Brew: "I have no interest in any other job..."

How does it float back to Maturi to the point where he needs to address it with the media. This would have been a non-story without Maturi going to Fuller to spread the "rumor".

Exactly. It's one thing if the only place this popped up was this board and ESPN's rumor mill. Then I can believe it was innocent or 'unsubstantiated.' When I read strongly worded quotes from the AD in both daily papers, it's gone past the point that I believe it was just 'made up.'

Do we know that Fuller never mentioned the rumor in the first place?

How does it float back to Maturi to the point where he needs to address it with the media. This would have been a non-story without Maturi going to Fuller to spread the "rumor".

you keep saying that maturi went to fuller as opposed to the other way around. if i recall correctly i don't see that mentioned in any articles that have been writtern. so, i have a couple questions.

1.) where is your proof one way or the other?

2.) how in the world would you know?

How does it float back to Maturi to the point where he needs to address it with the media. This would have been a non-story without Maturi going to Fuller to spread the "rumor".

That's pretty easy actually. Ask any NBA game or any AD who's got an opening or a oach with a contract issue. Ask them if they ever, no ask them how often they are asked about an issue with absolutely NO basis in fact. It's not very rare.

So you think that Kansas IS interested in hiring Brewster? I just don't regardless of what ESPN says.

That's pretty easy actually. Ask any NBA game or any AD who's got an opening or a oach with a contract issue. Ask them if they ever, no ask them how often they are asked about an issue with absolutely NO basis in fact. It's not very rare.

So you think that Kansas IS interested in hiring Brewster? I just don't regardless of what ESPN says.

Either way this has been handled poorly by someone. Either there is truth to these rumors, in which case Brewster stepped in it. Or there never was anything to this, in which case Maturi stepped in it by letting a baseless rumor end up as a big story in at least 3 major newspapers. I can't tell you which it is, but someone at the U definately stepped in something.

FWIW, no I don't think Kansas every had any real interest in Brew. I do think Brew had his buddies sniffing around trying to get them interested, and that's bad enough.

Exactly. It's one thing if the only place this popped up was this board and ESPN's rumor mill. Then I can believe it was innocent or 'unsubstantiated.' When I read strongly worded quotes from the AD in both daily papers, it's gone past the point that I believe it was just 'made up.'

Maturi could have just said that he hadn't heard from either Kansas or Brewster about this, which would have gone a long way to squelch any rumors. But his ill prepared remarks paved the way for a damaging few days for the football program.

bottom line is that maturi continues to make mistakes. he needs to go before he completely puts us in the ground. any AD worth a damn would have kept his mouth shut until he knew what he was talking about

I would blame our bloodthirsty media and irrational fan base for a damaging few days to the football program. Brewster's seat should not be as warm as it appears to be, and I the rumors have not been substantiated. There is a lot of reading between the lines, which relies on assumptions. I do not know either way if any of this is accurate. Even if it is accurate, and Brew is pursuing another position, I really cannot blame him. Which goes back to our bloodthirsty media and irrational fan base.

Either way this has been handled poorly by someone. Either there is truth to these rumors, in which case Brewster stepped in it. Or there never was anything to this, in which case Maturi stepped in it by letting a baseless rumor end up as a big story in at least 3 major newspapers. I can't tell you which it is, but someone at the U definately stepped in something.

FWIW, no I don't think Kansas every had any real interest in Brew. I do think Brew had his buddies sniffing around trying to get them interested, and that's bad enough.

Everybody comes at this stuff from their own perspective. You want Maturi and or Brewster gone for the good of the program. A position I disagree with but not an unreasonable one.

My perspective on this comes from years in politics and business where I witnessed stories that were absolutely not true but were reported as facts. Years ago I remember calling about a 6:00 report on KSTP that had the facts backwards. They were crediting the Governor at the time for flying in a Senator to vote for a bill even though the Governor wanted the bill to fail . The Senator had actually voted against the bill killing it.

The report gave the Governor CREDIT for being so magnanimous when it was actually a selfish act. We were all in the same party but it rankled everybody involved. We called from the Senate office and were told that "it didn't make any difference" and they went ahead and reported it wrongly again at 10:00!

Don't get me started on the screw-ups on business matters.

I've also got a buddy who now works for McClatchy and use to work for the Chicago Tribune. He's flat-our stated that a lot of guys print false stuff "just to rile people up". He's an editor so he stops it when he can but he does laugh about it when it's in somebody else's paper!:D

So yeah, there could be some truth to the rumors but it's also just as likely that it's all be mainly bull.

Oh, by the way you'd have loved the way Randy Dipstick led tonight's sports on 11. He started with the Brewster Kansas story. Followed by a full screen with the last three players to de-commit from the Gophers.

Star Rating included!

Shaver is an idiot. he is still butt hurt over his kid not having the ability to play D1 ball and brew telling him so

i love how many of the brewster haters here completely ignore the very real possibility that this was nothing more than a drummed up story by some of the brewster-haters (one of them posts on this board rather frequently and his first name rhymes with loogie) in the local media who desperately want to see him go and will stop at nothing to constantly try and put brewster, maturi and the U at odds with each other to make it happen.

meanwhile their petulant act makes brewster, maturi and the U of M all look bad. no winners here except some smarmy media blowhards (reusse, souhan, loogie, etc, etc.) and a wanna-be drive-time sports talk host (barreiro).

Bronko -- I would love to actually meet you, can we make that happen? And if you believe that Brew quote, I've got some oceanfront property in International Falls to sell you.

That is how I read it as well. He even said the sentence before that he had not talked to anyone about the Kansas situation.

Maybe Maturi's quotes mean, I'm sick of all the calls and I can't stop him from leaving.

