Augustana is much better than Bemidji State

Here's What I Think

I'm guessing you guys didn't go to the Bemidji game and see this year's team....or the substitution patterns or anything else you are talking about.

Not just my opinion, prevailing opinion of people walking out. We can't shoot and we can't defend. Yes, we have better athletes than Bemidji. They had a shooter...we don't have one. We made him a point guard and he graduated. Mbakwe got 7 dunks or something and a handful of free throws. If he is sitting out....I don't care if we play our top 5 and Bemidji plays 9 guys...Gophers lose. It was 5 points with 4 or 5 minutes to go. Trust me, Bemidji did not think they were playing well. I'm sure Bemidji can play better. Much less confident the Gophers can.

The Gophers are not very good. They have no identity. You guys talk laughable....the idea the Gophers can shoot is laughable to me. Other than Mbakwe we have nothing proven. Ralph will disappear when the lights get brighter. The rest are athletes in trunks. Mo needs to be able to play. That would make a difference.

Sean Miller said the reason he lost is because we are not very good. Jerry Kill would say the same thing. If Augustana beats the Gophers what will Tubby say? I happened to watch Iowa practice last week. I do believe the Gophers should be favored in that game. Sorry, I'm not optimistic otherwise.
We should win all games prior to the Big Ten....will we?

If anyone thinks Tubby can evaluate talent...I'm going to disagree. If Eliason is ever a meaningful contributor in any way, I'll be very, very surprised. Kevin Noreen and Cody would be very helpful to what we got.
They get it in the basket...we are not going to. JMO

to say the gophers cant play much better than they did against BSU is laughable, along with about everything in this post. Your basing everything you said on one meaningless exhibition game?? Did you forget Welch didn't play? If you were watching the same game as me you would know BSU didn't do anything against our top 5. I could go on but i'm not gonna waste my time. Do us a favor and run along to the NSIC board

It was never down to 5.. you are correct that we don't have much for perimeter shooting but to say our D is poor is absurd. This team will be longer and more agile then every Big ten team it faces this year. Also Austin Hollins is a shut down perimeter defender that can be used on either guard. If we press and make it an uptempo game we can play with anyone in the big ten. Halfcourt offense is where we will continue to struggle.

I think 60's guy is going a little senile

Lots of he said, she said. Lots of meaningless talk. But the Bemidji game--meaningless? I doubt it.

The title of this thread is Augustana is better than Bemidji. All else aside, this is true, and we will see on Monday and again when Augie plays Bemidji.

As to whether Cody Schilling could play in the Big 10, or play at all, some of you will never know because your mind is already made up and is impervious to the evidence. Too bad. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

But consider this. Cody is never going to play in the NBA, Rodney might. Does that make Rodney a better college player? I dunno. Darryl Mitchell was a better college player than Trent Tucker after all.

I'm embarrassed to call myself a poster on this site after reading this thread. Can we make an entirely separate forum for extremely neurotic posters?

underground629 said:
I'm embarrassed to call myself a poster on this site after reading this thread. Can we make an entirely separate forum for extremely neurotic posters?

I know. Usually it takes a month or two before the crazies come out!

I will be making my maiden voyage to Williams Arena on Monday night, along with roughly 500 of my fellow Augieholics (that's the Augustana fanbase for the ill informed) and I couldn't be more excited. Clearly Cody Schilling will get most of the pre-game hoopla thrown his way, as he should. I believe the last time he matched up with your beloved Mbakwe (who is going to the Association without a doubt) he dropped a cool 35 on him in the state championship game. Now I'm not silly, SELFISH AND SILLY, enough to believe one game between two players will preidct the future but I believe we need to get it out in the open.

The last two years Texas Tom (that's our mustached maven of a coach Tom Billeter) got us a date with the U of Arizona in the fall. Two years ago we lost by 16 and last year we were edged by the Elite Eightists by 11 when we couldn't put the clamps down on currently locked out Derrick Williams. Over the course of those two games Cody averaged 18.5ppg and Cameron McCaffrey averaged 18ppg so I think we can agree that they are fluent enough to put a few buckets through on Monday night.

