Anyone else follow Brewster on Twitter?

I do... funny but thought it was a little much. Brewster doesn't have to like Reusse, but going out of his way to insult him seems childish.

No problem with us fans blasting Reusse, but Brewster should try and have a little more class. He is the figurehead of the program after all.

Wow. No way. Someone had to have hacked his account.

Wow. No way. Someone had to have hacked his account.

I think so too, his Twitter reads:
How would you like to wake up in the morning and look in the mirror....... if your Fat Pat??

I'm sure if it were really Coach Brew it would have said

How would you like to wake up in the morning and look in the mirror....... if YOU'RE Fat Pat??

Good thing I was quick enough to copy and paste it! Just like the disappearing Travis Busch article from last week :)

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