Both Indiana and Purdue lose QB's

Sorry, but Purdue might be the most over-rated team in the B1G. Just seems that way.

Lots of good discussion on lots of topics. The way I look at it, as a retired protologist, is (*)

Sorry, but Purdue might be the most over-rated team in the B1G. Just seems that way.

How are they over-rated? They beat Eastern Kentucky and lost to Notre Dame at home. I haven't heard anyone say they are even top 25 worthy. People are saying they might win the West division, but that's only because the division is an absolute mess.

For those of you who seem to either misunderstanding or misinterpreting what MinnesotaBoiler99 is saying look at it this way, a few years back it seemed pretty easily possible for a team like Colorado or Kansas state to represent the Big 12 North in the CCG but was unlikely that they would win it and play in the Fiesta Bowl right? Obviously if Purdue were to make it to the B1G Championship Game they would have a chance to win it but it would be very surprising in all likelihood.

At this point of the season, every frikking team has a chance to win it. Let's play the god damned games!!!!!!!!!!!!

At this point of the season, every frikking team has a chance to win it. Let's play the god damned games!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please give us Don's list of acceptable Gopherhole topics. It's a god damned football discussion board!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please give us Don's list of acceptable Gopherhole topics. It's a god damned football discussion board!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree, but so many posters repeat their same comments over and over again, and while the discussion is great, no one can convince anyone else of their way, hence it becomes meaningless. Speak your piece, and let it go, but the arguments continue with no futher news.

And not getting any easier for Purdue:

Purdue starting linebacker Dwayne Beckford is still a member of the football program, but remains suspended indefinitely following his arrest Monday, coach Danny Hope said Tuesday during his weekly press conference.

“In all fairness to Dwayne, we want to make sure we allow the legal system to do what they have to do,” Hope said. “His future as a Boilermaker is very questionable.

“My marching orders to him was to avoid any compromising situations or being around compromising situations. There’s a lot of information that we have to get a handle on.”

Hope said Joe Gilliam, Sean Robinson and Antwon Higgs will see action at middle linebacker when the Boilermakers face Eastern Kentucky on Saturday.

Beckford remained in jail as of Tuesday afternoon. He’e been removed from Purdue’s roster.

According to criminal charges filed Monday, Beckford was stopped on Aug. 20 by the West Lafayette Police Department with suspected drug paraphernalia and some type of synthetic drug. Monday’s arrest is Beckford’s fourth in Tippecanoe County since June 2011.

Even a small dropoff makes the purdue game that much more winnable for us. The only games I would be absolutely shocked if we win are Nebraska, Michigan, and Michigan St. I think every other game is very winnable.

Even a small dropoff makes the purdue game that much more winnable for us. The only games I would be absolutely shocked if we win are Nebraska, Michigan, and Michigan St. I think every other game is very winnable.

A win against Michigan St. wouldn't surprise me much at all. We've played them well and beaten them recently even though they've been better-to-much-better than us for most of recent history.

A win against any of Michigan, Nebraska, or Wisconsin would be shocking. We haven't beaten any of them in a while, although we haven't played Nebraska (other than last year) for quite some time.

And not getting any easier for Purdue:

Purdue starting linebacker Dwayne Beckford is still a member of the football program, but remains suspended indefinitely following his arrest Monday, coach Danny Hope said Tuesday during his weekly press conference.

“In all fairness to Dwayne, we want to make sure we allow the legal system to do what they have to do,” Hope said. “His future as a Boilermaker is very questionable.

“My marching orders to him was to avoid any compromising situations or being around compromising situations. There’s a lot of information that we have to get a handle on.”

Hope said Joe Gilliam, Sean Robinson and Antwon Higgs will see action at middle linebacker when the Boilermakers face Eastern Kentucky on Saturday.

Beckford remained in jail as of Tuesday afternoon. He’e been removed from Purdue’s roster.

According to criminal charges filed Monday, Beckford was stopped on Aug. 20 by the West Lafayette Police Department with suspected drug paraphernalia and some type of synthetic drug. Monday’s arrest is Beckford’s fourth in Tippecanoe County since June 2011.

This happened awhile ago. Beckford was immediately dismissed prior to the season opener vs. Eastern Kentucky. Not a huge loss. Defense was fine without him.

