Recap of Brewster:
- Believed in 5th year he'd have a team that could compete week in and week out
- Believes in all his heart that the University of Minnesota is a great football job
- Believes Kill is trying to lower expectations, but that is a good thing for him to do
- Says Monte Kiffin was impressed with the talent the Gophers had on the field Saturday
- Lots of talented players on the team, mentions his OL recruits (Olson bros, Gjere as having All American potential)
- Goes in-depth on why he chose to look at things glass half full- Really hope some Gopher fans listen to this as I never got why so many people were offended by his positivity.
- All goes back to whether or not you can win up front and thinks potential to be good in the future is due to those lineman
- The interviewer asks another question about being bragadocious and going against Minnesota culture- Brewster says he has not regrets about the positive energy and belief in the program that he brought to the program.
- Asks about relationship with the media- Being removed as football coach at Minnesota hurt more than anything in his life. Could not articulate it and felt like he needed to take a step back. As far as the media in Minnesota is concerned, there not the most positive people in the world... I was paid to coach, they were paid to write
-Surprised he was fired, had not had conversations with upper level people at the University of Minnesota. Had 11 new starters on defense, had talked about having patience with this team. Talks about team winning last two games of the year and what that shows for what those kids could accomplish in the future.
- Interviewer asks again what is a reasonable win expectation for the Gophers this year- Brewster won't give a number, just thinks the future is bright. Tough minded and talented group of men, see how the schedule plays out in terms of W's and L's.
- Asks about Adam Weber and whether he should of started Gray looking to the future- Neither Brewster not the interviewer were aware that Weber is currently on Broncos practice squad. Brewster felt Weber gave the Gophers the best chance to win.
- Interviewers says Minnesota not committed to football, thinks Maturi committed to 25 sports- Brewsters response is that the engine that drives the sports program is football and football needs to be catered to exactly that way. Football, Basketball, and Hockey drive the car and need to be catered to in his opinion.
- Asks for example for what he needed at Minnesota that he didn't get, but would have gotten at Texas- Brewster wouldn't go down that road. Praises the new president at Minnesota. It comes down to leadership, making the right deciscions and support.
-Interviewer asks about reported problems with Maturi- Brewster says that anyone who works together on a day to day basis is going to have disagreements, downplayed issues between them.
One personal comment: the interviewer, Scott, is the type of guy that makes it so difficult to win. Total defeatist attitude, the exact type of guy who just loves to hear the Gophers don't have a chance and would be thrilled as heck with a 6-6 season. Just listenting to the way he phrased several questions had me cringing in embarassment as a Gopher fan.