Breaking from the Athletic: Big 10 to invite Washington and Oregon


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Dec 16, 2022
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The U has played Washington 17 times putting it #3 behind Iowa St (26) and North Dakota (19) for the most times played in non-conference.
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Washington and Oregon make a ton of sense now that USC and UCLA are joining. And at 18 teams.....I think this puts the flame to Notre Dame. Unless they think the Big Ten will continue to expand past 20 teams.....they will be on the shot clock. Still hope to see one more Pac-12 team added so that there is a true five team WC division....although it would be funny if Nebraska was stuck with them. But I would ultimately prefer to see the Gophers, Badgers, Hawkeyes, and Huskers all in the same division if that's the route were going.

Well if we're going all in, 18 teams is dumb. Make it 20 and split into two divisions.
One division could be called the Pac-10 and the other division the Big-10, and then the winners of each division could play each other for the championship. Maybe we could hold the championship game in Pasadena and call it the Rose Bowl.

Washington and Oregon make a ton of sense now that USC and UCLA are joining. And at 18 teams.....I think this puts the flame to Notre Dame. Unless they think the Big Ten will continue to expand past 20 teams.....they will be on the shot clock. Still hope to see one more Pac-12 team added so that there is a true five team WC division....although it would be funny if Nebraska was stuck with them. But I would ultimately prefer to see the Gophers, Badgers, Hawkeyes, and Huskers all in the same division if that's the route were going.
A "West" of USC, UCLA, Washington, Oregon, Nebraska, Iowa, MN, WI, Illinois and NW isn't ideal for travel but it would preserve all our biggest rivalries.

One division could be called the Pac-10 and the other division the Big-10, and then the winners of each division could play each other for the championship. Maybe we could hold the championship game in Pasadena and call it the Rose Bowl.
I thought of that a while ago.

Really the PAC really just needed real leadership and a good TV deal ... getting absorbed by the B1G would have done that.

I'm eventually expecting 4 pods and playoffs.
This only works well is Stanford and ND are the next two. If Cal gets the spot because ND doesn't want it, then you have to put one of the 6 West Coast teams in a central area pod...I think they potentially keep the flex protect as is or modify it to be more convenient for the West Coast teams.

This only works well is Stanford and ND are the next two. If Cal gets the spot because ND doesn't want it, then you have to put one of the 6 West Coast teams in a central area pod...I think they potentially keep the flex protect as is or modify it to be more convenient for the West Coast teams.
I think you can still work out small pods and some weird round robin rest of it.

It will be weird, but so is no pods and so on.

A "West" of USC, UCLA, Washington, Oregon, Nebraska, Iowa, MN, WI, Illinois and NW isn't ideal for travel but it would preserve all our biggest rivalries.

I'm thinking in terms of when the expansion hits 20.....which it will. Five four-team pods. It would be best to have five former Pac-12 teams out west. It would be a kick in the nuts to the Cornhuskers to be stuck in that division.

This only works well is Stanford and ND are the next two. If Cal gets the spot because ND doesn't want it, then you have to put one of the 6 West Coast teams in a central area pod...I think they potentially keep the flex protect as is or modify it to be more convenient for the West Coast teams.

I think if ND turns it down.....the Big Ten would look to grab an ACC team. Six teams out west makes no sense.....unless the true target is more than 20 teams in the conference.....which I pray that it isn't.

If going to 5 team pods, add ND and Stanford:

Pod 1: USC, UCLA, Stanford, Washington, Oregon

Pod 2: Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois

Pod 3: Notre Dame, Indiana, Purdue, Penn State, Northwestern

Pod 4: OSU, Michigan, Michigan State, Maryland, Rutgers

You play the teams in your pod and two teams from each of the other 3 divisions.

Jeez - I go for a walk and all heck breaks loose.

I will say this: reporters are only as good as their sources.
sources have agendas.
so when you have lots of people with conflicting agendas, you get lots of conflicting stories.

and now the remaining Pac-12 schools are fighting each other to see who gets into a lifeboat and who goes down with the ship.

Well if we're going all in, 18 teams is dumb. Make it 20 and split into two divisions.
I'm expecting a 20-team B1G will include 3 divisions, 10 game conference schedule and a 4-team conference B1G Championship playoff.

Would be our current E/W divisions plus a 6-team Pacific Division.

Things stay sort of the same and are yet new.

Don't say the NCAA will not allow a 4-team conference play-off. The B1G will be telling the NCAA what they will be doing at that point.

here's a thought - how would you like to be on the committee for a Bowl Game that has a Pac-12 tie-in? those people have to be crapping bricks right now.

between the 12-game playoff and all the conference realignment, the Bowl Game picture in 2024 is going to look a whole lot different.

How many Bowl-game tie-ins will the new B1G wind up with? and for Gopher fans - does this make it more difficult for Gophers to qualify for a top-tier bowl game?

A "West" of USC, UCLA, Washington, Oregon, Nebraska, Iowa, MN, WI, Illinois and NW isn't ideal for travel but it would preserve all our biggest rivalries.
Already out of date info. Did it come from Doogie?

I'm thinking in terms of when the expansion hits 20.....which it will. Five four-team pods. It would be best to have five former Pac-12 teams out west. It would be a kick in the nuts to the Cornhuskers to be stuck in that division.
Based upon how we are treated with bowl games, they would probably send MN out that way. They would use our NHL and NBA ties out West as justification. Feels like if they were going to kick anyone in the nuts it would be us.

Time for a new BIG10 map commercial, good news is the rose bowl was always there:


Based upon how we are treated with bowl games, they would probably send MN out that way. They would use our NHL and NBA ties out West as justification. Feels like if they were going to kick anyone in the nuts it would be us.
Naw it should be Neb, they get kicked in the nuts, that's how it works.

Forget the Notre Dame pipe dream.

There will be a 20 team Big Ten

Stanford & Cal will be 19 & 20

The Big Ten will have (if you count NYC for Rutgers) the following metro areas:

NYC 1st
LA 2nd
Chicago 3rd
Balti-Wash 4th
Bay Area (Counting SJ) 5th
Philly 8th
Detroit-AA 12th
SeaTac 13th
MSP 16th
Portland 20th

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