I feel sorry for people like that, as it shows they truly have no life. So childish.
Yes, that is kind of my main overall point. Why feed this moron? Let him whither on here. He WANTS us to respond with silly retorts. It only hurts our cause (in my opinion) when a jackass like this from Iowa comes on and we engage him in a discusision and shoot things like "yeah, but we won six national titles and you didn't." I promise you the people of Iowa don't care about the 30s, 40s, or 60s. They have put together a decent run over the past three decades (far, far superior to what we have) and they simply laugh that all we can hang our hat on are those titles (again the last of which was literally a half-century ago). It just doesn't "strengthen our argument" that we're a better program to throw that their way. They don't care. And, honestly, I see their point.
I think it is best to leave those idiot trolls alone and certainly don't engage one in discussion about our long ago national titles.
That is basically my point. Sorry if it came across as too negative on the Gophers. Just leave this guy alone and let him hang to die on the board. Feeding him with this stuff only helps him get off on it.