A win against Michigan St. wouldn't surprise me much at all. We've played them well and beaten them recently even though they've been better-to-much-better than us for most of recent history.

A win against any of Michigan, Nebraska, or Wisconsin would be shocking. We haven't beaten any of them in a while, although we haven't played Nebraska (other than last year) for quite some time.

Winning at Camp Randall would shock me as well.

Winning at Camp Randall would shock me as well.

Always tough to win at Camp Randall and Kinnick for that matter but based on the early performances by both Wisconsin and Iowa this may be the Maroon and Gold's best chance in a while to go into thos places and come out with a victory.

This happened awhile ago. Beckford was immediately dismissed prior to the season opener vs. Eastern Kentucky. Not a huge loss. Defense was fine without him.

Ah...didn't see the date at first. So on August 28th. he's referred to as the starting linebacker, and by the season opener 9-1-2012 it's considered "Not a huge loss. Defense was fine without him."

Got it.

Not much to worry about for Indiana. The Gunner Kiel era will just have to start a little sooner than expected.

Ah...didn't see the date at first. So on August 28th. he's referred to as the starting linebacker, and by the season opener 9-1-2012 it's considered "Not a huge loss. Defense was fine without him."

Got it.

Correct. Not a huge loss. Would it be nice to have him? Of course, but the D has held their own without him.

Next man up. The guy was arrested multiple times. Shouldn't have been on the team this season to begin with.

You actually think/thought Purdue has a chance to go to the Rose Bowl? Which is more absurd?

He NEVER said that. Here is what he said: Marve was Purdue's ticket to the B1G title game and possible NYD bowl.

It's not absurd at all to think they could be in the title game or a New Years day bowl coming from the Leaders.

dpo, do you try to be an ass? I mean seriously, he said NOTHING absurd. In fact many members of the media have Purdue as their darkhorse in the Big Ten this year.

If someone thinks that they have a chance to go to win their division, but doesn't think they have a chance to go to the Rose Bowl, that means they don't think they have a chance of winning the Big Ten Championship Game.

He NEVER said that. Here is what he said: Marve was Purdue's ticket to the B1G title game and possible NYD bowl.

As I've already stated, saying that they could go to the Rose Bowl is implicit in the statement that they could get to the Big Ten title game.

It's not absurd at all to think they could be in the title game or a New Years day bowl coming from the Leaders.

dpo, do you try to be an ass? I mean seriously, he said NOTHING absurd. In fact many members of the media have Purdue as their darkhorse in the Big Ten this year.

Again, I disagree. Just because you don't think it's absurd, doesn't mean I don't think it's absurd. Many/most of the media have opinions that aren't worth the paper they're printed on. I think Purdue is mediocre, and they were going to be mediocre regardless, and now Purdue fans are going to be lamenting their lost "opportunities" because Marve is injured. I also don't really care for him pimping his Purdue squad on this here Minnesota fan site. Perhaps that's just me.

As I've already stated, saying that they could go to the Rose Bowl is implicit in the statement that they could get to the Big Ten title game.

Again, I disagree. Just because you don't think it's absurd, doesn't mean I don't think it's absurd. Many/most of the media have opinions that aren't worth the paper they're printed on. I think Purdue is mediocre, and they were going to be mediocre regardless, and now Purdue fans are going to be lamenting their lost "opportunities" because Marve is injured. I also don't really care for him pimping his Purdue squad on this here Minnesota fan site. Perhaps that's just me.

First of all, I follow both the Gophers and Boilers very closely. Born and raised here, just went to college at Purdue because it was a better opportunity for me personally. Moved back here immediately after graduating. My family has season tickets for Gopher hockey and football. My wife is a U of M Alum. I know several other posters on this board personally and have tailgated with them at TCF. I started this thread by simply mentioning that both Purdue and Indiana lost their top QB's due to injuries last weekend. I thought that would be of interest to fellow Big Ten football fans. I was then baited into a debate (which is my own fault for falling for it) about how good or bad Purdue will be this year. No intentional "pimping" on my part.

boiler, you fell for the old "hidden ball" trick. It does not pay to try get the last word in sometimes, because there are several other "last word people" who are relentless and as a result, they win. I drink instead of argue. :drink:

This is also why I came out of retirement and reinstated myself as Head Referee of Pissing Contests.

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