Augustana is much better than Bemidji State

Cody Schilling IS the all time leader in career points (Travis Busch not in the top 15) and assists. Andre Hollins will be a very good player but outside of him our guards need a lot of work. Our backcourt SHOULD be made up of 2 minnesotans playing in South Dakota. Wolters and Schilling with Mbakwe would make this a top 25 team.
I've seen the competition Schilling has gone up against, there's a reason why he's the career leader in points other than he is a good player.

This is so stupid...Schilling is a very good player for his league and level...With the best case scenario he would've been a JAS but I think he made the right move to be the man where he is at and get a shot like this to hope he goes off so he can tell his kids someday...end of the day, he wouldn't play a whole lot with the Gophs. And the gophers will CRUSH Auggie, solely because of our bigs.

This is so stupid...Schilling is a very good player for his league and level...With the best case scenario he would've been a JAS but I think he made the right move to be the man where he is at and get a shot like this to hope he goes off so he can tell his kids someday...end of the day, he wouldn't play a whole lot with the Gophs. And the gophers will CRUSH Auggie, solely because of our bigs.

The original poster has gone a bit overboard, but the fact is that Schilling is a very good player (he's much better than Abu-Shamala).

How come Travis Busch considered WINONA STATE before deciding on Colorado State? Also, I believe Schilling is one of the state's all-time leading scorers. CODY SCHILLING IS A BETTER BASKETBALL PLAYER THAN TRAVIS BUSCH. Period. Read the posts on this very site from a couple years ago and everyone was calling Busch an "above average Division II player."

This does nothing to show that "Schilling is twice the player Travis Busch ever was."

Cody Schilling could have had many options at the low and mid division one level. He politely declined them because he wanted to go to a school close to home and liked Augustana better than other close options like SDSU and other close NSIC schools.

Cody would have been a very good walk-on for Minnesota.

Comparing Cody and Jamal Abu-Shamala is odd because they are very different players.

The Mayo vs Ellsworth game is something I actually put together. However, the Ellsworth scheduling resulted in them playing Thursday (beating SW by a lot), Friday (beating Litchfield), and Saturday (losing to Mayo by 30).

As difficult as it was for Ellsworth to play a state tournament class AAAA school with two D1 kids, it was made even harder by back to back to back games. That's not to say that even fresh they could have beat Mayo, I'm pointing out that a school that has only about 25 graduate from it every year, it's tough for them to compete in those circumstances.

I've felt bad about that for several years, it's funny you bring it up here.

Cody Schilling is a damn good player who went where he felt most comfortable and he's having a great career. Many of us would like to see this and that but in the end, the young man could care less. He's getting what he wants out of his college experience and that's what matters.

Sorry to have to say it, but some of you don't know what you are talking about.

1. Maybe somebody mentioned that Minnesota lost to Winona State a couple years ago, but I didn't see it. Have you all forgotten? Jeez.

2. The idea that Cody Schilling is no good because a) he didn't play for a big metro school and b) he's not playing D1 is just plain goofy. With the backcourt the Gophers have right now, Schilling would be starting. He is extremely comparable to Blake Hoffarber. In high school he was probably better, he just never made a shot while sitting on his butt.

3. I also did not see anybody mention Augie's best true guard Cameron McCaffrey. Schilling splits his time guard/forward, just call him a wing. But if you prefer to think of him as a guard, then McCaffrey and Schilling will give Augustana the advantage in the guard match-up.

4. Augie will not beat Bemidji 71-58, it will be a lot worse than that (Jan. 7 is Sious Falls). Augie has beaten the Jacks 5 straight by an average of 77-69 and this is the best team Augie has had since joining the NSIC in 2002.

5. Consider yourself lucky to be able to see Cody play here in the Twin Cities, because Augie is not scheduled to play at Concordia this year.

And P.S. I hope the guy who beat Ellsworth by 30 isn't the same guy who says that Bemidji or Augie is "just one game." Rochester Mayo 84 Ellsworth 53, yes, Cody got beat by 30 in his senior season. And went on to win a state title with a 31-2 record.

And Ellsworth beat Marshall by 9. Mayo went on to lose the Big 9 crown to Mankato West who beat Marshall by 13. Mayo went to the state tournament and lost by 10 to Henry Sibley who lost to 'Tonka in the AAAA final. So, congrats to Mayo, but it was just one game.

If a team cannot be any better than its competition, then how do you explain Butler the last 2 years?

And everybody knew then that Cody wanted to play close to home so his family could see him play. So much goes into where a kid goes to college. The idea that you are defined by your opponents and your teammates, etc., is just wrong. Every heard of Devean George?