I can whole heartedly agree with the Gopher fans who said this game will mean far more to Augustana than it will to Minnesota, I think that goes without saying. Having said that, after seeing results this year between Seattle Pacific-UA, and past results between LeMoyne-Syracuse, and Winona-Minnesota I think it would be ridunkulous to dismiss a team solely based on their division. The only way to top that silliness is to criticize their players based on their HS division, since college bball isn't about where you come from as it is about where you finish as a player.

I can whole heartedly agree with the Gopher fans who said this game will mean far more to Augustana than it will to Minnesota, I think that goes without saying. Having said that, after seeing results this year between Seattle Pacific-UA, and past results between LeMoyne-Syracuse, and Winona-Minnesota I think it would be ridunkulous to dismiss a team solely based on their division. The only way to top that silliness is to criticize their players based on their HS division, since college bball isn't about where you come from as it is about where you finish as a player.
The only reason high school division was brought up is because if you play in a weak division, a good player can look like an elite player. That's just the way it is.

I will be making my maiden voyage to Williams Arena on Monday night, along with roughly 500 of my fellow Augieholics (that's the Augustana fanbase for the ill informed) and I couldn't be more excited. Clearly Cody Schilling will get most of the pre-game hoopla thrown his way, as he should. I believe the last time he matched up with your beloved Mbakwe (who is going to the Association without a doubt) he dropped a cool 35 on him in the state championship game. Now I'm not silly, SELFISH AND SILLY, enough to believe one game between two players will preidct the future but I believe we need to get it out in the open.

The last two years Texas Tom (that's our mustached maven of a coach Tom Billeter) got us a date with the U of Arizona in the fall. Two years ago we lost by 16 and last year we were edged by the Elite Eightists by 11 when we couldn't put the clamps down on currently locked out Derrick Williams. Over the course of those two games Cody averaged 18.5ppg and Cameron McCaffrey averaged 18ppg so I think we can agree that they are fluent enough to put a few buckets through on Monday night.

I can whole heartedly agree with the Gopher fans who said this game will mean far more to Augustana than it will to Minnesota, I think that goes without saying. Having said that, after seeing results this year between Seattle Pacific-UA, and past results between LeMoyne-Syracuse, and Winona-Minnesota I think it would be ridunkulous to dismiss a team solely based on their division. The only way to top that silliness is to criticize their players based on their HS division, since college bball isn't about where you come from as it is about where you finish as a player.

Listen, I'm actually an Augustana grad so I'm not dogging the Augie Doggies. But when you note that Schilling dropped 35 on Trevor in the state title game, I have to reply with the obvious: I didn't know that Trevor guarded him. Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt that was that matchup. If so, I apologize.

Schilling is a very good player as my Sioux Falls friends remind me nearly every day. But here's the deal: the Gophers are a better team. They should win this game. If they don't it doesn't mean they aren't the better team. It means they are treating this, substitution and strategy wise, for what it is - an exhibition. This is no disrespect to Augie as they are a good DII team and have a chance to have a great season. Augie very well might win this game - but in the end it's a scrimmage - no more no less.

Having said all this, I will wear my AC shirt to the game while I cheer for the Gophers.

Listen, I'm actually an Augustana grad so I'm not dogging the Augie Doggies. But when you note that Schilling dropped 35 on Trevor in the state title game, I have to reply with the obvious: I didn't know that Trevor guarded him. Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt that was that matchup. If so, I apologize.

Schilling is a very good player as my Sioux Falls friends remind me nearly every day. But here's the deal: the Gophers are a better team. They should win this game. If they don't it doesn't mean they aren't the better team. It means they are treating this, substitution and strategy wise, for what it is - an exhibition. This is no disrespect to Augie as they are a good DII team and have a chance to have a great season. Augie very well might win this game - but in the end it's a scrimmage - no more no less.

Having said all this, I will wear my AC shirt to the game while I cheer for the Gophers.

I don't know if Trevor guarded Cody either but to me it seems entirely plausible given their abilities on each end of the court and the magnitude of the game. I brought it up to provide proof that all of Cody's illustrious stats did not come against the Little Sister's of the Poor.

I'm not sure you ALREADY know that Tubby's gang is "treating this, substitution and strategy wise, for what it is - an exhibition." since the game doesn't tip off for another 56 hours. They may use it that way, but already making excuses for a loss that hasn't even happened yet seems proposterous. Sure Minnesota is in the Big Ten, sure they're more athletic and their players have more stars, and obviously this is an exhibition for both sides. Having said that it's still a game and you can't tell me the Gophers won't be trying to win this game.

