Dude. For the love of Christ, let it go. The administration was not going to give him the hook after year 2. Optics, precedent, buyout, whatever. It wasn't going to happen. Some chose to make the best of a crappy situation. Others chose to wallow in the sh*t. You wallowed. Your original assessment proved correct. Congrats on being right all along. You still have zero control to do anything about it. That is a fact.
For the record, I did not like the hire in the first place. It was underwhelming by a country mile and I was concerned the lack of experience would lead to basically what has happened. In Han Solo's words, I had a bad feeling about it.
You have either never worked in corporate America or you have been extremely lucky to avoid bad managers. It takes exponentially longer to get rid of a crappy leader than anyone wants to admit. The higher up they are, the longer it takes. The quickest I've seen it happen is just shy of 2.5 years, and this was for a yahoo at a director level who was an unethical a**hole. If they are just incompetent but don't do anything that crosses any lines, it takes considerably longer. College sports are like corporate entities, not a roofing crew. CBJ is equivalent to a senior leader in a VP role. Senior leadership positions are not plug and play. There are contracts and all kinds of other little hooks that make separation a messy affair. You don't get to rifle through laborers like disposable diapers until you find one that doesn't stink. That is why they cannot afford to eff this next one up, and it is going to cost them more to rectify the situation to at least become competitive again. It is the price to pay for taking a high risk / high reward gamble with CBJ.
Hopefully in about 9 or 10 weeks, we are moving on to something better. I want to experience 1997 again, even if it didn't "officially" happen.
And hang the damn banner back up.