Comparing Cody and Jamal Abu-Shamala is odd because they are very different players.

This isn't meant to rip on any Gopher player right now, but I believe Abu-Shamala would get solid minutes on this years team. I have no idea if Schilling would?

Schilling would have been a solid mid-major player. Sure, he's comparable to Hoffarber, other than the fact that he's no where near the 3-point shooter Hoff was. Good three point shooter? Yes. Hoffarber-type shooter? No. Definitely not.

And P.S. I hope the guy who beat Ellsworth by 30 isn't the same guy who says that Bemidji or Augie is "just one game." Rochester Mayo 84 Ellsworth 53, yes, Cody got beat by 30 in his senior season. And went on to win a state title with a 31-2 record.

And Ellsworth beat Marshall by 9. Mayo went on to lose the Big 9 crown to Mankato West who beat Marshall by 13. Mayo went to the state tournament and lost by 10 to Henry Sibley who lost to 'Tonka in the AAAA final. So, congrats to Mayo, but it was just one game.

If a team cannot be any better than its competition, then how do you explain Butler the last 2 years?

And everybody knew then that Cody wanted to play close to home so his family could see him play. So much goes into where a kid goes to college. The idea that you are defined by your opponents and your teammates, etc., is just wrong. Every heard of Devean George?


The idea that Cody Schilling is no good

Who said that?

With the backcourt the Gophers have right now, Schilling would be starting.

No, he wouldn't. Again, this kind of talk is just silly. He would be lucky to be the 10th man and playing 5-7 minutes a game. We're talking about the Big Ten. Could Schilling be starting for Northern Iowa or Creighton? Yes, probably. The University of Minnesota? Seriously, give me a break.

He is extremely comparable to Blake Hoffarber.

Of course. That's why Schilling had multiple high-major offers from at least 3 different power conferences.

In high school he was probably better

Again, laughable.

McCaffrey and Schilling will give Augustana the advantage in the guard match-up

And the ridiculousness continues. Let's pretend that we live in a world where trades were possible in college athletics. Billeter calls up Tubby and says, "I'll give you McCaffrey and Schilling for Hollins and Hollins." After breaking into uproarious laughter, how long would it take Tubby to hang up the phone? 3 seconds? 5 seconds?

Augie will not beat Bemidji 71-58, it will be a lot worse than that

Good job comparing a glorified scrimmage to a conference game.

And on what basis are you predicting this enormous blowout? Augustana has beaten Bemidji by 2, 7, and 8 points during the last 3 seasons. And even if Augustana does blow their doors off, what does that prove? Are you honestly going to sit there with a straight face and tell me that, if Minnesota were to play a real game against either Bemidji or Augustana, with their 8-9 man rotation, they wouldn't win by at least 30? At least 30?

Consider yourself lucky to be able to see Cody play here in the Twin Cities

I don't ever consider myself lucky to watch Division II talents playing basketball. Sorry. That is why I went to a Division I school and enjoy following Division I talents playing basketball.

And, btw, since you brought it up, accusing me of some big school bias is absurd. I grew up in the middle of podunk nowhere SD, spent the entirety of my formative years as a college sports fan watching NAIA and NCAA Division II basketball, and I would wager that I went to a smaller high school than any other poster here. I have seen the gamut of talent, both on the floor and from the stands, so I speak from a great deal of personal experience. Small-school talents do occasionally come through, but they are extremely rare and any comparison of stats, competition, etc. is meaningless. There's a reason Schilling's best offer was UWGB.

Thank you DPO ... seriously, people acting like a 4-Star rivals recruit (or 3-star (Blake) for that matter) is worse than a D2 recruit, really? Blake got his 3-point shot off against some of the best competition in the country week after week. Andre Hollins dropped 42 points on the number 5 high school IN THE COUNTRY.

Next am I going to hear that Nate Wolters is better than John Wall and Derrick Rose combined and will easily be next years number 1 draft pick?

Schilling would have been a solid mid-major player. Sure, he's comparable to Hoffarber, other than the fact that he's no where near the 3-point shooter Hoff was. Good three point shooter? Yes. Hoffarber-type shooter? No. Definitely not.

I bet Schilling is better than JJ Redick too ...

My graduating class was 31. Do I win?

I had 12. A school fairly close to us had 3, but I'm pretty comfortable in saying that none of them post here. They actually went on Letterman once. It was pretty funny. I should see if I can find any clips online.

