Brewster Back in Coaching?

but does anyone find it curious that the article starts out "Former Texas assistant football coach Tim Brewster"

Not really. He's stating the relevance to his readership right from the get-go. This is standard procedure. For example, I remember when reading about Tom Brokaw in local newspapers growing up in SD, every article would start out with "SD native Tom Brokaw", not "NBC anchor Tom Brokaw", even though the latter is clearly more important and relevant to the broader world. Likewise, I remember reading an obituary of Norman Borlaug on the U's website, and it started out "U graduate Norman Borlaug", not "Nobel Prize winner Norman Borlaug" or "Congressional Gold Medal winner Norman Borlaug" or "Presidential Medal of Freedom winner Norman Borlaug".

I'm just so freaking sick of all the cynicism surrounding both the football and basketball programs. What kind of "fans" are these? Not the kind I want to be associated with, certainly. Tim Brewster defined the Peter Principle as a BCS head coach, but he is certainly more than competent in some aspects of the job, and he gave his heart and soul to this team for just under four years. For that, his reward is to be hung in virtual effigy day after day after day. By any measure, Jim Wacker was far worse as Gophers coach than Tim Brewster. Why doesn't he get mercilessly destroyed on these boards on a daily basis? In reality, Brewster's biggest crime for many was to dare to be St. Glen's successor.

And as for the basketball...well, anyone who doesn't expect a diminished season with the loss of, by far, our best player is simply deluding themselves and/or trying to hold Tubby accountable for things outside of his control. Hmm...given the state of our fanbase, I wonder which one it could be? Again, near-constant cynicism. I've had alls I can stand, and I can't stands no more.

So what your saying is your freaking out at people for ripping on a incompetent coach while you ripped on Adam Weber repeatedly. He gave his heart and soul to the program as well, so why was it okay to rip on a player and his abilities but not do the same to a coach. I guess ripping on a coach is off-limits for a true "fan" but ripping on the players is okay. Just be consistent, if you allow the ripping of a player it should be allowed for a coach as well. I think the reason that Jim Wacker is not ripped mercilessly today because he is now several coaches removed, deceased, and unlike Brewster was pretty much universally liked as a person by the media, fans, and players. If you feel the need to take a break from the board however, I support you fully. If you do intend to stick around and spend 8 hours a day on here like you do, how about you donate some money to the site to help fund the continuation of the site. It obviously gives you many, many, many hours of entertainment.

By all means Brewster was a great tight ends coach and he has been able to land some highly touted recruits. I am personally surprised he has been out of coaching for so long or perhaps he has turned down some position coaching jobs the past couple years. I would not be surprised one bit if he ends up on Urban Meyer's or someone else's staff next year and I will be happy for him if he does.

Part of the discussion concerning Brewster feels like going carnivorous over dried turkey bones if you know what I mean...wish him well. We do have something to look forward to now imo.

I know GopherLady is perfectly capable of defending herself here, but I feel compelled to come to her defense. There are very few people who bleed maroon and gold like her and she has been an invaluable resource on Gopher sports-related topics on this site. While there are many worthy targets to go after on GopherHole, GopherLady certainly isn't one of them.

Thank you - appreciate it, I am kind of getting sick of defending myself. People keep asking me why I don't post as much...because of crazy over reactions like this. It's exhausting!

Everyone knows that Gopher Lady has long had an axe to grind against Joel Maturi because he didn't agree with whatever proposal that she and her cohorts wanted to make happen at the U. Her hatred of Brewster was just one more way to go after Maturi who was her real target. Let's not ever confuse Gopher Lady with a real sports journalist or someone who actually knows something about sports.

What proposal was this??? Was it the fact that myself and my "cohorts" wanted to increase ticket sales at the U. Oh, and we did? That 300 person student section in The Barn grew to 1700 in one year because we bused our butts. Shame on me. Remind me never to do that again.

And I went after Brew to get at Maturi? Seriously. Yeah, I sat through 1-11 seasons, went to numerous road games, spent countless $ and time on Football, and I was just secretly hoping Brew would lose...because I wanted to get back at Maturi??? Yeah, that'll show him - he still collects his paycheck, and I get to watch my team lose week after week...what kind of logic is that?

In his defense, GL using the word "lie" was a little biased...cynical...has get the idea...

oh welll...time for some more coffee...:)

I should have used the word rumor. This is exactly why people do lurk and don't post. I can take the non-stop bashing, but the average fan won't - nor should they - have to deal with it for not choosing the best word possible.

