- recruiting. To think a different coach could have walked into what Brewster walked into and make us a contender for the Big 10 title is very foolish. We need more recruits, which we are getting.

With that being said, I did not care for some of the play calling, which I think Brewster is addressing by bringing in Davis. Brewster needs more time, it is that simple.

Also, for those who think that Brewster should not get an extension yet, just shows your ignorance. He needs an extension for recruiting purposes. No player is going to commit to MN if they thing the HC is going to be gone before they reach campus. Get a clue.

If he fails to reach .500 in year three is he still better than Mason because his recruits had more stars? Maroney, Barber, Hamilton, Setterstrom, and Eslinger weren't too shabby.

At what point is this guy a bust? He took a bowl team to 1-11 and his Big Ten season this year was a bust. The Iowa game was the worst loss in school history.

Amen. People need to wake up and smell the coffee. Brewster had very little talent going into his first year of coaching. He had so little talent that he had to start a true freshman at qb. If you think that Brewster was going to make the Gophers Big 10 champs in two years, you should probably stick with the NFL where you can buy your players and be a contender in one year. But in college you have to build your teams the old fashioned way- recruiting. To think a different coach could have walked into what Brewster walked into and make us a contender for the Big 10 title is very foolish. We need more recruits, which we are getting.

With that being said, I did not care for some of the play calling, which I think Brewster is addressing by bringing in Davis. Brewster needs more time, it is that simple.

Also, for those who think that Brewster should not get an extension yet, just shows your ignorance. He needs an extension for recruiting purposes. No player is going to commit to MN if they thing the HC is going to be gone before they reach campus. Get a clue.

I don't think anyone expected us to compete for the big 10 title, but I think it is not to much to expect the team to not get smoked in several games in a unusually weak big 10 conference season and in a bowl game against a good but not great Kansas team that they coaching staff had a month to prepare for.


Brewster has one recruiting class so far and was left with nothing but a few players. I challenge anyone to name more than five guys that would be a difference maker on any team. He had Wvs, Decker, Weber, and not much more, he had guys starting that had no business starting. He has had one class and this will be class number two. The first year he was hired two weeks prior to signing day.

Can he coach? I do not know this answer right now, but let's give him some time to get his guys in place. Rich Rodriquez had much more talent left for him and he went 3-8. Michigan recruits are all americans and he still went 3-8.


Brewster has one recruiting class so far and was left with nothing but a few players. I challenge anyone to name more than five guys that would be a difference maker on any team. He had Wvs, Decker, Weber, and not much more, he had guys starting that had no business starting. He has had one class and this will be class number two. The first year he was hired two weeks prior to signing day.

Can he coach? I do not know this answer right now, but let's give him some time to get his guys in place. Rich Rodriquez had much more talent left for him and he went 3-8. Michigan recruits are all americans and he still went 3-8.

I think even with the talent level we had that we should have performed better, was Northwestern's talent that much better than ours. You can look at programs around the country and see what a good coach can do regardless of using lack of talent as a crutch. You can look at for instance Nebraska with first year coach Bo Pelini who takes a team that was 5-7 last year and finishes 9-4 this season with a bowl win in a tougher Big 12 conference, all this while starting two walk-ons on defense in the bowl game and much of the season. I bring Nebraska up as Pelini was interested in this position when Brewster was hired as was Lane Kiffin. In regards to your comparison of Michigan and Rich Rodriquez, he I think gets a longer leash than Brewster as he has proved in the past he can build a winner.

I think Mason in his last few years got lazy recruiting and Brewster is reaping the rewards. Look at the O-Line and tell me what talent Mason left? Running backs what talent is there? The secondary is made up of new Brewster recruits, what Mason recruits are there to help? D-line what talent did Mason leave besides WVS, this whole team is made up of patch work.

Again, not sure Brewter can coach, but the most important thing in college football is someone that can recruit. Talent wins over coaching, not even Pete Carroll would have won more than 3 games with this team last year, given their talent level.

I think Mason in his last few years got lazy recruiting and Brewster is reaping the rewards. Look at the O-Line and tell me what talent Mason left? Running backs what talent is there? The secondary is made up of new Brewster recruits, what Mason recruits are there to help? D-line what talent did Mason leave besides WVS, this whole team is made up of patch work.

Again, not sure Brewter can coach, but the most important thing in college football is someone that can recruit. Talent wins over coaching, not even Pete Carroll would have won more than 3 games with this team last year, given their talent level.

I believe all the running backs that played this year(Bennett, Salamon, Eskridge) were Brewster recruits and I definitely think Pete Carroll would have won more than 3 games with that team as would several other coaches who have found a way to at least be competitive with sub par talent. Again, I don't expect Big Ten titles anytime soon but I expect us to atleast be competitive in a conference that was the weakest it has been in many years. While I agree you need talent to win, I think that coaching and developing players is huge and talent does not always win out, just ask John Cooper when he was at Ohio State and his whole team was first round picks every year.

I agree with you that Brewster needs to prove he can coach, I cannot help but look at each position, OL,RB,DL,LB,DB and say what talent does he really have? Since his first real class and added talent he went from 1-11 to 7-6. I think it hard to judge when you are not sure if it is talent or is his coaching that bad?

This is ridiculous. I agree we don't know a lot about Brewster yet. Maturi really took a shot with him. However, if you can't say there wasn't improvement this year you are way too biased against seeing any good in Brewster. Also, how anyone thought we could win with the defensive talent that was left for Brewster and his staff is crazy. They were the slowest defense of all BCS teams. The players couldn't even get in position to make tackles.

I strongly supported Mason when he was here even though I was concerned win never seeing any improvement on the defensive side of the ball. I will now support Brewster - give him a chance to assemble talent (he is doing that) and then we'll see if he can coach. It's early too judge. A lot of coaching is talent - the best coaches are the first to say that.

As I have said before recruiting is only half of the battle. I am still not convinced that Brewster can be a good game day coach regardless of the talent level present as he has never proved it. I have always questioned how Brewster can be a position coach for as long as he was(17 years) without ever getting promoted. Could it be that all the coaches he worked for maybe knew something that we didn't, good recruiter but not a good coach?

Did you know that Ferentz was never a coordinator either?

I don't think anyone expected us to compete for the big 10 title, but I think it is not to much to expect the team to not get smoked in several games in a unusually weak big 10 conference season and in a bowl game against a good but not great Kansas team that they coaching staff had a month to prepare for.

Kansas is a well coached team that executes it's offense very well. Reesing > Weber, Briscoe > Decker, Meier > Green, Kansas OL > Minnesota OL. Can you figure out why we lost?

Keep your pants on. Is Brewster better than Mason? Right now, no. Give him 2 more years, if they aren't contending for the Big Ten title by then, give him his walking papers.

Relax people. I'm sure the fact that between last year and this year Brewster had four 4* WR's come in has something to do with McNeal's decision. OL was a major need this year and we have a number of them coming. We don't have 31 spots to fill this year, so every need isn't going to be filled.

The OL Recruiting

Gopher j wrote "I think Mason in his last few years got lazy recruiting and Brewster is reaping the rewards. Look at the O-Line and tell me what talent Mason left?"

The OL was just fine unyil Brewster & Meyer came along. It was Brewster who chose not to renew DeGest's scholarship and ran off Justin Jenson and Otis Hudson. You guy's need to stop rewriting history to blame Mason.

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