Bronko -- I would love to actually meet you, can we make that happen? And if you believe that Brew quote, I've got some oceanfront property in International Falls to sell you.

That might be true but honestly, if Brewster pulled a kid out of a burning building we'd expect you Shaver, Barrerio and the like to report that he may have started the fire. :(

“I have had no contact regarding the position,” Brewster told Sports Headliners. “I haven’t spoken to anybody. I have no interest in any other job besides the University of Minnesota.”

The last sentence is false, but the other 2 sentences are right because technically Brewster hasn't spoken to anyone ... he had others call Lew Perkins/Kansas for him.

That might be true but honestly, if Brewster pulled a kid out of a burning building we'd expect you Shaver, Barrerio and the like to report that he may have started the fire. :(

All I ask is this: Find me multiple examples of where I have been factually wrong.

Oh, like when Maresh was near a fight, or White was in a building where a laptop was stolen? I can see the headline now, "Brewster Involved with an Arson-related Fire."

I never made one mention of the Maresh incident until the reports were out there and at that point might've chimed in with an opinion, but never did I convict him ... and I never jumped the gun like my co-workers at CH 9 in suggesting that White had been kicked out of school.

“I have had no contact regarding the position,” Brewster told Sports Headliners. “I haven’t spoken to anybody. I have no interest in any other job besides the University of Minnesota.”

The last sentence is false, but the other 2 sentences are right because technically Brewster hasn't spoken to anyone ... he had others call Lew Perkins/Kansas for him.

So you believe the ESPN report that Brewster "was one of the four finalists"? Because that's even more telling about the way this has been "reported". The "fact" that Brewster started the contact - sure fine and dandy, report it.

The "fact" that he was a finalist? Judas Priest NO! We don't want to give the impression that's he actually WANTED out there!

Joe Schad is a solid reporter ... I don't know if it's right or not ... Nanne would know on this, so I was reacting to his comments on my former station ... all I know is Brewster has made an effort for the job ... my personal belief: Lew Perkins will go in a different direction.

I never made one mention of the Maresh incident until the reports were out there and at that point might've chimed in with an opinion, but never did I convict him ... and I never jumped the gun like my co-workers at CH 9 in suggesting that White had been kicked out of school.

Sorry, I was not directly replying to you on that one, just the TC media in general.

My overall take is this -- I have no idea what has been said by whom or to whom. At this point in time, I have no reason to expect that the reports are being independently confirmed. And if they are being confirmed, whether or not that source can be trusted. Our media, with regard to the Gopher football program, may as well be vultures. I also have learned you cannot trust the words of coaches or ADs, as well. Unless something concrete happens - I am left with no choice but to ignore the smoke.

Bronko -- If I come up with an extra ticket for a future Gopher hoops game, will you join me?

Joe Schad is a solid reporter ... I don't know if it's right or not ... Nanne would know on this, so I was reacting to his comments on my former station ... all I know is Brewster has made an effort for the job ... my personal belief: Lew Perkins will go in a different direction.

i am sure joe schad would be thrilled to know you feel that way about him and his reporting abilities. you probably just "made his night"! :rolleyes:

Sorry, I was not directly replying to you on that one, just the TC media in general.

My overall take is this -- I have no idea what has been said by whom or to whom. At this point in time, I have no reason to expect that the reports are being independently confirmed. And if they are being confirmed, whether or not that source can be trusted. Our media, with regard to the Gopher football program, may as well be vultures. I also have learned you cannot trust the words of coaches or ADs, as well. Unless something concrete happens - I am left with no choice but to ignore the smoke.

No need to apologize ... I enjoy the back and forth on here with passionate Gophers fans as long as personal shots aren't taken.

Bronko -- If I come up with an extra ticket for a future Gopher hoops game, will you join me?

i have my own tickets thank you very much, so your attempt at charity is not needed.

that being said. maybe i will take you up on it, but only if you promise that we can sit next to your "good friends" reusse, souhan, shaver, jim rich, barreiro and that iowee hogeye justin gaard in the press box. i would like to get all of you in one place together. ;)

let me know......

Um, then why did he not say that to Maturi when they talked?

Joe Schad is a solid reporter ... I don't know if it's right or not ... Nanne would know on this, so I was reacting to his comments on my former station ... all I know is Brewster has made an effort for the job ... my personal belief: Lew Perkins will go in a different direction.

..and that's all one needs to know about TC Media and Brewster. You, a guy who at least in the past tried to defend the program against false charges can't even bring yourself to say it.

You'll go out of your way to start by defending Jo Schad as "a solid reporter" but his story naming Brewster as being a finalist for the job, well you're not sure about that. You differ to Nanne who said there is no truth to it. Followed of course by calling Brewster a liar.

Lets see credit the reporter- check.

Don't give any credit to Brewster for the same reporter's story - check.

Call Brewster a liar - check.

You really wonder about credibility problems?

..and that's all one needs to know about TC Media and Brewster. You, a guy who at least in the past tried to defend the program against false charges can't even bring yourself to say it.

You'll go out of your way to start by defending Jo Schad as "a solid reporter" but his story naming Brewster as being a finalist for the job, well you're not sure about that. You differ to Nanne who said there is no truth to it. Followed of course by calling Brewster a liar.

Lets see credit the reporter- check.

Don't give any credit to Brewster for the same reporter's story - check.

Call Brewster a liar - check.

You really wonder about credibility problems?


i have my own tickets thank you very much, so your attempt at charity is not needed.

that being said. maybe i will take you up on it, but only if you promise that we can sit next to your "good friends" reusse, souhan, shaver, jim rich, barreiro and that iowee hogeye justin gaard in the press box. i would like to get all of you in one place together. ;)

let me know......

I think I would enjoy sitting next to you for 2 hours, by no means was it an attempt at charity.

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