Yes, I was taking a page from your sense of humor, which I've said that I have laughed at on many occasion. It was a sideways insult, which I have used in the past. The "lecture" was really about direct, gratuitous insults that are made b/c of a difference of opinion rather than a response to an insulting post, like these.
I don't want to spend my life on a message board posting comments that explain every detail of my beliefs. So let me simply say, I think gratuitous insults are ignorant and demonstrate a weakness of character and argument of those that use them, especially on a message board where you don't have to face the target of the ignorance.
I suppose someone could take offense to that, but I believe it is entirely justified insult for the reasons I've already stated. And I'd be happy to tell them to their faces, unlike these cowards that would only do it from their keyboards.