Antoine Winfield Jr. shows up to virtual presser in Gophers gear...

Can we figure out a way to get him eligible? Pretend he is his younger brother who was briefly on the Gophers?

Just lettin' his True Colors show :clap:

Okay. I know this is off topic but, I saw Cyndi Lauper at the Electric Fetus a while back and I could not believe how good she looked. It's like she's unchanged from the 80's. I know she does those skin aliment commercials, but I was up close and "she looked marvelous". If I was looking for work, I'd find out who her plastic surgeon is.

Okay. I know this is off topic but, I saw Cyndi Lauper at the Electric Fetus a while back and I could not believe how good she looked. It's like she's unchanged from the 80's. I know she does those skin aliment commercials, but I was up close and "she looked marvelous". If I was looking for work, I'd find out who her plastic surgeon is.
Were you wearing beer goggles?

Can we figure out a way to get him eligible? Pretend he is his younger brother who was briefly on the Gophers?
Are you talking about Stantoin Binfield?? Unheralded, little known walkon.

He's been out this year due to a ingrown toenail, is what I heard. But is finally healthy and looking to get on the field against Nebraska!

Are you talking about Stantoin Binfield?? Unheralded, little known walkon.

He's been out this year due to a ingrown toenail, is what I heard. But is finally healthy and looking to get on the field against Nebraska!
I would guess he meant Austin Winfield, but this works too I guess

I doubt if they will ever admit it.
Of course not, but pretty much every team that passed on him wishes they hadn't. It's great to see him doing so well, and if it's not the Vikings I kind of like it that it's in Tampa where they played their bowl game.

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