I have nothing to say about individual players but all of the teams in the Northern Sun recruit head to head against mid-major teams . Case and point, a player I worked with last year has gotten a lot of interest from Northern Sun schools Summit schools, and a home town D1 school. If you coach in the Sun and you give up every time a player gets a D1 offer you're not going to last very long. Same can be said for other high level D2 conferences. Their are a lot of reasons why a player would rather go to a D2 school. At the D2 level you get more of a chance to be a student, and you don't have overly crazy travel days. NDSU rides the bus from Fargo to Wisconsin just like Augustana so it's not like they are missing out on a lot of glory. Iowa is loaded this year, and many of them that could have gone to a mid major will end up at very good D2 school for reasons other than lack of talent.

Augustana should be an interesting game to watch. They are in the second year of running the pack line and it will be interesting to see if the gophers can shoot over them, and get offensive boards against a team that really packs it in. With that said schools like this always have trouble against Big 10 teams because they don't have the size needed to go head to head. One of the UNO centers told me after their game against MSU that the difference between them wasn't speed or skill it was strength. But that it was a BIG difference.

He is extremely comparable to Blake Hoffarber. In high school he was probably better, he just never made a shot while sitting on his butt.

There are many things wrong with your post but I have to single out this part.

Hoffarber became well known by the average high school fan because of his shot. But those that followed MN high school basketball knew he was a very good player and deserved to be Mr. Basketball. You really think he got the award because of something he did several seasons before that? You really think that shot got him D-I scholarship offers?

Secondly, how can you say he is "extremely comparable to Blake Hoffarber"? Hoffarber's biggest strength by far was his 3-point shooting. Schilling is not a big 3-point shooter. In fact he's made less than one 3-pointer per game in his college career. Hoffarber shot and made over twice as many per game. For Schilling to match Hoffarber's numbers, he'd have to make nearly seven 3-pointers a game this season. I just don't get that comparison as they are completely different players.

I had 12. A school fairly close to us had 3, but I'm pretty comfortable in saying that none of them post here. They actually went on Letterman once. It was pretty funny. I should see if I can find any clips online.

Ok, you win. Did you have to go to prom with your mom?

Ok, you win. Did you have to go to prom with your mom?

No, I went to prom with your mom.

But seriously though, the lack of attractive girls is only one of many reasons why I got out of the sticks - though it definitely did play a factor.

Wow, You really need to quit this crap about me not being a Gopher fan. I may not be as crazy about the team as you, and that's fine. Not everyone on here needs to gush all over the Gophers to be considered a fan. And by the way, I didn't rip one player in the original post...none.

Wow, You really need to quit this crap about me not being a Gopher fan.

Where in this thread did I say that you aren't? Do you have a complex or something?

I may not be as crazy about the team as you, and that's fine. Not everyone on here needs to gush all over the Gophers to be considered a fan.

True enough, but most posters (even those who are almost exclusively negative) will at least balance it out by including a positive post once in a while. I have yet to see anything even remotely positive from you, at all.

And by the way, I didn't rip one player in the original post...none.

Who said that you did?

I had 12. A school fairly close to us had 3, but I'm pretty comfortable in saying that none of them post here. They actually went on Letterman once. It was pretty funny. I should see if I can find any clips online.

Hey Dpo

On my way to your neck of the woods as we speak for some roosters, a little ways east of Aberdeen. Sitting in the airport in SLC in the midst of my own personal version of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles just to get there by late morning tomorrow. What a guy will go through to return to his roots for some shooting. Looking forward to 4 days without cell service in a roach motel

Hey Dpo

On my way to your neck of the woods as we speak for some roosters, a little ways east of Aberdeen. Sitting in the airport in SLC in the midst of my own personal version of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles just to get there by late morning tomorrow. What a guy will go through to return to his roots for some shooting. Looking forward to 4 days without cell service in a roach motel

Hey, you'll damn near be in my family's backyard! I haven't been back to slay any roosters for the last couple years, so you'll have to knock down a few for me.

Where are you staying? Who's your cell provider? You should have service unless you get a ways north of Aberdeen.

comparison to blake?....

That's absurd. Schilling was a great player, but his strength was driving against kids smaller than him and getting to the line. I don't know how to find them, but someone should find the guy's free throw attempts per season, definitely not like Blake.

I played him multiple times in summer leagues, and at every single game people and our coaches would say sag off of him b/c he drives every time. Yeah, that's just like Blake, people yell sag off to him too.

Wolf, why didn't you add that comment to the thread that already exists?

No, I went to prom with your mom.

But seriously though, the lack of attractive girls is only one of many reasons why I got out of the sticks - though it definitely did play a factor.

Dad? Is that you?

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