Another example of Bielema class


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2009
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Found this post on Rivals about BB.

Bret Bielema, the California High Patrol and Me - True Incident Yesterday

OK, So technically it was not me who had the incident with Bret Bielema, but rather one of my best buddies (just thought that subject heading sounded better to get you to open it). He is a Michigan State Grad and lives just 2 miles from the Rose Bowl and jogs around the stadium and grounds/golf course every day. This true little story happened just yesterday - thought the board would enjoy it.
Nothing groundbreaking - but just another example of how this guy goes through his life everyday living and acting like a steaming piece of sh#t
All this will do is further support everyone’s belief that Bielema is a giant Ahole and also a huge P#ssy at the same time

Would love to hear National board's thoughts on this fat ass

Here is the email my buddy sent me last night.


At Rose Bowl.

Just finished a run as three huge buses pulled into the stadium complex.

Buses were carrying the Wisconsin Badgers.

I ran to the area that appeared to be populated by Tournament of Roses officials waiting to greet the team.

I'm wearing a white Michigan State Tshirt - green letters, MICHIGAN STATE.

As the entire team - coaches, trainers, managers, etc - all came off of the buses, I clapped for the team and stuck my hand out for five.

Some of the Badgers liked it - couldn't help but see my shirt, laughed a little and then gave a nice five.

Some were totally focused yet still gave five.

A couple were total *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#bags, gave me forced smirks and shook their heads "no" at my attempt at five.

While all of the players were exiting the buses and filing into an area just inside the gated entrance under the famous "ROSE BOWL" sign on the outer part of the endzone exterior, the coaching staff stood back and chatted. Nothing extraordinary about what they were doing, just standing there waiting for their players to get in there.

Then, as they started to walk towards me, I started clapping again and stuck out my hand as I sort of leaned forward. A couple of the assistants - I have no idea who these assistants are - actually gave me a "Ah - thanks, dude!" With a very obvious acknowledgment of the fact that I'm a Spartan and am right here literally the first one welcoming them to the Rose Bowl. Then, bringing up the rear was - and I now confidently say this - the biggest *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#bag in the history of the human race, Fat Ass.

He looks right at me with my hand out as I'm saying, "Okay, Coach, we're pulling for ya, give it up...."

And he says, "Nope. Not with that shirt on.". That's a direct quote.

And he walks right past me.

This was witnessed by about ten California Highway Patrol officers as they had just given the buses a police escort.

I walked over to where these badasses were and one of the dudes saw and heard the exchange and we spent the next few minutes laughing and ripping Bielema to shreds. The CHP dude says, "Isn't he engaged to some Las Vegas stripper or something?" Then one of the Wisconsin athletic administrators walks up to us and asks the CHP dude to remove me from the premises. The CHP asks, "Why would I do that? My buddy and I are just standing here talking.". And the Wisconsin *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#bag says that Coach Bielema asked that the gentleman with the Michigan State shirt on be removed. I looked at the CHP dude and just laughed - he and I shook hands and I left.

The dude actually ran to the police like a little bitch and tried to have a supportive BigTen fan removed from the grounds. What a huge p@ssy!!!

I heard the exact same thing from a friend on the team, but it was actually worse. The Michigan State guy was just hanging, getting some high fives and the players were laughing and walking into the stadium. Most of the coaches were cool also, but as Bielema walked by, he suddenly got this little grin on his face, you all know the one I am talking about, the one you want to beat right off of his face and he reached under his red Addidas pullover, triple XL and he pulled out a chair leg. There were some specs off blood on the chair leg, plain as day. He then nailed the dude with the Michigan State shirt in the nuts. The guy was rolling around on the ground in agony, screaming that Bielema had just hit him in the nuts and Bielema called over to the CHP guys. He said this MSU guy cries like a baby, just like the MSU coaching staff. All the cops cracked up.

