And for those that care... go back to page 1 of this thread and read the posts of "Unregistered User", "GoldInDirt", and "#2Gopher" and you'll see why this topic denigrated into a hatefest.
Some people can't resist the temptation to bash Hawkeye and Badger fans. It doesn't matter what schools' forum we are at. Being the hometown fans doesn't earn you that right. So I've done the same. And I gotta admit, it was kind of fun. But it sure was easy because I had a lot of material to work with.
Actually, I'm just trying to up my post count because, according to Unregistered User, you don't have any street cred if you have less than 18 posts.
1) Who's celebrating 6-6? We scream like crazy on Saturdays, support the program, and sit around and discuss how the program could be improved. We are college football fans.
2) I don't mind a "Hate Fest." What honestly bothers me is poor, unfounded arguments. If you made a good point, I respect that. Your point on this thread are out of this world.
3) If you wear a Yankees jersey to Fenway, you're going to get ripped on. And yes, we've earned that right. You're on our board.
4) Everything you point to in the Minnesota athletic programs are semantics. The triumphs and flaws in our department are similar to others. Except our we have more triumphs and fewer flaws than Iowa.
5) Meth? Really? I thought the meth stereotype was white, fat, and poor. Sounds like a Kinnick tailgate.