Bob Stein: Anyone expecting lame Gopher fball of recent yrs is in for rude awakening

I thought the regents specifically brought up athletics in their interviews with the incoming president and it was his support for athletics that played a part in hiring him.

His support for having a good athletic program was probably a ways down the line in the reason they hired him. His support for having a profitable athletic program (although the two are not mutually exclusive) was probably much farther up the line in the reason they hired him.

His support for having a good athletic program was probably a ways down the line in the reason they hired him. His support for having a profitable athletic program (although the two are not mutually exclusive) was probably much farther up the line in the reason they hired him.

I'm not sure it was as far down the list as you make it seem. My reasoning is some regents specifically mentioned a commitment to the top sports as a criteria for hiring the new president. I don't think they'd mention it if it wasn't somewhat important to them.

they didn't try to destroy our search, they tried to SAVE it. Maturi NEVER should have been allowed to make the hire and I totally agree with what that group was trying to accomplish. That being said, i think there were a rogue member or two that took it too far in contacting schools about our AD and the whole process. That was definitely over the top and I know for a fact the guys like Bob Stein had nothing to do with that. You need to get your facts straight. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a jerk. You watch how badly Maturi is going to screw up the Women's BB Coaching situation, possibly Men's Hockey, and the law suit going on in the Women's Golf department and do the math on how much this guy is costing the U of M. It's unbelievable that he still has a job. And then he sends out a mass email to all season tickets holders saying how great he is because he has balanced the budget. Whoopee! Show me how many championship banners we've hung in the last ten years in our major sports?????????????????? I guess it doesn't matter, because we've balanced the budget.

If you are such a tough guy, why did you sissies take your names off the website? When is your roster going to be published for all to see?

IMO, if the president and the regents get behind the athletic department it would make a world of difference. I hope the new president can change the culture.

Regardless about how you feel about Joel Maturi he was the guy President Bruininks put in charge of the football coaching search. Stein and the other so-called Gopher fans (including a prominent poster in GopherHole) who publicly criticised and undermined Maturi during the seach are complete dirtbags. We all know who they are and we are never going to let people forget what they did.

Joel Maturi has too much class to do this himself. Me and others like me don't have any class at all. Therefore, we are going to carry this grudge for a very long time. Bob Stein and his gang are never going to have a friendly audience in GopherHole or anywhere else they decide to run their mouth off about Gopher sports. We have had enough of the daily public lynching of Joel Maturi in the local media and on internet message boards.

hey Poop of Dinky Town...what about accountability? Joel maturi is like the idiot Democrats in Wisconsin who flee their responsibilities to vote. They were elected to VOTE . Joel maturi was given this job to manage a successful Athletic program. Where is the Accountability for performance for Joel maturi? The success of his programs for any teams the masses care about SUCK. face it. Maturi should be held accountable and fired for non-performance.

hey Poop of Dinky Town...what about accountability? Joel maturi is like the idiot Democrats in Wisconsin who flee their responsibilities to vote. They were elected to VOTE . Joel maturi was given this job to manage a successful Athletic program. Where is the Accountability for performance for Joel maturi? The success of his programs for any teams the masses care about SUCK. face it. Maturi should be held accountable and fired for non-performance.

I love it- this Save Gopher Football clown is lecturing us about "accountability" after he and the other born losers trashed our coaching search and then took all their names off the website when the StarTrib busted them. Tell us more, "M Man" lmao!!!

If you are such a tough guy, why did you sissies take your names off the website? When is your roster going to be published for all to see?

First of all, I'm not part of that group. Secondly, and I'm not sure of this, but I think they started bringing that site down as soon as the search process was over. Third, I really enjoy the name calling cuz it's so mature of you. I learned a long time ago not to get into a fight with a PIG because you get dirty, and the PIG enjoys it.

This is a forum for ideas and exchanges about Gopher football and I am a 40 year season ticket holder, alumni and I think it gives me the right to express my opinions. Oh yeah, by the way this is America, I can say what I want to and so can Bob Stein. So can we please refrain from silly name calling just because I have a different opinion than YOU.

Third, I really enjoy the name calling cuz it's so mature of you. I learned a long time ago not to get into a fight with a PIG because you get dirty, and the PIG enjoys it.

Calls someone out for name calling and proceeds to name call in the next sentence.

That's, like, so mature, you know?

Show me how many championship banners we've hung in the last ten years in our major sports?????????????????? I guess it doesn't matter, because we've balanced the budget.

Minnesota NCAA Champions in last 10 years
Mens Hockey: 2002, 2003
Womens Hockey: 2004, 2005
Wrestling: 2001, 2002, 2007
Mens Golf: 2002

Those are just off the top of my head, not sure if we won any others. Obviously no national championships for football or mens basketball, if that's what you consider major.

PS - for comparison - Wisconsin had 6 NCAA championships in the same 10 year span, also no national championship in basketball or football.