Bielema then tossed the chair leg to one of the cops and told him to hide it as it may be evidence in an assault case in Minneapolis from a couple of years ago. He then stood over the MSU one more time and said, "It's great to be a Wisconsin Badger, eh Sparty?" and he strolled into the stadium.

Everyone here is right. He really is an ass.

Anyone that would post-game greet an opposing coach with "good luck in Division 3 next year", and then act surprised when the opposing coach wants to rip his arm off during the handshake is, by definition, a P%^ssy.

Anyone that would post-game greet an opposing coach with "good luck in Division 3 next year", and then act surprised when the opposing coach wants to rip his arm off during the handshake is, by definition, a P%^ssy.

Wait, Bielema said that to Brewster?

I heard the exact same thing from a friend on the team, but it was actually worse. The Michigan State guy was just hanging, getting some high fives and the players were laughing and walking into the stadium. Most of the coaches were cool also, but as Bielema walked by, he suddenly got this little grin on his face, you all know the one I am talking about, the one you want to beat right off of his face and he reached under his red Addidas pullover, triple XL and he pulled out a chair leg. There were some specs off blood on the chair leg, plain as day. He then nailed the dude with the Michigan State shirt in the nuts. The guy was rolling around on the ground in agony, screaming that Bielema had just hit him in the nuts and Bielema called over to the CHP guys. He said this MSU guy cries like a baby, just like the MSU coaching staff. All the cops cracked up.

Bielema then tossed the chair leg to one of the cops and told him to hide it as it may be evidence in an assault case in Minneapolis from a couple of years ago. He then stood over the MSU one more time and said, "It's great to be a Wisconsin Badger, eh Sparty?" and he strolled into the stadium.

Everyone here is right. He really is an ass.

Wait, I thought Badger fans were too busy getting ready for the Rose Bowl to come worry about us lowly Gophers. Yet

I heard the exact same thing from a friend on the team, but it was actually worse. The Michigan State guy was just hanging, getting some high fives and the players were laughing and walking into the stadium. Most of the coaches were cool also, but as Bielema walked by, he suddenly got this little grin on his face, you all know the one I am talking about, the one you want to beat right off of his face and he reached under his red Addidas pullover, triple XL and he pulled out a chair leg. There were some specs off blood on the chair leg, plain as day. He then nailed the dude with the Michigan State shirt in the nuts. The guy was rolling around on the ground in agony, screaming that Bielema had just hit him in the nuts and Bielema called over to the CHP guys. He said this MSU guy cries like a baby, just like the MSU coaching staff. All the cops cracked up.

Bielema then tossed the chair leg to one of the cops and told him to hide it as it may be evidence in an assault case in Minneapolis from a couple of years ago. He then stood over the MSU one more time and said, "It's great to be a Wisconsin Badger, eh Sparty?" and he strolled into the stadium.

Everyone here is right. He really is an ass.
That's not true. However, is it true that you were spotted outside Baby Huey's hotel room singing Peter Cetera's "Glory of Love"?
"I am man, who will fight for your honor."

I heard nearly the same story, except it was GVBadger, not a guy in a MSU shirt, who had been waiting for the bus since Christmas Day. GVB got so excited to see Bulimia that he threw up on himself like a 3rd grader. Bielema shook his hand and said, "It's great to be a Wisconsin Badger, eh GV?" and he strolled into the stadium. Thinking he had died and gone to heaven, GV then noticed his wallet was missing.

Wait, I thought Badger fans were too busy getting ready for the Rose Bowl to come worry about us lowly Gophers. Yet

Which is odd, because in GV's own words, "I don't care what people say about the Badgers. If I did, I wouldn't read this board."

And yet, 98% of his posts here are in response to something said about the Badgers.

Which is odd, because in GV's own words, "I don't care what people say about the Badgers. If I did, I wouldn't read this board."

And yet, 98% of his posts here are in response to something said about the Badgers.


personally, I have no idea about how big an ass the guy is, but he can coach.

We'll see how this total tool coaches after losing his two braintrusts on the staff to Pitt. As far as the above incident goes, I would say it is probably true. The guy is a total de-horn.