Get your popcorn ready.

Trevor did not guard Cody Schilling. Ellsworth had a 6'9" center by the name of Trevor Gruis who guarded Mbakwe. Gruis was a great player in his own right and was an underclassman at the time. Gruis is now playing for the University of South Dakota and will be playing in his Sophomore season after having a very solid Freshman season.

I dont think they will have the muscle up front like the gophers do. Schilling i really believe could play in the big ten. Looking forward to watching the game next monday and then watching augustana in person when they play sioux falls up here in person. I think Augie hangs close and loses by 14 or so.

Listen, I'm actually an Augustana grad so I'm not dogging the Augie Doggies. But when you note that Schilling dropped 35 on Trevor in the state title game, I have to reply with the obvious: I didn't know that Trevor guarded him. Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt that was that matchup. If so, I apologize.

Schilling is a very good player as my Sioux Falls friends remind me nearly every day. But here's the deal: the Gophers are a better team. They should win this game. If they don't it doesn't mean they aren't the better team. It means they are treating this, substitution and strategy wise, for what it is - an exhibition. This is no disrespect to Augie as they are a good DII team and have a chance to have a great season. Augie very well might win this game - but in the end it's a scrimmage - no more no less.

Having said all this, I will wear my AC shirt to the game while I cheer for the Gophers.

I've been reading this message board and this specific thread since right around the Bemidji game and it has been an interesting discussion for sure. There are definitely certain points I agree with, some I disagree with.

The one I put in bold is one I disagree with. By this same logic, I guess it means the same if Augie loses. If the Gophers beat Augie, it's most likely because Billeter (Augie's head coach) is just trying different lineups, different offensive sets, etc. It doesn't mean the Gophers are necessarily a better team, but because it's basically a scrimmage and Augie will just be trying to figure some stuff out before their season starts.

Meanwhile, Augie is dealing with injuries to both of their backup point guards and this is their first game of the year, not second like the Gophers. So really, Augie has even more to be figuring out and will most likely be treating it, substitution and strategy-wise, as a scrimmage - no more, no less, which would easily explain the Gophers beating the Vikings if that's what happens.

To be clear, I'm not saying the Gophers aren't a better team than Augie. They're a middle-of-the-pack team in a very strong Division I basketball conference. They will most likely always have better athletes and better talent. I recognize that if the Gophers and Augie played 10 times in a year, the Gophers would most likely win a majority of those games (if not all of them).

My point is, making excuses before the game is even played implying that the Gophers would treat this as more of a practice than a real game is weak in my opinion. Of course Augie is going to come out this and treat it as a big game (although calling it their "Super Bowl" is an exaggeration, as there will be games during the conference season that mean much more to the Vikings than a game that doesn't count against a not-that-amazing D1 team), but if Minnesota doesn't come out and treat it like a game that matters, then that's really not saying a whole lot about the players on this team and their motivation. But I'm obviously (as the name would imply) an Augie homer, so it's easy for me to say that based on my perspective of things.

I don't know if Trevor guarded Cody either but to me it seems entirely plausible given their abilities on each end of the court and the magnitude of the game. I brought it up to provide proof that all of Cody's illustrious stats did not come against the Little Sister's of the Poor.

I'm not sure you ALREADY know that Tubby's gang is "treating this, substitution and strategy wise, for what it is - an exhibition." since the game doesn't tip off for another 56 hours. They may use it that way, but already making excuses for a loss that hasn't even happened yet seems proposterous. Sure Minnesota is in the Big Ten, sure they're more athletic and their players have more stars, and obviously this is an exhibition for both sides. Having said that it's still a game and you can't tell me the Gophers won't be trying to win this game.

Get your popcorn ready.

I certainly don't know Tubby's mindset. You and Mr. Augustana in other post are reading to much into my comment. Certainly they try to win. My point is that if Augie wins ... and I consider it a possibility based on the fact that they are a very good team ... it will be due mostly to the fact that the Gophers are playing the game to find out what they have. Schilling is a very good player, but if they are playing for real, the Gophers play their top 8 guys most of the game and win every time.

I'm trying not to disrespect the alma mater here. I'm tickled about the recent success of Augie hoops. When I was there, we were beyond crappy. I did lead a great the "F... the Rabbits" cheer one year. Good times.