Minnesota NCAA Champions in last 10 years
Mens Hockey: 2002, 2003
Womens Hockey: 2004, 2005
Wrestling: 2001, 2002, 2007
Mens Golf: 2002

Those are just off the top of my head, not sure if we won any others. Obviously no national championships for football or mens basketball, if that's what you consider major.

PS - for comparison - Wisconsin had 6 NCAA championships in the same 10 year span, also no national championship in basketball or football.

Ouch.........DOWN GOES FRAZIER.........DOWN GOES FRAZIER..........

I think that one was a knockout.

First of all, I'm not part of that group. Secondly, and I'm not sure of this, but I think they started bringing that site down as soon as the search process was over. Third, I really enjoy the name calling cuz it's so mature of you. I learned a long time ago not to get into a fight with a PIG because you get dirty, and the PIG enjoys it.

This is a forum for ideas and exchanges about Gopher football and I am a 40 year season ticket holder, alumni and I think it gives me the right to express my opinions. Oh yeah, by the way this is America, I can say what I want to and so can Bob Stein. So can we please refrain from silly name calling just because I have a different opinion than YOU.

Nice try, dipstick. They took the site down the day after Bob Stein's bobo Adam Kelly was busted by the StarTrib for trashing the University of Minnesota to our coaching candidates. Preceding the website's "takedown" was a big statement on there asking Gopher fans to stop contacting Save Gopher Football about Adam Kelly as they were apparently being inundated with complaints about their anti-Gopher campaign.

If you stick up for Save Gopher Football and Bob Stein, you stick up for the POS's that trashed our school and our coaching search. When they got busted in public for their sniveling ways, they ran into the dark like the roaches they were.

Minnesota NCAA Champions in last 10 years
Mens Hockey: 2002, 2003
Womens Hockey: 2004, 2005
Wrestling: 2001, 2002, 2007
Mens Golf: 2002

Those are just off the top of my head, not sure if we won any others. Obviously no national championships for football or mens basketball, if that's what you consider major.

PS - for comparison - Wisconsin had 6 NCAA championships in the same 10 year span, also no national championship in basketball or football.

By "major sports" I'm referring to our top 3 revenue producing sports: Men's BB, Football, and Men's Hockey. And I was also referring to "Conference Championships" like Big 10 or WCHA, not "National".

Nice try, dipstick. They took the site down the day after Bob Stein's bobo Adam Kelly was busted by the StarTrib for trashing the University of Minnesota to our coaching candidates. Preceding the website's "takedown" was a big statement on there asking Gopher fans to stop contacting Save Gopher Football about Adam Kelly as they were apparently being inundated with complaints about their anti-Gopher campaign.

If you stick up for Save Gopher Football and Bob Stein, you stick up for the POS's that trashed our school and our coaching search. When they got busted in public for their sniveling ways, they ran into the dark like the roaches they were.

Actually, the day after the Adam Kelly story, Save Gopher Football posted a huge banner saying that they in no way supported Adam Kelly's undermining of the coaching search. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. Also, I wouldn't exactly call Adam Kelly Bob Stein's "Bobo." A few days after the Adam Kelly thing, Bob Stein was interviewed by JG and Barreiro on KFAN and said that he and many prominent Alums supported Save Gopher Football, but he DID NOT endorse or support Adam Kelly in any way.

Also, I wouldn't exactly call Adam Kelly Bob Stein's "Bobo." A few days after the Adam Kelly thing, Bob Stein was interviewed by JG and Barreiro on KFAN and said that he and many prominent Alums supported Save Gopher Football, but he DID NOT endorse or support Adam Kelly in any way.

Why would he support or endorse Adam Kelly after he became the state's biggest villian?

By "major sports" I'm referring to our top 3 revenue producing sports: Men's BB, Football, and Men's Hockey. And I was also referring to "Conference Championships" like Big 10 or WCHA, not "National".

Men's Hockey: WCHA regular season champions in 2006 and 2007. WCHA tournament champions in 2003, 2004 and 2007.

How 'influential' was uber-supporter Bob Stein in the wildly successful moving of the Football team downtown? THIS was a contributing factor to our programs prolonged futility.

If you believe that moving to the metrodome had anything to do with wining and losing you are clearly in the FOG! Student support and hype, maybe, but winning and losing, no way. Ask how much Bob Stein had to do with fundraising for TCF !! He Brought in big bucks!!!

An interesting thought experiment would be to replace OSU's Horseshoe with a 100,000 seat version of the Metrodome. And under the same terms, where they got little revenue from it. How much impact would it have on recruiting? And how much impact would the revenue loss have?

An interesting thought experiment would be to replace OSU's Horseshoe with a 100,000 seat version of the Metrodome. And under the same terms, where they got little revenue from it. How much impact would it have on recruiting? And how much impact would the revenue loss have?

Make sure it's well off campus, too.

Yeah, the Dump is a HUGE reason why we sucked for so damn long.

I remember Holtz saying the Metrodome is a great recruiting tool.

There may have been some players who wanted to play "where the pros played", but it didn't take long before the dome became "where the pros didn't want to play".

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