How about we play the game with the lights out and call it a night.

If we are going to go with black, can we please make it "Melanoma Awareness Night"? At least we can make it a cancer awareness night then.

How about we play the game with the lights out and call it a night.

If we are going to go with black, can we please make it "Melanoma Awareness Night"? At least we can make it a cancer awareness night then.

Do you know why the Medieval Age was often called the Dark Ages?

Do you know why the Medieval Age was often called the Dark Ages?

Because they had a very ineffective electical grid that blacked out during severe storms. It took a long time to repair using elephants and camels.

Do you know why the Medieval Age was often called the Dark Ages?

Are you wishing to have "Dark Ages Awareness Night"? Perhaps we can spread some cholera the bubonic plague during the game?


Because they had a very ineffective electical grid that blacked out during severe storms. It took a long time to repair using elephants and camels.

No, it's because there were so many knights.


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