Barrington Morris - no longer committed

*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# him. If he can't make the grade, don't come at us with this "I can't wait to help make the University of Minnesota Big Ten Champs." Talk is cheap.

*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# him. If he can't make the grade, don't come at us with this "I can't wait to help make the University of Minnesota Big Ten Champs." Talk is cheap.
I wouldn't take something a high school kid says on facebook or twitter too seriously. I don't read it all, but for those that do, take it for what it is.

I wouldn't take something a high school kid says on facebook or twitter too seriously. I don't read it all, but for those that do, take it for what it is.

Neither do I. But these dumb kids say things and do things that pi$$ us off. And I mean dumb.

I don't believe this. BisonGopher informed all of us that Minnesota would never turn away any athlete who passed the NCAA Clearinghouse. He proved himself very knowledgeable and his word infallible, so there is no way this is true.

Couldn't remember the chucklehead who we argued with about that. Thanks for reminding me.

*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# him. If he can't make the grade, don't come at us with this "I can't wait to help make the University of Minnesota Big Ten Champs." Talk is cheap.


Neither do I. But these dumb kids say things and do things that pi$$ us off. And I mean dumb.

The problem to me (yes, I'm old) is that when we were kids, we didn't want to invade the adult world. Twitter, Facebook, and all the other social media have melded the adult/adolescent world and I agree it's maddening.

I have enough noise in my head with my 13 different personalities all jockeying for position. Twitter only makes it worse.

Tweet from Morris

“@Bmo_90: #Gophers coming tomorrow for last N final meeting. #StayTune”

I hope things turn around with Morris, he is a heck of a football player. At the same time, I hope our staff errors on the side of caution with academics.

Good luck Barrington, and your seat is still warm.

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