I have a saying I've used for a long time now. It goes something like this, "If you don't like the way your opponent celebrates beating you, don't let them beat you." Another saying that is appropriate here is, "To the victors go the spoils."
I know a lot of people are calling shenanigans here but they beat us. I hated it, and I was basically livid when they pushed through our players and chopped the goalpost during our new tradition. My reaction...watch. Watch very closely. Figure out what is important to them, and rub it in their face during a tradition of theirs as soon as possible. This is the longest rivaly in big time Division I-A (FBS) college football. This isn't kick ball on the playground. The winner gets to talk smack, have a lack of class, and enjoy every second of it. They did, and we didn't like it. To the Badgers, mission accomplished. To us, watch, remember, and get pay back as soon as possible.
Next year, get yourselves a piece of axe. Chop down the goalposts, stomp on the W at midfield, wave it in their faces, tell them in bad language how poor they play the game of football, and enjoy every second of it. That's what they did in our house, and they didn't give two rips about whether or not they were being classy. Nor should they have.
Are we really that concerned with class here? I think we're just pi$$ed off they got to do what we wanted to do but blew it. Again, this rivalry is too heated to be pointing fingers at classless behavior. There was a part of me that wanted the Gopher players to drill those guys when they came over and interrupted our song, but they chose not to. In hindsight, it was probably a wise move, but I don't think I would have had a problem with it even though that would not have been classy to do so. I'm just not concerned with being classy against Wisconsin, Iowa, or North Dakota (in hockey). They aren't, and I don't hold it against them. They don't need to be classless for me to hate their guts. I think the feeling is mutal. Therefore, I think the "Pollyanna" routine is a little over the top.