Big break from the refs last Saturday


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Nov 12, 2008
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The more I see the long pass completion to Crawford-Tufts the more it looks as if he pushed off and should have been called for pass interference. On the other hand maybe i dont know pass interference when i see it *wink*

The more I see the long pass completion to Crawford-Tufts the more it looks as if he pushed off and should have been called for pass interference. On the other hand maybe i dont know pass interference when i see it *wink*


I believe the announcers called it a veteran move

Generally things even this case the phantom PI call on Lewis? against McNutt in the endzone.

Um, if they missed anything it was the ball hitting the turf on his diving catch. Good break.

The more I see the long pass completion to Crawford-Tufts the more it looks as if he pushed off and should have been called for pass interference. On the other hand maybe i dont know pass interference when i see it *wink*

It could have been called but I think just as much it was him stopping then kinda diving forward that made it worse than it really was. It was just a great play in my opinion.

I really don't think there was PI on that play. I guess it could have been called because it sort of looked like it at quick glance, but it was extremely subtle and I think more of a product of DCT starting and stopping. It could have been called, but I think that would have been extremely picky.

As far as the ball touching the ground. It was close and I could have seen it going either way. I thought (probably bias) that he controlled the ball the entire way and there wasn't enough to overturn it. I wouldn't have blamed the refs too much for calling it an incompletion however.

It could have gone either way, so yeah, it was a good break.

So your saying Minnesota finally got a break in a football game. Look out football world, here we come.

So your saying Minnesota finally got a break in a football game. Look out football world, here we come.
With our luck, it was our one break from the refs for this decade...

The more I see the long pass completion to Crawford-Tufts the more it looks as if he pushed off and should have been called for pass interference. On the other hand maybe i dont know pass interference when i see it *wink*

To call that PI is a stretch. There was hand fighting both ways and DCT won the battle to get seperation and make a phenemonal catch. After review, I believe the call was "confirmed", not the "play stands as called"; big difference.

As far as the ball touching the ground. It was close and I could have seen it going either way. I thought (probably bias) that he controlled the ball the entire way and there wasn't enough to overturn it. I wouldn't have blamed the refs too much for calling it an incompletion however.

It could have gone either way, so yeah, it was a good break.
The video was definitely inconclusive. But this photo from the STrib is not:

It's about time we caught a break. :)

The video was definitely inconclusive. But this photo from the STrib is not:

It's about time we caught a break. :)

That photo does not show if the ball moves in his hands after possessing and hitting the ground. That is still not conclusive. The Gophers were helped by the way the play was called and that the TV cameras did not get a great view. That is part of the game.

If an official would have called offensive pass interference on that play they would likely have been downgraded for the call.

That photo proves the ball touched the ground. If he had control of the ball before it hit and it never bobbled or loosened when he/it touched the ground then it is a catch. I wish we could see about 30 frames before and 30 frames after this pic to know for sure, but the refs "confirmed" it so I'll go with them. Even if it wasn't a catch, we get horrible breaks ALL the time and finally nice to catch a good one here.

Ah...see, I remembered the rule wrong. I thought the ball touching the ground like that at all made it incomplete. This is why I like this board. :)

It was a catch, or at least when reviewed was interpreted as one. BTN had a good angle the refs would have seen.

As for the PI, weak at best, more like he engaged the defender while going for the ball. he has a right to the ball as long as he doesn't impede the defender who never looked for the ball.
Great catch IMO, looking forward to seeing DCT's speed on display at some point this year.

Can we all stop with the "we never get a break BS". Remember the MSU game just a couple years ago when Bennett scored on the crazy muffed pass call? Just a few plays earlier the TE possibly fumbled and MSU covered it. Review called the pass incomplete. We got some big calls and reviews when we won at Illinois a couple years ago.

These calls go both ways and just because our team is never good enough to over come them, we feel shorted.

The worst part about that photo is the idiot beat writer for t STrib thought because that pic showed the ball touching the ground it was incomplete!!!! You are a football beat writer, know one of the most elementary rules in the fuc&ing book before you go posting that sh!t in your blog. What an idiot.....

Every fanbase always thinks they get screwed by the refs. You remember the ones that hurt your squad. Like a B.S. pass interference call in OT to basically give Penn State a win in 2006.

That photo does not show if the ball moves in his hands after possessing and hitting the ground. That is still not conclusive. The Gophers were helped by the way the play was called and that the TV cameras did not get a great view. That is part of the game.

If an official would have called offensive pass interference on that play they would likely have been downgraded for the call.

I agree. The ball didn't move in his hands and that's why it was ruled complete. Great hands by Crawford-Tufts.

The PI could've definitely been called by the letter of the rule, but it would've been pretty ticky-tack. Players get away with far worse all the time.

As for the catch, I don't think it actually was. I watched the replay on DVR about 10 times and you can see the ball shift when it hits the ground. That being said, the refs made the right call in that it was too subtle to overturn. Had they called it incomplete, the review would've stuck with that as well. It was too close to overturn either way.

