Barker Just on KFAN Morning Show


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Suspiciously sounding very much like a 3 year old... :cool:

Guess they're on Kill's side!

Suspiciously sounding very much like a 3 year old... :cool:

Guess they're on Kill's side!

So it was a bit and not actually Barker? They played it so straight in the lead up that as soon as they said they were going to have him on I changed the station on my drive in.

So it was a bit and not actually Barker? They played it so straight in the lead up that as soon as they said they were going to have him on I changed the station on my drive in.

Yeah, it was and if I wasn't pouring my coffee would have changed the station too. Pretty funny though like a lot of SNL bits, it could have used some editing.

I just might have to listen to the Podcast. Like HopHead, I changed the station, too.

Sounds like it's coming-up again now!

Is there a studio or microphone that Barker doesn't like? Amazing what the media will do to promote a non-story.

Preface with this: I hate what Barker did, he's an immature whiney baby. Nothing Kill did according to Barker's side of the story alone was even a bit wrong. BUT
I really wish the local media would handle college sports differently than pro sports. I love the powertrip, it's hilarious to me. I even got my wife to listen to it because their brand of stupid humor is a nice vacation from rush hour traffic in the morning.

Barker is still a young guy, only a few years from being a kid. Would they have done the same thing with a HS kid? Probably not. I guess it just was a quick laugh for me and a bit of a pause because I wish they'd handle the college sports with a bit more tact. He's not a millionaire pro athlete, he's a really immature former walk on college receiver.

Preface with this: I hate what Barker did, he's an immature whiney baby. Nothing Kill did according to Barker's side of the story alone was even a bit wrong. BUT
I really wish the local media would handle college sports differently than pro sports. I love the powertrip, it's hilarious to me. I even got my wife to listen to it because their brand of stupid humor is a nice vacation from rush hour traffic in the morning.

Barker is still a young guy, only a few years from being a kid. Would they have done the same thing with a HS kid? Probably not. I guess it just was a quick laugh for me and a bit of a pause because I wish they'd handle the college sports with a bit more tact. He's not a millionaire pro athlete, he's a really immature former walk on college receiver.

Some good points and bothered me a little. His age though, shouldn't shield him from satire after he went on his "media tour" this past week. That made him "fair game".

Some good points and bothered me a little. His age though, shouldn't shield him from satire after he went on his "media tour" this past week. That made him "fair game".

My thoughts exactly. Don't play with fire if you don't want to get burned.

Some good points and bothered me a little. His age though, shouldn't shield him from satire after he went on his "media tour" this past week. That made him "fair game".

He put himself in Lindsay Lohan land when he hit "send." Everything that comes afterwards comes with the territory he chose to inhabit with reactions that are truly bad taste being the only boundary that needs to be observed.

now that right there is some funny stuff. which is surprising for KFAN. usually they lack a bit of imagination/originality.

I retract my statement, I now don't feel Barker deserves an ounce of pity or restraint in ripping the H out of him.
Hopefully this becomes an ongoing bit the morning show can laugh at him for for years and years.

now that right there is some funny stuff. which is surprising for KFAN. usually they lack a bit of imagination/originality.

Showing your age in that comment. You don't listen to it much, so how can you make such a statement factually?!

The PowerTrip is the best morning show in the land. The proof is in the pudding.. Longest running morning show in the TC (with the same hosts).

Showing your age in that comment. You don't listen to it much, so how can you make such a statement factually?!

The PowerTrip is the best morning show in the land. The proof is in the pudding.. Longest running morning show in the TC (with the same hosts).

i am in my early 30's. and yes, i have listened to the power trip before. my comment was more in relation to KFAN as a whole. as opposed to simply just being directed at the power trip show/hosts.


So now local media can trash an undergraduate?

I'm ambivalent at best.

The Power Trip is the best morning show. Chris Hawkey might be the most talented radio person in the Twin Cities. His songs & skits are genius.

Listen to the show when Hawkey is not there. It is night and day.

The show would be a 10 if Hawkey left and never came back. With him there, it's a 7 at best. To call him terrible is a huge understatement.

The show would be a 10 if Hawkey left and never came back. With him there, it's a 7 at best. To call him terrible is a huge understatement.
You're off your rocker. Nobody, and I mean nobody, reads straight from a newspaper like Chris Hawkey.

Hawkey's parodies are hilarious. I don't have strong feelings for or against him as a day to day personality... but damn the parodies are classic.

I like the power trip. I don't think Sludge or Hawkey have an agenda when it comes to the Gophers, but they do show laziness when talking about them. Mike Morris is pretty logical and balanced with most of his takes.

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