Brewster" "Next obsolute knockout! An obsolute killer shot!"

At this time, I kinda got the feeling that among other qualifications, Brew does need to find someone with a sense of loyalty at the very least to the midwest if not MN. It would help anyway! We need a good DC that will be around a few years so the players can get into good discipline and habits, and a consistency!

Brew does need to find someone with a sense of loyalty at the very least to the midwest if not MN.

I second that!! It cannot be overlooked, must like the Midwest, no more big names that ended up failing at a job and needed a springboard (Roof).

Come on Calminnfan!!! "The letdown if he is unable to produce" is no way to go through life!!! We need to have more self confidence than that up here in MN!!! I've been slapped and called an @ss by numerous women before, but guess what??? The next night I was back taking my best shot again :D Its like the guy who never chases bigger and better things cause he is scared........ usually you look back on it and regret it :)

I was not saying that in regard to myself, and am not arguing with you on that, but for the fan base in general has a hard time trusting someone else. There is a reason some become cynical!

What exactly is his enthusiasm hurting? I realize some fans don't like it, but as long as it isn't affecting his job negatively then what's the big deal?

Building up Harold Howell as the next Devin Hester before he stepped on the field against Bowling Green sure didn't help the young man. When he built up Curtis Thomas as the next Ronnie Lott only to watch a 240 pound fullback get by and then proceed to outrun him 70 yards sure didn't help the young man. Proclaiming he had assembled the "best coaching staff in the nation" in 2006 sure didn't help the program when he went 1-11 and had the nation's worst defense....and is now on to his second OC and third DC in a span of two years since being hired.

Proclaiming he had assembled the "best coaching staff in the nation" in 2006 sure didn't help the program when he went 1-11 and had the nation's worst defense....and is now on to his second OC and third DC in a span of two years since being hired.

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

To borrow a phrase from Brewster's mentor (Mack Brown): Brewster = Big Hat No Cattle.

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

To borrow a phrase from Brewster's mentor (Mack Brown): Brewster = Big Hat No Cattle.

That may very well have been a vote of confidence for the staff, which had very good potential, and not hype.

Gotta recognize who he is talking to sometimes IMO!

Some interesting comments on here.

For the folks who praise Brewster's relentless optimism, I think Brewster needs to be careful about that, actually. I love the optimism and I am an optimistic guy myself, but when you are optimistic even in the wake of a 1-11 season, you start to sound like Jim Wacker RIP, NOT Lou Holtz. When you make those optimistic quotes, you have to back it up. People start dismissing everything you have to say and you lose credibility. Actually, Holtz knew when to be optimistic, but he was also very good at going completely the opposite, particularly before a big game. When he gave the "poor poor us" speeches, that was when that sneaky guy was getting ready to try to pull off a fast one.

I don't have a problem with Brewster saying this is going to be a blockbuster hire and I am eagerly awaiting it, as I am sure the recruits are as well, but he will have to back it up with a good hire now....


Man, we get a guy in here that is trying his damndest to get people excited over the Gopher football program for the first time since Lou Holtz was here and people bash his for it. Who cares if he exaggerates from time to time, for christ sakes the guy is selling our program to the rest of the country who laughs at us. For some of you this may come as a surprise, but there are a lot of people out there who like to be around over-positive people!!! Surprise!!! Let Brew do his thing. For the first time in two decades people acknowledge UMN has a football team from Brewster's selling...... that in itself is progress!!!! Not to mention he got 6 of the top 7 MN kids to stay this year and will continue that in the coming years..... something that hasn't been done in decades. Not to mention we had a recruiting class that garnered national attention last year and probably will this year, and especially will next year when he has an actual tangible stadium to sell kids on. Give the damn guy a break. I'm 30 and have NEVER followed the Gopher football program since I was a little kid because there was never anything to be excited about....... I actually joined this board and started backing the Gophers (have always followed College FB) because of Brewster!!!!


1. All I have to say is IOWA 55 - MINNESOTA 0. I think this says it all. If you think this is garnering respect from around the USA for Minnesota then KANSAS 42 - MINNESOTA 21 will really make them respect us. Personally, I enjoyed PENN STATE 23 - MINNESOTA 24 better.



How about the biggest bowl meltdown of all time? Did you enjoy that 6Nov? How about 4th quarter meltdowns in general? setting our sights on 3-5 conference records? Year after year of the most laughable schedules in the country?

I've got more...SKI-U-MAH!

Well put BuckBravo.

On another note, from Brewster's comments it sounds like he already knows who the OC is?? What is keep the University from reporting it?? Do they usually wait until the contract has an actual signature before they release a statement??

I know nothing about coaching hires and possibilities, but could they be waiting to announce the new OC because he is coaching in the game tomorrow night? Is their anyone possible from those 2 teams?

I know nothing about coaching hires and possibilities, but could they be waiting to announce the new OC because he is coaching in the game tomorrow night? Is their anyone possible from those 2 teams?

Wow, interesting thought!

Josh Heupels (Oklahoma) as OC and Dan McCarney (Florida) as DC have BOTH been tossed around as possibles.


Who would you rather work with every day?

I'd work with Reusse any day. Unless, of course, I was in sales, in which case, I'd be just like Tim.
I'd judge Reusse for myself. I have a feeling he'd be a hoot as a co-worker. Brewster? He'd tell the world how he is proud and determined to work for Company X and we have great assets, employees, etc. If things don't work out as he said, he'd sell you a new product, because doggone it, you can't talk about the past. It's all about the plan!
I'm glad that Brewster is moving from Dunbar's offense. I don't think it should have taken him two years to make the decision. He should've been Uzelac'ed in year one!

Personally, I enjoyed PENN STATE 23 - MINNESOTA 24 better.

You left out the 28-7 win over Michigan in 2003. And the 24-0 win in the 2000 bowl game against NC State. Remember when Maroney led us to that 34-24 win at the dome vs. Wisconsin in 2005?What about that 35-7 win over Texas Tech...Insight champs, baby!

hey 6 NOV 1999, We are perceived better on a national level than we have been in decades. We are talked about on recruiting sites and on shows and have had hats on display with the top athletes at all star games, which never would have happened under Mase. So go relive 1999.

Very true, from a national perspective, we are an up and coming program, and to me, that's more important than what some pessimists on these boards think of our program. If national pundits see the potential, then recruits are likely to see it as well, and it will only help the program.


1. All I have to say is IOWA 55 - MINNESOTA 0. I think this says it all. If you think this is garnering respect from around the USA for Minnesota then KANSAS 42 - MINNESOTA 21 will really make them respect us. Personally, I enjoyed PENN STATE 23 - MINNESOTA 24 better.



Jesus, 1999 you gotta quit living in the past. By your comments you sound like you are saying Tim Brewster will never get a victory over a Big 10 power if we would give him 10 years like Mason. Mason + Lipstick = Pig.

There's a reason millions of people worldwide listen to and follow Tony Robbins, and a couple thousand locally read Pat Reusse. People like enthusiasm and negativity sucks.

I second the notion that people outside of Minnesota don't see humble, reserved and nice as good things. In the business world, most that I deal with see those quality's as weaknesses. They tend to think of Minnesota as the guy who gets out of the shower to take a whiz.

They tend to think of Minnesota as the guy who gets out of the shower to take a whiz.

Completely OT, but you just reminded me of my favorite Rick Majerus quote. This was in an interview with Jay Bilas, who asked why Rick was wearing a polo shirt rather than the traditional Hawaiian shirt that most coaches wear at the Maui Invite:
"Jay, only a guy who gets out of the shower to take a piss would wear a shirt like that." :D

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