So what your saying is your freaking out at people for ripping on a incompetent coach while you ripped on Adam Weber repeatedly.

Nope. Never said or insinuated that at all. Not sure where you read that. Rip Brewster all you want. Just rip him fairly. He is not the worst coach in the history of football, nor anything close to it. People also constantly cast aspersions on Brewster as a person and as a man when they have likely never met or spoken to him in their lives, calling him a liar and a snake, or worse. The difference in treatment between Adam Weber and Tim Brewster on this board is the difference between a parking ticket and being summarily executed, drawn, and quartered, and having your head stuck on a pike.

He gave his heart and soul to the program as well, so why was it okay to rip on a player and his abilities but not do the same to a coach.

Never said it was.

I guess ripping on a coach is off-limits for a true "fan" but ripping on the players is okay.

Nope. Never said that either.

Just be consistent, if you allow the ripping of a player it should be allowed for a coach as well.

Never said it shouldn't.

I think the reason that Jim Wacker is not ripped mercilessly today because he is now several coaches removed, deceased, and unlike Brewster was pretty much universally liked as a person by the media, fans, and players.

So you admit that people rip on Brewster mainly because of his personality and unfounded, untruthful accusations of dishonesty and that it has far less to actually do with his coaching record? Now we're getting somewhere!

If you feel the need to take a break from the board however, I support you fully.

I never said I was going to do that. Where did I say or infer that?

If you do intend to stick around and spend 8 hours a day on here like you do, how about you donate some money to the site to help fund the continuation of the site.

Not that it's any business of yours (because it isn't) but my wife, with her master's degree, can't find anything better than the menial job she just secured, and we have a mortgage and six-figures' worth of student debt to pay off along with two children to raise, so I can't justify giving money to a free site.

So your post consists entirely of ripping me for things I didn't say, in addition to ripping me for my inability to donate money to a free site. Fantastic. Feel better about yourself now, Herbie Husker?

Brewster was a bad head coach and I do not think he will ever be a hc in Div. 1 again. But I do not hate him for it, I am just glad he is no longer our coach. As for Wacker, he too was a bad coach, but at least we beat wis. under Wacker. Under Brewster we did not win 1 trophy game. That was really annoying. Had Brewster been coaching during the Iowa game, we likely would not have won Floyd.

We should have one "Brewster heading to...." thread. Imagine the page count! Tennessee, Kansas, North Texas, Tulane, Arizona, Ohio State...

I've heard that it was wren's letter of recommendation that sealed the deal.

I understand this is a Texas blogger, but does anyone find it curious that the article starts out "Former Texas assistant football coach Tim Brewster" instead of including HC at UMN in the opening paragraph? Not until the 3rd paragraph does it state "Brewster...... served as the head coach for the Minnesota Gophers for three-plus seasons"

Perhaps this writer also regrets the BrewBall stint as much as we do now?

If he was embarrassed by Brewster then either 1) he wouldn't have mentioned his Texas connection right away or 2) he wouldn't have written about it in the first place.

I've heard that is was wren's letter or recommendation that sealed the deal.

Wren (Wayne, Walrus, Wallabee) blames Brewster for the housing crisis. The only thing I will say about Brewster is he always played down to less worthy opponents. Under Brewster, we would never have dominated Illinois and Floyd would still be in Iowa City.

OMG. Please quit pissing on each other.

Nope. Never said or insinuated that at all. Not sure where you read that. Rip Brewster all you want. Just rip him fairly. He is not the worst coach in the history of football, nor anything close to it. People also constantly cast aspersions on Brewster as a person and as a man when they have likely never met or spoken to him in their lives, calling him a liar and a snake, or worse. The difference in treatment between Adam Weber and Tim Brewster on this board is the difference between a parking ticket and being summarily executed, drawn, and quartered, and having your head stuck on a pike.

Never said it was.

Nope. Never said that either.

Never said it shouldn't.

So you admit that people rip on Brewster mainly because of his personality and unfounded, untruthful accusations of dishonesty and that it has far less to actually do with his coaching record? Now we're getting somewhere!

I never said I was going to do that. Where did I say or infer that?

Not that it's any business of yours (because it isn't) but my wife, with her master's degree, can't find anything better than the menial job she just secured, and we have a mortgage and six-figures' worth of student debt to pay off along with two children to raise, so I can't justify giving money to a free site.

