Any word on a pwo/wo Punter?

Not really

It's a lonely life in the Apologists Club.

I have bad news for zambam. It is really quite easy to become a member of the Apologists Club. Wren himself has awarded over 1,000 memberships to this club. Exclusive? I think not.

FYI, I noticed today that David Platner is no longer on the roster.

Comment removed. Remove yours.

If I only could say

FYI, I noticed today that David Platner is no longer on the roster.

Peter Mortell looked great today, Wettstein and Hawthorne kicked well.

Since we are not supposed to comment on individual performances I am not able to tell you how well another punter performed on Thursday. People just need to relax and let the punting situation play out. Kill doesn't need the GopherHole's help. He understands the situation and like everything else, he will give this issue his attention. What he won't do is throw anybody under the bus as some of you seem to want to do. He already has Sid advising him and that is one expert too many.

Since we are not supposed to comment on individual performances I am not able to tell you how well another punter performed on Thursday. People just need to relax and let the punting situation play out. Kill doesn't need the GopherHole's help. He understands the situation and like everything else, he will give this issue his attention. What he won't do is throw anybody under the bus as some of you seem to want to do. He already has Sid advising him and that is one expert too many.

I said "looked great". In a uniform. The other two struck the ball well, it didn't say what happened after that. There was no criticism of anyone else.

Who was I throwing under the bus? Want to name names? Cripes, here's the keys.

I love every player on this team, and want them all to succeed. My favorite kicker on the team is the guy that I want to succeed the most. Why? Because he's a great kid, and he has great parents.

Now I know what "killjoy" means.


I said "looked great". In a uniform. The other two struck the ball well, it didn't say what happened after that. There was no criticism of anyone else.

Who was I throwing under the bus? Want to name names? Cripes, here's the keys.

I love every player on this team, and want them all to succeed. My favorite kicker on the team is the guy that I want to succeed the most. Why? Because he's a great kid, and he has great parents.

Now I know what "killjoy" means.

Sorry about that. I can understand why you felt the comments were addressed to you but that wasn't my attention. I tried to make it a general statement by using "some of you" but since you were the author my statement could and was easily misconstrued.

The reason I made my statement is that it seems like every time when the subject of punting comes up there are some people who want to hang our present kicker. Coach Kill understands the importance of fixing this problem and will do everything in his power to do so. I just don't think going over this subject ad nausea is very positive or useful. The kid has tremendous ability but has not been consistent. I also realize that when you posted your comment your intention was just to share some information. I
apologize for this confusion.

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