Can someone please explain to me what makes them think that Augustana is going to be so great this year? Last year they went 18-9 and lost in the 1st round of the playoffs. Now they get two DI transfers from terrible conferences, and they're going to set the world on fire? What am I not seeing?

Unfortunately, many of the Augustana alums/students think they are from higher stock. I hear it all the time in Sioux Falls here. "I graduated from the Harvard of the midwest." No sense of reality. Great school no doubt, but they at times are drunk with pride as their group would imply Augieholics. Good luck to the vikings but Go Gophers! I hope we win by 20 or more.

Unfortunately, many of the Augustana alums/students think they are from higher stock. I hear it all the time in Sioux Falls here. "I graduated from the Harvard of the midwest." No sense of reality. Great school no doubt, but they at times are drunk with pride as their group would imply Augieholics. Good luck to the vikings but Go Gophers! I hope we win by 20 or more.
My school is the Harvard of the Midwest :) but seriously Harvard is my school's sister school. I don't exactly know what that means though. Lol.

Can someone please explain to me what makes them think that Augustana is going to be so great this year? Last year they went 18-9 and lost in the 1st round of the playoffs. Now they get two DI transfers from terrible conferences, and they're going to set the world on fire? What am I not seeing?

First things first, neither I nor Augieholic said they were going to set the world on fire. If anything, I overemphasized the fact that the Gophers should win this game. Because they should.

My disagreement with some of the posts on here comes from you guys implying that A) Augie is an awful team and none if its players would ever even get garbage minutes for a team as amazing as the U of M and B) Even if the Gophers lose to this lowly Division II team, there are seven excuses for why they might lose (because it's absolutely preposterous and insane to think a Division I school of the U of M's prowess might ever lose a real game to those scrubs).

Frankly, as I've already said, Minnesota should win. But to pre-justify a loss with, "Well, we'd only lose because Tubby is figuring out substitution patterns and not treating it like a real game" is just pathetic to me. And I'm not saying jags1998 is the only person who said that, because it's been state or implied multiple times throughout this thread (and the same excuse was also used as to why the Gophers only beat Bemidji by 13 in the other threads).

Truthfully (and this is the point I'd really like to emphasize), if the Gophers are THAT much better than the Vikings, they should win regardless of substitution patterns. If Augie's BEST player, Schilling (a D2 pre-season All-American nominee) would barely get garbage minutes for the Gophers, then NO substitutions whatsoever from the Gophers should leave them vulnerable to a loss. If every player the Gophers have is substantially better than any player the Vikings have, how could something like Tubby figuring out offenses and substitutions matter? Augie should have zero chance in this game from the moment the ball is tipped according to that logic.

Another point I want to address is your point that Augie's D1 transfers aren't from "high-level" schools. The reason they'll be so important is not necessarily their raw ability/talent level, but rather how well they fit in with this Viking squad and fill the roles that really needed to be filled. One of the key reasons Augie struggled last year was due to the fact that we didn't have true point guard. We had brought in a guy from Australia and I guess, due to some unforeseen NCAA complications, he wasn't cleared to play as expected. Rather than bore you with the details, I'll just explain that it screwed up Augie's overall rotation, things didn't quite click the way the Vikings needed them to, and we didn't win like we were hoping/expecting to. Now, we've filled what was a gaping hole last year with a pass-first, athletic PG who is exactly what the Vikings needed for this season. Would we have probably taken a D1 transfer small/power forward from a Big-10 school? I'm sure, as it would've most likely would've been stupid to just pass on that kind of talent. But the key position the Vikings needed to have filled was that PG spot, which they filled with the right player (even if he's not from a major BCS conference).

As far as the other D1 transfer, I don't know a ton about him, but he won't even be starting this season unless someone happens to get injured. Our other starters are better than him at this point.

Regardless, I don't think the Augie fans are trying to say that we'll beat the Gophers by 40 and march straight to a National Championship. More than anything, for me at least, it's your absolute dismissal as if Augie's some doormat team whose only hope of beating a team as highly-vaunted as the mighty Golden Gophers is if the Gophers treat this game as an after school pick-up game. If the Gophers (who have now already played one game and have had a chance to "figure things out" even more than the Vikings have) play all five of their starters for 30+ minutes, will you still feel like Tubby was just "figuring things out," or will that change anyone's perspective on here?