So your post consists entirely of ripping me for things I didn't say, in addition to ripping me for my inability to donate money to a free site. Fantastic. Feel better about yourself now, Herbie Husker?

Whatever Brew does, I hope it works out for him (as long as it's not to the Gophs expense, of course). Never say never.. Failing at a position doesn't always mean it won't work out. It just becomes a learning experience. Chances are, Brew learned A LOT during and after his tenure here in Minny.

OMG. Please quit pissing on each other.

Wha-?! That doesn't turn you on?! What's WRONG with you?!

Wren (Wayne, Walrus, Wallabee) blames Brewster for the housing crisis. The only thing I will say about Brewster is he always played down to less worthy opponents. Under Brewster, we would never have dominated Illinois and Floyd would still be in Iowa City.

Well, Brewster did buy a house in Minnesota and its value dropped dramatically. That's all the evidence I need.

May this thread die an early death.

I liked Brewster early on. By the end, I disliked the losing enough to want him gone. I don't think he is a bad person or even a bad coach. Then again, if I hadn't read the opinions found on Gopherhole as often as I did, I probably would have enjoyed him as a coach longer. It is amazing how the internet can influence our view of the world, even when we try to maintain control over our opinions. I wonder if the anonymity of blogging reduces our inhibitions and betrays our better judgement and discretion. There are a few things that I will never do: eat my young; dismiss what my wife says off hand; spit into the wind; blog on a daily basis; and discredit everybody that says something I consider foolish.

May this thread die an early death.

I liked Brewster early on. By the end, I disliked the losing enough to want him gone. I don't think he is a bad person or even a bad coach. Then again, if I hadn't read the opinions found on Gopherhole as often as I did, I probably would have enjoyed him as a coach longer. It is amazing how the internet can influence our view of the world, even when we try to maintain control over our opinions. I wonder if the anonymity of blogging reduces our inhibitions and betrays our better judgement and discretion. There are a few things that I will never do: eat my young; dismiss what my wife says off hand; spit into the wind; blog on a daily basis; and discredit everybody that says something I consider foolish.


I don't think he is a bad person or even a bad coach.

He was a bad coach, which is why he was fired. You do not fire good coaches, only bad coaches. With that said, I too think he was a good person, just in way over his head.

It doesn't matter if he was a good or a bad person. He was an incompetent coach who had 6 coordinators in 3 7/12ths seasons. He also overpaid for a house. He failed in the housing game by buying high and then being unable to sell. He lived kind of an upside down existence in his house...with his staff...and with his won/loss record.

So, I don't know if he was a good...or not such a good person. He was a horrible football coach for the University of Minnesota. His Big Ten w/l record tells us that. But, I do not blame him. He did not hire himself or extend himself. we all know who was to blame for brewball.

And, I am having a hell of a lot of fun with this post. I am not taking this topic seriously at all. How could anyone ever take anything about that brewster clown seriously. He bought HIGH and I don't know if he can give his purchase away I'm just kidding along with that rescooter's post and 50 pound head's response to that rescooter character...

Since that rescooter brought my name up in this thread...the LEAST I can do is to have some fun with the topic...

; 0 )

I hope that Penn State has taught everyone that it still matters if you're a good person, even in the cynical world of sports.
Don't you have a class to teach in the morning?

Every year 20 to 25 Division I coaches get fired for not winning enough football games. Let me remind you Mason Morons that your boy was fired for the exact same reason. Brewster took the Gophers to bowl games two out of four seasons (Mason was also 2 out 4 in his first four seasons) by beating exactly the same kind of teams Mason was beating his last 3 or 4 seasons as a coach. Once Mason quit on the players and fans after the 2003 season the big difference between Brewster and Mason was that Brewster wasn't making excuses for why he was losing games. Every time Mason opened his mouth he was blaming everyone and everything but himself for not being able to win Big 10 games. Good riddance to him.

May this thread die an early death.

I liked Brewster early on. By the end, I disliked the losing enough to want him gone. I don't think he is a bad person or even a bad coach. Then again, if I hadn't read the opinions found on Gopherhole as often as I did, I probably would have enjoyed him as a coach longer. It is amazing how the internet can influence our view of the world, even when we try to maintain control over our opinions. I wonder if the anonymity of blogging reduces our inhibitions and betrays our better judgement and discretion. There are a few things that I will never do: eat my young; dismiss what my wife says off hand; spit into the wind; blog on a daily basis; and discredit everybody that says something I consider foolish.

