Badger Fan looking for tickets

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Badger Fan
Apr 5, 2009
Reaction score
Greetings from Madison-
I'm looking for tickets for the Badgers vs Gophers game this fall. I usually pay around $10-$20 for this game, but am willing to pay a little bit more since it's a special game for you guys there. Message me if you've got anything.

No one here will sell you tickets. Only ~5% of season tickets have been assigned so far. Good luck getting one of the 3000 available for non-gopher fans through the badger ticket office.

I'll sell you my two buddies' tickets for $5,000, provided you bring your wife/girlfriend. Then I get to go to the men's room with her. I won't do anything, I'm just interested to see if Wisky fans are as debased as Iowa fans are.

After all of the generous financial support we Badger fans have given your football program over the past decade through ticket sales, this is the way we are treated? Please show some respect.

I respected you yesterday. Buck the Fadgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One program is going up and the other is going down. Enjoy your crash and burn becky fan. No tickets for you!

what a joke, i would be mad if i didnt know wisconsin is fading into the bottom half of the big ten. Do you want tickets to watch all the top rated wisconsin kids wearing maroon and gold??

Does this tool actually think anyone on this site will sell their ticket to him/her??? Try your own ticket office on June 1st, thats usually when schools start selling their single game away tickets.

Does this tool actually think anyone on this site will sell their ticket to him/her??? Try your own ticket office on June 1st, thats usually when schools start selling their single game away tickets.

No. That's why he/she/it is a troll.

We've been taking Wisky fans' money for decades - state income tax, monthly parking fees downtown, property taxes, etc, etc. And we will continue to do so, gladly, w/o you in our stadium!

And Now - A Song

After all of the generous financial support we Badger fans have given your football program over the past decade through ticket sales, this is the way we are treated? Please show some respect.

The Times They Are A-Changin'

Words and Music by (Minnesota's own) Bob Dylan
Adaption by (Minnesota's own) spermophilus

Come Buckyfan trolls
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come Cheesers and critics
Who read and post on this site
And keep your eyes wide -
"Goldy comes in the night"
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come Buckingham Badger
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come Bucky supporters
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your brief stay in the sun
Was beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin'.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Greetings from Madison-
I'm looking for tickets for the Badgers vs Gophers game this fall. I usually pay around $10-$20 for this game, but am willing to pay a little bit more since it's a special game for you guys there. Message me if you've got anything.

$400 for a pair on about a 20 YL, 20 to 30 rows up?

Greetings from Madison-
I'm looking for tickets for the Badgers vs Gophers game this fall. I usually pay around $10-$20 for this game, but am willing to pay a little bit more since it's a special game for you guys there. Message me if you've got anything.

Only have three words for you sh!t ball: PHUC OFF BECKY!!

Better dead than red. I will relish the moment next year when in TCF Bank Stadium we rush the field as our Minnesota Gophers wave the Axe in the faces of the 7 badger fans that managed to get tickets.

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but being called names by some punk who can't even afford the seats will never hurt me...

Solid rhetorical play, winner: when someone calls you on selling out, resort to childhood maxims.

You should look into getting some pride at some point.

Better dead than red. I will relish the moment next year when in TCF Bank Stadium we rush the field as our Minnesota Gophers wave the Axe in the faces of the 7 badger fans that managed to get tickets.

Man, when we beat them, we are definitely not gonna rush the field, that would make us look dumb rushing the field for beating a middle of the road big ten team

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but being called names by some punk who can't even afford the seats will never hurt me...


and before you strike back like I know you will...I'll have my 2 seats thank you very much, and unlike your weak ass, I play on being in them when we usher in the Big Ten to TCF right...


and before you strike back like I know you will...I'll have my 2 seats thank you very much, and unlike your weak ass, I play on being in them when we usher in the Big Ten to TCF right...

two seats..... 'I plan on being in them'.........large ass? ;) sorry, couldnt resist.

actually I'm sure your ass (whatever size it happens to be) will be standing and cheering the whole game while those two seats which nervous gopher pawned off are being smothered by that one wisconsin guy's fat ass because he has nothing to cheer about, except for the fact that he has more polish sausage to look forward to when his typically gigantic wisconsin ass goes back across the st. croix.

Nervous Gopher- PM me, your offer sounds interesting. I would LOVE to seal a deal with some tix as early as possible- especially if they are nice ones. I knew I could count on you guys, thanks! Let's go RED!

Man, when we beat them, we are definitely not gonna rush the field, that would make us look dumb rushing the field for beating a middle of the road big ten team

That is fine if that is how you feel. I, however, think that beating our most hated rival for the first time since 2003 warrants a celebration of this magnitude. College football is about emotion. A celebration such as rushing the field is a culmination of emotion which is just as valid when you beat your biggest rival as it is when we beat USC in 2010.


2 tickets at TCF for 6 tickets at Camp Randall in 2010. I don't expect those 2010 tickets in Madison to bring much, so I think you'd still be getting a deal. Went to a game in Madison about 5years ago with 6 extra tickets in hand and couldn't give them away. Honestly, it was worse than a non-conferance game at the Metrodome!

It will actually be quite interesting how many people sell their tickets to the Wisconsin and Iowa games. Don't a lot of Viking season ticket holders sell their Packer game tickets to practically fund their season ticket costs? What do you think the street price is going to be for these games? Obviously in the Metrodome the prices were a lot lower because of the higher volume of seats.

Once the novelty of the new stadium wears off, it will all depend on how good the teams are. If the Gophs are doing well, the tickets will go for big bucks. When Iowa & Sconnie suck, alot of fans still seem to travel, to which I'm always torn as to whether I admire their loyalty, or laugh at their stupidity. I dream of the day when the Gophers and Badgers face off in the last game of the season, both with one loss or no losses. Then it will be a tough ticket to get.

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