Unfortunately, many of the Augustana alums/students think they are from higher stock. I hear it all the time in Sioux Falls here. "I graduated from the Harvard of the midwest." No sense of reality. Great school no doubt, but they at times are drunk with pride as their group would imply Augieholics. Good luck to the vikings but Go Gophers! I hope we win by 20 or more.

It's interesting you say that, because I've never, under any circumstances whatsoever, heard any of my classmates or other Augie alums refer to Augie as "the Harvard of the Midwest." I hear this criticism all the time, usually from friends who went to USD or SDSU (South Dakota's state schools), but I've never heard Augie grads talk about our school like that, even in casual conversation.

Sometimes I feel more like that comes from other people saying Augie grads say that kind of thing (sort of like this situation) more than it comes from the Augie grads themselves. But, obviously, I'd be somewhat biased to that as an Augie grad myself. Maybe people do say it and I just never notice. Either way, there are definitely some people (mostly in the administration) who are drunk with pride, but I think a lot of people just enjoy a small, private school and Augie's one of the better choices in the region for that kind of atmosphere.

But like I said, I'm clearly somewhat biased, so if that's what you actually have heard people say, I can't really argue with you on that.

First things first, neither I nor Augieholic said they were going to set the world on fire. If anything, I overemphasized the fact that the Gophers should win this game. Because they should.

My disagreement with some of the posts on here comes from you guys implying that A) Augie is an awful team and none if its players would ever even get garbage minutes for a team as amazing as the U of M and B) Even if the Gophers lose to this lowly Division II team, there are seven excuses for why they might lose (because it's absolutely preposterous and insane to think a Division I school of the U of M's prowess might ever lose a real game to those scrubs).

Frankly, as I've already said, Minnesota should win. But to pre-justify a loss with, "Well, we'd only lose because Tubby is figuring out substitution patterns and not treating it like a real game" is just pathetic to me. And I'm not saying jags1998 is the only person who said that, because it's been state or implied multiple times throughout this thread (and the same excuse was also used as to why the Gophers only beat Bemidji by 13 in the other threads).

Truthfully (and this is the point I'd really like to emphasize), if the Gophers are THAT much better than the Vikings, they should win regardless of substitution patterns. If Augie's BEST player, Schilling (a D2 pre-season All-American nominee) would barely get garbage minutes for the Gophers, then NO substitutions whatsoever from the Gophers should leave them vulnerable to a loss. If every player the Gophers have is substantially better than any player the Vikings have, how could something like Tubby figuring out offenses and substitutions matter? Augie should have zero chance in this game from the moment the ball is tipped according to that logic.

Another point I want to address is your point that Augie's D1 transfers aren't from "high-level" schools. The reason they'll be so important is not necessarily their raw ability/talent level, but rather how well they fit in with this Viking squad and fill the roles that really needed to be filled. One of the key reasons Augie struggled last year was due to the fact that we didn't have true point guard. We had brought in a guy from Australia and I guess, due to some unforeseen NCAA complications, he wasn't cleared to play as expected. Rather than bore you with the details, I'll just explain that it screwed up Augie's overall rotation, things didn't quite click the way the Vikings needed them to, and we didn't win like we were hoping/expecting to. Now, we've filled what was a gaping hole last year with a pass-first, athletic PG who is exactly what the Vikings needed for this season. Would we have probably taken a D1 transfer small/power forward from a Big-10 school? I'm sure, as it would've most likely would've been stupid to just pass on that kind of talent. But the key position the Vikings needed to have filled was that PG spot, which they filled with the right player (even if he's not from a major BCS conference).

As far as the other D1 transfer, I don't know a ton about him, but he won't even be starting this season unless someone happens to get injured. Our other starters are better than him at this point.

Regardless, I don't think the Augie fans are trying to say that we'll beat the Gophers by 40 and march straight to a National Championship. More than anything, for me at least, it's your absolute dismissal as if Augie's some doormat team whose only hope of beating a team as highly-vaunted as the mighty Golden Gophers is if the Gophers treat this game as an after school pick-up game. If the Gophers (who have now already played one game and have had a chance to "figure things out" even more than the Vikings have) play all five of their starters for 30+ minutes, will you still feel like Tubby was just "figuring things out," or will that change anyone's perspective on here?