You should also consider not doing these things: tugging on Superman's cape, pulling the mask off the Lone Ranger, and messing around with Jim.

Any coach who gets fired MID-SEASON is REALLY incompetent and REALLY beyond bad. THAT is as BAD as it can possibly get. That puts the mid-season-fired-coach in the worst of the worst catagory. And that, go4broke is how that brewster clown will ALWAYS be remembered. The ONLY thing left of him is his record...and the scores of the games he coached He won six Big Ten games...NO border battles or trophy games. That is WHAT he was...HOW he the EXTENT of how and what he was. And, he is OUT OF HERE. He was fired MID-SEASON...that is the ULTIMATE insult to him and his ability.

And...that's the way it was go4broke...

That b(s)jm is STILL here. That fact is the Ultimate insult to the integrity and competence level of University of Minnesota administrators. b(s)jm is still employed by the U of M. How pathetic...

; 0 )

Being fired in mid-season means you're a terrible coach? That doesn't make any sense. That would imply that retaining Brewster until the end of the year that would have made him a better coach. You are really grasping at straws, such as your rant on him paying too much for his house. He did produce a couple of mediocre seasons here, there are a lot of coaches who have done worse. And if you're going to blame Maturi for everything, then you pretty much have to claim that Brewster would have done better if someone other than Maturi were the AD.

Brewster needed to be fired. But that doesn't necessarily mean that he couldn't do well somewhere else. You keep insisting that Minnesota is such an incredibly difficult place to win, then by your own standards, you would have to give Brewster the benefit of the doubt, perhaps he would get hired at a school where winning is easier. If winning at Minnesota is so incredible difficult, there should be many schools where winning is easier.

Let's see rodent: I believe I said I was having some fun since that rescooter character brought my name into play.

And I quote (my own post):

"... I am having a hell of a lot of fun with this post. I am not taking this topic seriously at all. How could anyone ever take anything about that brewster clown seriously. He bought HIGH and I don't know if he can give his purchase away I'm just kidding along with that rescooter's post and 50 pound head's response to that rescooter character...

Since that rescooter brought my name up in this thread...the LEAST I can do is to have some fun with the topic..."

How the hell could anybody take that brewster clown seriously? NOBODY other than that b(s)jm would have EVER brought that brewster clown here under any circumstances. I totally blame b(s)jm...

The entire brewball fiasco sucked rodent.

Brewster is simply not as bad a coach as you think, if only because no one could be as bad a coach as you think he is. I wouldn't have hired a coach who had no experience either as a coordinator or as a head coach either. 2007 sucked, and 2010 sucked. But 2008 and 2009 were merely mediocre. But if he was as bad as you claim, the Gophers wouldn't have ever reached mediocrity under him.

Any coach who gets fired MID-SEASON is REALLY incompetent and REALLY beyond bad. THAT is as BAD as it can possibly get. That puts the mid-season-fired-coach in the worst of the worst catagory. And that, go4broke is how that brewster clown will ALWAYS be remembered. The ONLY thing left of him is his record...and the scores of the games he coached He won six Big Ten games...NO border battles or trophy games. That is WHAT he was...HOW he the EXTENT of how and what he was. And, he is OUT OF HERE. He was fired MID-SEASON...that is the ULTIMATE insult to him and his ability.

And...that's the way it was go4broke...

That b(s)jm is STILL here. That fact is the Ultimate insult to the integrity and competence level of University of Minnesota administrators. b(s)jm is still employed by the U of M. How pathetic...

; 0 )

Since the Walrus rants on other boards about how coaches should be given tenure...... What if Brew had been granted tenure under his scheme? He never broke any rules (as far as we know), so there is no obvious justifiable reason to fire him. Is merely not winning enough games sufficient reason to break the tenure grant? Would we have been stuck with brew-ball forever?

Not his strong point

Since the Walrus rants on other boards about how coaches should be given tenure...... What if Brew had been granted tenure under his scheme? He never broke any rules (as far as we know), so there is no obvious justifiable reason to fire him. Is merely not winning enough games sufficient reason to break the tenure grant? Would we have been stuck with brew-ball forever?

wren has never been consistent in the way he applies his rules and his rants; not even close. He lives in his own little world of truth according to wren. If you point this out your are branded as an apologists. He is a very stange dude or dudette.

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