Which is odd, because in GV's own words, "I don't care what people say about the Badgers. If I did, I wouldn't read this board."

And yet, 98% of his posts here are in response to something said about the Badgers.

I imagine this is what GVB looks like most of the day on GopherHole:


Anyone that would post-game greet an opposing coach with "good luck in Division 3 next year", and then act surprised when the opposing coach wants to rip his arm off during the handshake is, by definition, a P%^ssy.

I would love it if that was true. Great story if only it was true.

Too late, only one of you can rescue the damsel in distress and GV was here first.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I was adding facts to the original post from someone that was there. The MSU guy was clearly too embarrassed to tell everything that happened and I was simply clearing up some details.

I did not rescue anyone.

I also heard that Bielema decked one of the characters at Disneyland and yelled at the management for having the mascot of the Badgers opponent represented as a Disney character and not Bucky Badger. Apparently Bielema said no more trips to Disneyland because of the clear bias they have and he was not going to stand for that BS any longer. Looks like Disneyland is out for all future Badgers Rose Bowl trips and they are not happy about it.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I was adding facts to the original post from someone that was there. The MSU guy was clearly too embarrassed to tell everything that happened and I was simply clearing up some details.

I did not rescue anyone.

I also heard that Bielema decked one of the characters at Disneyland and yelled at the management for having the mascot of the Badgers opponent represented as a Disney character and not Bucky Badger. Apparently Bielema said no more trips to Disneyland because of the clear bias they have and he was not going to stand for that BS any longer. Looks like Disneyland is out for all future Badgers Rose Bowl trips and they are not happy about it.

What I really love is that you think you're being clever, and all you do here is continue to prove that all of you badger fans are incredibly thin-skinned and have a massive inferiority complex. So, please, by all means; continue.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I was adding facts to the original post from someone that was there. The MSU guy was clearly too embarrassed to tell everything that happened and I was simply clearing up some details.

I did not rescue anyone.

I also heard that Bielema decked one of the characters at Disneyland and yelled at the management for having the mascot of the Badgers opponent represented as a Disney character and not Bucky Badger. Apparently Bielema said no more trips to Disneyland because of the clear bias they have and he was not going to stand for that BS any longer. Looks like Disneyland is out for all future Badgers Rose Bowl trips and they are not happy about it.

Heard it straight from the horses mouths this fall. Several So. Cal residents thought Iowa and Wisconsin fans were/ are d*uche bags. This opinion was offered, NOT solicited.

New Evidence!

Found this clip of Bert BigEnema with his "date":


Heard it straight from the horses mouths this fall. Several So. Cal residents thought Iowa and Wisconsin fans were/ are d*uche bags. This opinion was offered, NOT solicited.

Let me get this straight....a Minnesota Gopher fan, heard from several SoCal residents that his squads two chief rivals are the worst fans? Hilarious!

Let's agree on this. Anyone in SoCal who would remember Minnesota fans would have to be in the neighborhood of 60 years old to remember their existance. California's population has gone from 15M to over 38M since then. So the number who even exist are very small in number.

Let me get this straight....a Minnesota Gopher fan, heard from several SoCal residents that his squads two chief rivals are the worst fans? Hilarious!

Let's agree on this. Anyone in SoCal who would remember Minnesota fans would have to be in the neighborhood of 60 years old to remember their existance. California's population has gone from 15M to over 38M since then. So the number who even exist are very small in number.

And still, being as insecure as you are, you continue to troll a board that you have no stake in. Let's all agree, this man...


Let me get this straight....a Minnesota Gopher fan, heard from several SoCal residents that his squads two chief rivals are the worst fans? Hilarious!

Let's agree on this. Anyone in SoCal who would remember Minnesota fans would have to be in the neighborhood of 60 years old to remember their existance. California's population has gone from 15M to over 38M since then. So the number who even exist are very small in number.

Gophers played at USC the first game of this season, which brings me to my first question. Why are you here?


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