I think if you and I had about 1 minute to talk about this, we'd agree. I'll say this then move on with life: If, as you propose, Tubby plays 5 starters 30+ minutes and the Gophers lose, I will personally hang the "2011 - Augie is better than the Gophers" banner from the Elmen Center rafters (last time I was there there was still plenty of space available) then go to the Crow Bar and shout it out loud. My whole point, since the beginning, is that it is very unlikely that this scenario (5 guys, 30 min) will play out. I don't totally agree with many on this board in their assessment of the huge talent gap between top D-2 teams and average D-1 teams - as in this "game" - so I do think the approach that the Gophers take in this exhibition can leave them susceptible to an upset. That's the reason I'm giving the Vikings a shot in a game that doesn't count.

I think if you and I had about 1 minute to talk about this, we'd agree. I'll say this then move on with life: If, as you propose, Tubby plays 5 starters 30+ minutes and the Gophers lose, I will personally hang the "2011 - Augie is better than the Gophers" banner from the Elmen Center rafters (last time I was there there was still plenty of space available) then go to the Crow Bar and shout it out loud. My whole point, since the beginning, is that it is very unlikely that this scenario (5 guys, 30 min) will play out. I don't totally agree with many on this board in their assessment of the huge talent gap between top D-2 teams and average D-1 teams - as in this "game" - so I do think the approach that the Gophers take in this exhibition can leave them susceptible to an upset. That's the reason I'm giving the Vikings a shot in a game that doesn't count.

Haha. I don't even think we'd need to talk about it. I absolutely get where you're coming from, and I don't even entirely disagree with you as it is.

And to be clear, I don't think an Augie win necessarily means the Vikings are better than the Gophers. Like I said a few posts back, I'd expect Minnesota to win a majority, if not ALL of the games Augie plays against them. Especially if they were mid-season, non-exhibition games. The main point I'm trying to make is that many of the Gopher fans have this high and mighty, "Augie should never even be on the same court as our exponentially better Gophers" attitude that I'm just hoping the Vikings seem to disprove a little bit.

Basically, the point I'm trying to make is the point you just made yourself - I don't think the talent gap is quite as vast as some of these Gopher fans clearly think it is. But maybe I'm wrong and the Gophers will come out and stomp Augie by 30. Between Sampson and Mbakwe, Augie really doesn't have the bigs to compete against the Gopher front line, which is a real area of concern for me as a Viking fan. I think our best hope would be Mbakwe getting in foul trouble in the first 8 minutes of the game, which isn't saying a whole lot about our team in that capacity.

All in all, I've seen Augie play some incredible games and I've seen Augie come out and lose to teams that they should beat by 15. I just really hope they bring it against the Gophers tomorrow night and don't lay an egg. Especially after Augieholic and I took all this time to register and start chatting on these message boards.

P.S. - The Crow Bar line made me laugh out loud. What a horribly wretched, awesome place.

If the vikings win I will meet you at the crow bar for whiskey coke pitchers...or if usf beats them the week after as that is highly unlikely... Great place and good times.

Come on man

Anybody who thinks any Division I coach is ok with losing to a DII school in front of 10,000 people is whacked. Yes, they'll play the roster but they are going to dole those minutes out mindful of winning the game. It ain't a scrimmage with people buying tickets.

Can it get away and you lose because you tried some people who didn't perform and then it snowballed? Ya, but you are not going to be happy acting like it didn't matter. As a coach, you are going to try to win. You can't go back in the lockerroom and say: well we would of won but I played our lousy players. You can't make excuses or the team will and you can't not care or the team won't either. You play to win in practice. You compete. You sure do so in an exhibition game.

So if the Gophers lose and make excuses it'll be a long season. You must be accountable.

Wait, wait, wait, why would they do NO substitutions? No one has said anything about that, they just don't like the 5 in 5 out thing.

The gophs should have pounded Bemidji by 40, the gopher bench should have pounded their starters. Augustana is a very Good D2 team probably capable of giving the gopher bench a good game. D2 All americans are as good as many D1 starters look at how they do in non NBA pro basketball after graduation. NDSUn has no Major college football recruits on their team are non of their players good enough to play big ten football?? Some kids are under the radar some under rated some develop late to say cody schilling would not do well for gophs is wrong he is as skilled as anybody on the gophers.

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