The worst part about that photo is the idiot beat writer for t STrib thought because that pic showed the ball touching the ground it was incomplete!!!! You are a football beat writer, know one of the most elementary rules in the fuc&ing book before you go posting that sh!t in your blog. What an idiot.....
Yes, lets freak out on the one beat writer who consistently provides good coverage without going off onto random tangents like a QB controversy that never existed, etc.

He's been on his soapbox about how the catch was lucky because it was incomplete the whole week, I would expect he and the editor would know what they r talking about before putting it out there for thousands of people to read, sorry for assuming certain standards with people and their jobs. Now we have all these idiots thinking the gophers actually got lucky here and it wasn't a catch, all because they have no clue what they r writing about.

He's been on his soapbox about how the catch was lucky because it was incomplete the whole week, I would expect he and the editor would know what they r talking about before putting it out there for thousands of people to read, sorry for assuming certain standards with people and their jobs. Now we have all these idiots thinking the gophers actually got lucky here and it wasn't a catch, all because they have no clue what they r writing about.
What soap box? There was 1 blog post. I'm one of those "idiots". Not remembering every rule in the book doesn't make you an idiot. It means you're wrong. Which I admitted immediately when corrected. This is not some world ending travesty.

Quit being such a sensitive b!tch, I'm not talking about the casual fan. Now, if your job for over a decade was a CFB writer and you didn't know that then yes, I would be calling you an idiot too. He wrote his blog entry, gave it a paragraph in his game article and has tweeted about it multiple time = soapbox.

Quit being such a sensitive b!tch, I'm not talking about the casual fan. Now, if your job for over a decade was a CFB writer and you didn't know that then yes, I would be calling you an idiot too. He wrote his blog entry, gave it a paragraph in his game article and has tweeted about it multiple time = soapbox.
Or he saw the same thing on the DVR that dpdoll did (movement of the ball). For him, that plus the photo could mean he knew the rule and still thought it was incomplete. But yes, no one is ever allowed to think differently about something with inconclusive evidence. :rolleyes: Especially when the outcome was a good one and thus it's not worth caring about. The only media member worth getting riled up about this week (if there is ever a reason worth being riled up by the media which is doubtful) is that jerkoff alum from Detroit. Or you can prattle on about how Miller is so horrid until Reusse gets your goat in about 2 days. At which point he will be the new worst sportswriter in the history of people to piss you off.

Hahaha, man you are a little whiny bitch. The dude has never said anything about bobbling, just that nose of ball touched the ground. He put wrong information out there numerous times, he's a football writer. Enough said, please spare yourself another multi paragraph rant.

Also, please get a clue yourself about a simple ruling in a sport you consider yourself a fan of.

Hahaha, man you are a little whiny bitch. The dude has never said anything about bobbling, just that nose of ball touched the ground. He put wrong information out there numerous times, he's a football writer. Enough said, please spare yourself another multi paragraph rant.
Eh, that's a good point. Still no reason to freak out.

Can we all stop with the "we never get a break BS". Remember the MSU game just a couple years ago when Bennett scored on the crazy muffed pass call? Just a few plays earlier the TE possibly fumbled and MSU covered it. Review called the pass incomplete. We got some big calls and reviews when we won at Illinois a couple years ago.

These calls go both ways and just because our team is never good enough to over come them, we feel shorted.

I guess that to an extent calls go both ways. You are right though, if we are playing a good team and that opponent is getting the close calls it will be damn hard to overcome them. I know its sour grapes, but overall I think that we get screwed. I believe that the stripes call what they see, but if its close Ohio State or Michigan will nearly always get the call. That year vs. Michigan that Payne's TD catch was initially called a no catch and then reversed, and when they called a holding to take away a Cupito TD pass is just typical. Then the refs call a holding on Michigan with a couple of seconds left in the game, when the outcome was not in doubt. IMHO that was to show that they call things both ways. I wanted to vomit. I think that when we play other schools, except maybe Penn State, we get more balanced officiating. My whiny 2 cents.

The PI could've definitely been called by the letter of the rule, but it would've been pretty ticky-tack. Players get away with far worse all the time.

As for the catch, I don't think it actually was. I watched the replay on DVR about 10 times and you can see the ball shift when it hits the ground. That being said, the refs made the right call in that it was too subtle to overturn. Had they called it incomplete, the review would've stuck with that as well. It was too close to overturn either way.

Pretty much my thoughts. The PI call would have been horrible to make, but obviously the "rules" mean little since they let that kind of action go on a regular basis. And the catch, well, my maroon and gold bias won't let me say he didn't catch it, but I could definitely see why it can be argued he didn't lol.

But the rule definitely isn't as simple as the ball hitting the ground, but he has to "trap" it (I think that's part of the rule, I could be wrong). You could say that even thought the ball moved, did he actually trap the ball, or did he still have a finger under the ball and it shifted a little bit? Cause from that photo, you could actually say he does have his left hand under the ball, though the tip hits the ground, so it's enough to say he has control. I don't know. Point is, catch counted, we won, all is well lol.

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